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8-E. Respiratory system. Moves oxygen from the outside envoirment into the body. Removes water, and carbon dioxide.

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Presentation on theme: "8-E. Respiratory system. Moves oxygen from the outside envoirment into the body. Removes water, and carbon dioxide."— Presentation transcript:

1 8-E

2 Respiratory system. Moves oxygen from the outside envoirment into the body. Removes water, and carbon dioxide.

3 Respiration. The process in which oxygen and glucose undergo a complex series of chemical reactions inside cells. Air- comprised of 78 percent nitrogen, 21 percent oxygen and 1 percent carbon dioxide and other gases.

4 Path of air. Nose: lining coded with mucus, cilia and it traps particulars and warms and moists the hair. Pharynx: passage way for air and food. Epiglottis: flap of tissue that blocks the trachea so water and food doesn’t go down the wind pipe. Larynx: voice box. Trachea: the airway to the lungs. Ribbed with cartilage to keep from collapsing. Bronchi: tubes that branch off in the lungs. Lungs: things that make you breathe, contain alveoli. Alveoli: tiny sacs of lung tissue specialized for the movement of gases between air and blood.

5 Muscles for breathing. Diaphragm: large dome shaped muscle that pushes the air in and out of the lungs. As the dome moves up, you exhale. As the dome moves down you inhale.

6 How you speak. As you breathe air passes over the vocal cords, causing them to vibrate. Two vocal cords provide all of the sounds we make. As the length of the vocal cords change the pitch of your voice goes up to down.

7 Smoking and health. Three chemicals: tar, carbon monoxide, and nicotine. Tar: dark sticky substance that causes the cilia to clump and not function properly. Carbon monoxide: clear odor less gas, which causes hemoglobin to not function properly. nicotine: dangerous chemical, that speeds up the activities of the nervous system, heart, and other organs. Makes the heart beat faster, and blood pressure rise. Produces a addiction or physical appendence on the drug.

8 Health problems link to smoking. Bronchitis. Emphysema. Lung cancer. Heart attacks. *passive smoking, or second hand smoke can cause nonsmokers to have the same problems.

9 The excretory system. A system in the body that collects wastes produced by cells and removes the wastes from the body. Also called excretion. Urea: a chemical that comes from the breakdowns of protein. Urine: a watery fluid produced by your kidneys.

10 Parts of the excretory system. Kidneys: filtering systems on each side of the spine which contain nephrons, eliminate urea, excess water and other waste material. Ureter: tubes that carry waste to kidney to bladder. Urinary Bladder: holding tank for urine. Urethra: tube that discharges urine. Nephron: tubes surrounded by capillaries, where liquids are exchanged between blood and water.

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