Please notice, the use of this compilation of charts is only allowed for presentations by GBIF-D Node Members (2010- 2013). If you have any questions please.

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Presentation on theme: "Please notice, the use of this compilation of charts is only allowed for presentations by GBIF-D Node Members (2010- 2013). If you have any questions please."— Presentation transcript:

1 Please notice, the use of this compilation of charts is only allowed for presentations by GBIF-D Node Members (2010- 2013). If you have any questions please feel free to ask Maren Gleisberg : Many thanks for their contribution to : Sabine v. Mering and Wolf-Henning Kusber.

2 Maren Gleisberg & Walter G. Berendsohn Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin-Dahlem Freie Universität Berlin GBIF-D: 10 years of contributing to the Global Biodiversity Information Facility 41 st Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland September 05. – 09. 2011, Oldenburg Please insert If you like - 1-2 pictures

3 Global Biodiversity Information Facility: GBIF international Maren Gleisberg & Walter Berendsohn, GBIF-D Coordination-Team GBIF‘s mission… is to promote and enable free and open access to biodiversity data worldwide via the Internet to underpin science, conservation & sustainable development. GBIF international initiative: 57 countries, 47 organizations GBIF network provides access to > 298 million records specimens as well as observation data large variety of data sets Please insert -If you like - 1-2 pictures

4 GBIF-D projects 2001-2013 Maren Gleisberg & Walter Berendsohn, GBIF-D Coordination-Team Key technologies used in the global network were developed in Germany: BioCASE software (Biological Collection Access Service for Europe) and the international data exchange standard ABCD (Access to Biological Collection Data). The German Federal Ministry of Research and Education funded 3 major programmes feeding into GBIF-D ( Massive investment in technical infrastructure (end of 2010) DFG (German Research Foundation) funded DNA-Bank network and recently called for proposals on digitisation of collections and mobilisation of primary biodiversity data German contribution to the GBIF-Secretariat shared by BMBF and DFG

5 Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin-Dahlem (BGBM), Freie Universität Berlin: Project coordination, Plants & Protists Bavarian Natural History Collections Munich (SNSB): Fungi & Lichens, Evertebrata II German Collection of Microoranisms and Cell Cultures Braunschweig (DSMZ): Bacteria & Archaea Museum für Naturkunde Berlin (MfN): Insects (Evertebrata I), Fossils Senckenberg Research Institute and Natural History Museum Frankfurt (FIS): Evertebrata III (mainly marine data) Zoological Research Museum Alexander Koenig Bonn (ZFMK): Vertebrates The backbone of GBIF-D: The 8 nodes Maren Gleisberg & Walter Berendsohn, GBIF-D Coordination-Team

6 GBIF-D work programme 2010-13 Maren Gleisberg & Walter Berendsohn, GBIF-D Coordination-Team main objective: mobilization of suitable data  „species occurence data“ technical modernization (server-infrastructure) data-hosting image server at BGBM extend data contributions broaden the community of data providers Citizen Science, Algae & Protists, … ! observation-data Please insert -If you like - 1-2 pictures

7 German contribution to GBIF & future data mobilisation Maren Gleisberg & Walter Berendsohn, GBIF-D Coordination-Team

8 GBIF-D: what kind of data do we need? Maren Gleisberg & Walter Berendsohn, GBIF-D Coordination-Team organisations, institutions and individuals holding collection and observation data are invited to share their primary biodiversity data within the GBIF network.  Data with occurrence-info: Species Name + Location plot data time series fieldwork surveying & mapping Databases can be connected by using provider software like BioCASE or can join one of the established databases, networks and repositories such as SESAM, OBIS, PANGAEA, DiversityWorkbench, Specify, etc. Please insert -If you like - 1-2 pictures

9 Why providing data within GBIF? What is your benefit? Maren Gleisberg & Walter Berendsohn, GBIF-D Coordination-Team free and open access to data GBIF quality-check (TDWG-standard) GBIF-D offers expertise on technical aspects of data capture & database networking stable workflows support the provider from data entry to open and free online access  share your data publication via GBIF: your data have a higher visibility increases the quotation of your work connection with your scientific community synergies with colleagues all over the world  be a part of biggest global biodiversity project

10 GBIF.D Data from Germany

11 GBIF international: IUCN GEO Bon, GEOSS, IPBES Maren Gleisberg & Walter Berendsohn, GBIF-D Coordination-Team GBIF provides scientific biodiversity data for decision-making research endeavours public use GBIF is involved in international processes supports international organizations IUCN GEO Bon GEOSS preparation of a future IPBES Please insert -If you like - 1-2 pictures

12 Networking: The GBIF-Community-Site > > Maren Gleisberg & Walter Berendsohn, GBIF-D Coordination-Team Visit the site… create your account … start networking! Invite your colleagues ! Benefit from the collaboration tools available in the site: work groups, (micro)blogs, community news, online chat, file and image sharing and much more!

13 Maren Gleisberg & Walter Berendsohn, GBIF-D Coordination-Team The joint research project GBIF-D: “Kompetenzzentren innovativer Datenmobilisierung”, is funded by the BMBF - Federal Ministry of Education and Research, grant: 01 LI 1001 A-F. Thank you!

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