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THE UNION IN PERIL CHAPTER 10 Review 1848-1861 When voters in a territory vote on whether or not to have slavery.

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2 THE UNION IN PERIL CHAPTER 10 Review 1848-1861

3 When voters in a territory vote on whether or not to have slavery.


5 The use of popular sovereignty in the new territories would, in effect repeal the? would, in effect repeal the?

6 Missouri ___________ Slavery allowed No slavery Missouri Compromise

7 Describe the South before the Civil War: 1) 1)Economy based on the _________ system. plantation 2) Depended on ________ labor. slave

8 3) The South was primarily (urban or rural?) _____ 4) It had a very small ________ system. railroad

9 The Wilmot Proviso banned slavery in all __________ won from Mexico. territories

10 The immigrants to the U.S. at this time opposed slavery on __________ grounds. economic (not moral)

11 What triggered the Compromise of 1850?

12 California’s request for admission to the U.S. as a free state.

13 Who wrote the Compromiseof1850?

14 Henry Clay

15 What were the Provisions of the Compromise of 1850? 1)__________ was admitted as a free state. California

16 2) The slave trade would be stopped in _______________. Washington D.C. 3) Utah & New Mexico would enter the union by _______ _________. popular sovereignty

17 4) Texas would give up its claim to the eastern part of ___ _______. New Mexico 5) The Fugitive Slave Law would be strictly _________. enforced

18 This doctrine said that slave property laws should not be enforced:

19 A group of people called the Nativists were mainly opposed to? Immigrants

20 The major aim of the American Party was to lengthen the time before ____________ could vote. immigrants

21 This political party appealed to the Nativists The American Party

22 She wrote Uncle Tom’s Cabin.


24 Stephen Douglas, the writer of the Kansas Nebraska Act, was a Democratic ________ from ______ Senator Illinois

25 A new political party in 1854 that was against the spread of slavery in the territories:

26 The Republican Party

27 The first Republican Party candidate in 1856? John C. Fremont

28 What new political parties appeared after the collapse of the Whig Party?

29 Republican Party Free Soil Party American Party

30 Former President Who ran for President as a Know-Nothing:

31 Millard Fillmore

32 The Republican Party found its strength in what part of the country? NORTH

33 Who won the Presidential Election of 1856?

34 James Buchanan

35 A slave who sued for his freedom on the basis that he had lived in a free territory.


37 In the Dred Scott Case the Supreme Court said: 1) Slaves were not __________. citizens

38 2) Slaves were _______ and ________. property inferior 3) Slavery could exist __________. anywhere

39 He was the the Supreme Court Chief Justice who delivered the Dred Scott decision.

40 RogerB.Taney

41 An abolitionist who led a raid on the Federal arsenal at Harper’s Ferry, Virginia, planning to lead a slave revolt.


43 JohnBrown Was Brown successful?

44 He did not succeed and was captured and hanged.

45 ELECTION OF 1860 Four parties ran candidates.

46 The Republican Party candidatewas? Abraham Lincoln

47 Southern Democrat Party candidatewas? John C Breckenridge

48 Northern Democrat Party candidatewas? Stephen A. Douglas

49 Abraham Lincoln ran on a platform which promised to stop the spread of slavery into the new ___________. territories

50 Who won the election of 1860?


52 The election of 1860, was the first presidential victory for the ___________ Party. Republican

53 How did Lincoln’s election affect the South?

54 On Dec. 20, 1860 ______________ voted to secede from the Union. South Carolina

55 On Feb. 4, 1861, what new country was formed?

56 Confederate States of America

57 An escaped slave who helped other slaves escape on the UndergroundRailroad:


59 The U.S. army Colonel at Harper’s Ferry who captured John Brown:

60 Robert E. Lee

61 First President Of the Confederate States of America

62 Jefferson Davis

63 A famous debate over slavery was between ________________and________________ Abraham Lincoln Stephen Douglas

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