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The widely-shared beliefs, values, and norms that citizens share about their government.

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Presentation on theme: "The widely-shared beliefs, values, and norms that citizens share about their government."— Presentation transcript:

1 The widely-shared beliefs, values, and norms that citizens share about their government.

2 Make your own way! Of Opportunity, not the result.

3 Progressive Era: Anti-Trust Laws (control corporations), Labor laws/regulations


5 “I am not a crook” Vietnam Watergate Partisanship/ Divided govt. Cost of elections

6 Political Efficacy One’s own understanding and competence of government. Has stayed steady through time Belief one can have an impact on government Has declined through time


8 Abundant and fertile land Countless opportunities to acquire land/make living Lack of feudal society Independent spirit


10 Uses: Inform the public Inform candidates Inform office holders Exit polls

11 Representative Sample Random Sampling Respondent’s Knowledge Objective Wording Accuracy: Straw Poll


13 Process in which people acquire their political beliefs Strongest Fairly equal influence of mother and father When differ, associate with closest parent Impact of growing number of Independents Higher income  More conservative and supportive of Republicans Lower incomes-  More liberal and supportive of Democrats (ideology: conservative/liberal )

14 Conflicting results College students today v. past. College students more liberal than general population Most prestigious-  most liberal Whites: More conservative (more Republican) Blacks: More liberal (strongest support of Democratic Party) >90% Hispanics: Cubans v. Mexican Americans Asians:

15 Protestant: More conservative generally Evangelicals more on social issues and econ Catholic: Traditionally more liberal (Economic) than on social issues (Abortion issue) Jewish: Most liberal (Strong support for the Democratic Party)

16 1900’s  conservative 1992 Year of the Woman Clinton and Soccer Moms Gender Gap: Sex sensitive issues, compare to past Security Moms NASCAR Dads Coastal Cities: environment Urban areas: immigrants, minorities Solid South Rust Belt Rural areas (religion?)


18 Set of beliefs and values that shape a person’s view Limited role of govt. Govt. seen as chief threat to liberty Protect property rights

19 Expanded role of govt. (New Deal) Corporations seen as chief threat to liberty Need govt. to “smooth out the rough edges of capitalism” Role: protect people’s well being

20 Less likely to rely upon govt. to solve problems Not as involved as “New Deal” liberals

21 Reagan/Bush 41/ Bush 43 Strength in formally “Solid South” Emphasis on private sector to solve problems, not government Strong support for tax cuts More social control

22 Prayer in school Anti-Gay Marriage Anti-Abortion Emphasis on “free market” Free enterprise In all cases Few regulations







29 Comparison with other countries Why?

30 Property restrictions (Andrew Jackson) Race: 15 th Amendment Women: 19 th Amendment Income: 24 th Amendment Literacy: Voting Rights Act of 1965 Minimum age of 21: 26 th Amendment Less voting power per person

31 Registration (motor voter Bill) Long Ballot: Excessive number of issues to vote on Type of election: General, Primary, midterm, state Difficulty in obtaining absentee ballots Too many elections: Ballot fatigue Weekday, non-holiday voting (Voting is a linkage institution)

32 Lack of political efficacy Dissatisfaction with candidates, parties, etc. Weakness of parties’ ability to mobilize voters Don’t like either, so why vote?

33 Education: Level is highest predictor Income: High vs. Low Age: 18-24 lowest 45 and up highest Race: White vs. minorities Cross-cutting cleavages Religious Involvement


35 In your opinion, what is the single most influential reason for not voting? ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________

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