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“Then I saw another mighty angel coming down from Heaven”

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1 “Then I saw another mighty angel coming down from Heaven”

2 In our previous studies we have discovered… 1. The first six TRUMPETS – may represent 4 major world events in the Last Days Generations. 2. I believe that 3 of the major world events have already occurred, with the 4 th one yet to come. I believe that the Trumpets are blowing in our day! (See previous messages on Chapters 8 &9) 3. The SEVENTH TRUMPET – signals the very last “days” and particularly - the “hour” of the rapture. Rev 10:7 and I Corinthians 15:51 make this extremely clear. Rev. 10:7 “But in the days when the seventh angel is about to sound his trumpet, the mystery of God will be accomplished…” 1 Corinthians 15:51-52 51Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed-- 52in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed.

3 Before we read the text this morning – CONSIDER THIS: 1. The first 6 Trumpets end with Chapter 9. 2. The 7 th Trumpet doesn’t blow until Chapter 11:15. 3. Between the end of Chapter 9 and Chap. 11:15 - there is much material! (Chapter 10 and much of Chapter 11 – with some very important information!) READ CHAPTER 10

4 THE FOCAL POINTS OF CHAPTER 10 1. THE MIGHTY ANGEL – who is he, why is he significant? Dan 10:5-8, Dan 12:7-10 – Same angel Raises hand and swears by “Him who lives forever” Both tell listener to “seal up” part of what they are shown Both – speak of: End times, Anti-Christ appearance, Anti-Christ persecution of God’s people, the rapture. THE EARLY CHRISTIANS WOULD HAVE KNOW THIS! 2. THE LITTLE SCROLL – what is this “little” scroll – why is it significant? “little” – as opposed to the 7 sealed scroll of Chapter 5 “open” in his hand – for all who care to see, read, hear. “one foot on land, one on sea” – available to the world – “take the scroll and eat it – sweet as honey in mouth” – Same as in Ezekiel 2 and 3! Ezekiel’s job with the scroll was to be a “watchman” – to warn of sin and judgment! THE EARLY CHRISTIANS WOULD HAVE KNOWN THIS!

5 Rev 10:6 And he swore by Him who lives for ever and ever, who created the heavens and all that is in them, the earth and all that is in it, and the sea and all that is in it, and said, "There will be no more delay!” What does this refer to?

6 Remember? Rev. Chapters 6 and 7 – THE SEALS… They represent the general unfolding of end time events and line up exactly with what Jesus said in Matthew 24. MATTHEW 24 COMPARED WITH REVELATION 6 Seal One – Rider on the White Horse – “bent on conquest” – False Christs and religious systems. Seal Two –Rider on the Red Horse – wars and rumors of wars… Seal Three –Rider on the Black Horse – famine – poverty. Seal Four - Rider on the Pale Horse – disease, plagues, terrorism, dread. Seal Five - The martyrdom of the saints - Then “you will be handed over…” Seal Six - The harvesting of the earth (rapture) and the beginning of the outpouring of God’s Wrath! - “Immediately after the tribulation of those days…”

7 Jesus also said something else in Chapter 24, verse 14… TURN TO MATTHEW CHAPTER 24 “And this gospel of the Kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations and then the end will come.”

8 READ THIS VERSE IN LIGHT OF REVELATION CHAPTER 10! “And this gospel of the Kingdom (little scroll) will be preached (take and eat – sweet to taste, sour in stomach) in the whole world (one foot on the sea, the other on the land) as a testimony to all nations (you must prophecy about many peoples, nations…”), and then the end will come. (THERE WILL BE NO MORE DELAY!) NOW READ THE REST OF MATT. 24!

9 MATTHEW 24 Chronology in a “nutshell” Again…Chapters 6 – 11 of Revelation line up perfectly with Matthew 24 – You would expect that since JESUS revealed them both! *Gospel will be preached in all world – then the end * And when YOU see – the abomination… THE ANTICHRIST * Then there will be great TRIBULATION like never before * But for the sake of the elect THOSE DAYS cut short! * False “Christs” will deceive the “world” (but not the elect!) * Immediately AFTER the TRIBULATION of THOSE DAYS… * Sign of Jesus in the sky – ALL World will see Him – Loud Trumpet - (Revelation 10:7) – elect are “gathered” from all the earth! * The “lesson of the fig tree” – (When all these things happen…Seals, Trumpets, Anti-Christ, etc.) YOU (Christians) WILL KNOW… And…THAT GENERATION WILL NOT PASS until it all happens. In other words… THERE WILL BE NO MORE DELAY!

10 THE REST OF MATTHEW 24 and ALL OF MATTHEW 25… are Parables of “that day” (The return of Jesus to rapture His own) The message of all the parables in a nutshell *No one knows the “day” or the “hour” *It will be like the days of Noah – life, good and evil will go on, evil will increase – the rapture and wrath will catch the world by surprise! (Noah lived in “tribulation”! But…before the “wrath – flood” God “raptured” “lifted up above the wrath” – Noah and his family!) *One person going about daily life…THE OTHER TAKEN! “raptured” *BE READY! (Chapter 24:36- Chapter 25:13) *BE FAITHFUL UNTIL HE COMES! (Chapter 25:14-30) *BE ABOUT THE WORK OF MINISTRY! (Chapter 25:31-46) TIME IS RUNNING OUT! THERE WILL BE NO MORE DELAY!

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