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Optical Topography: An overview Nima Kasraie Spring 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "Optical Topography: An overview Nima Kasraie Spring 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 Optical Topography: An overview Nima Kasraie Spring 2007

2 2 Oxymetric Near Infrared Imaging Images higher order brain functions Developed by Hitachi Advanced Research Laboratory Already in clinical use in Japan. What When Where

3 3

4 4 Red Light Transmission

5 5 Features Small Easy to use Patient mobility Extended recordings Not noisy Aclaustrophobic “Real time” imaging

6 6 Principle of OT system 1.5mW NIR laser diode illuminates head from optical fibers attached to headset. d max ≈ 3cm Reflection (0.1%) Detection

7 7 3cm ≈ d cortex

8 8 SNR

9 9 780nm 830nm

10 10 Simultaneous position encoding by frequency modulation produces a better SNR than time-sharing and time-resolved methods. Optimal wavelength pair: 830/692 nm. Applicable to other molecular species

11 11 Resolution

12 12

13 13

14 14

15 15 Physiological Noise

16 16 The presence of low frequency modulation of both vascular (Hb, HbO) and metabolic responses to visual stimuli with unknown origin have been observed. The cause of these low frequency oscillations are not exactly known but may be attributed to extra-cerebral activities such as respiration. One method of removing the low frequency artifact is to convolve the response signal with a model of stimulus signal.

17 17 Similarities with fMRI

18 18 Both measure brain’s hemodynamic response

19 19 Differences with fMRI

20 In concept  fMRI measures differences between the Fe content in blood based on the metal’s response to the magnetic field.  OT relies on different light absorption characteristics of the two forms.

21 In operation  Lower spatial resolution than fMRI  2mm vs. 20mm  Higher temporal resolution than fMRI  1 Sec vs. 1 mSec

22 22 fMRI and OT can be complementary Can also be combined with structural imaging

23 23 Current applications Developmental plasticity –Neonatology (only functional imaging method) Neurosurgery –Identifying the focus of epileptic seizures i.e. check for dominant hemisphere (e.g. Broca’s area) before removal of eliptogenic tissue

24 24

25 25 Concluding remark OT does not measure exact blood volume concentrations; it measures concentration changes of molecular species, including oxyhemoglobin and deoxyhemoglobin.

26 26 References and further reading Spinney, Laura. "Optical topography and the color of blood: OT gives neuroscientists a new and faster view of the brain, and an alternative to fMRI." The Scientist 19.2 (Jan 31, 2005): 25(3). Hideaki Koizumi, “Optical topography: practical problems and new applications”. Applied Optics, Vol. 42, No. 16, June 2003 Il-Young Son, “Near Infrared Imaging and Spectroscopy for Brain Activity Monitoring”. ain.htm ain.htm

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