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Table of Contents Introduction to Dashboard Design Dashboards for different audiences Dashboard Design - Questions to Ask Dashboard Color Schemes Color.

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Presentation on theme: "Table of Contents Introduction to Dashboard Design Dashboards for different audiences Dashboard Design - Questions to Ask Dashboard Color Schemes Color."— Presentation transcript:

1 Table of Contents Introduction to Dashboard Design Dashboards for different audiences Dashboard Design - Questions to Ask Dashboard Color Schemes Color Suggestion Colors for Data Good Dashboard Examples Basic Flowchart for Dashboard Design.Basic Flowchart for Dashboard Design Feature Languages Dashboard concept (Slide 11 - Slide 20) More Student dashboard wireframes Instructor dashboard wireframes Admin dashboard wireframes Direct class, Search and Immersion classes,(Slide 30 - Slide 34) Sign On Design Wireframe Instructor Schedule

2 Dashboard There are three key questions: 1. Who is my audience? 2. What value will the dashboard add? 3. What type of dashboard am I creating?

3 Dashboards for different audiences The function of a dashboard is to communicate critical information to your audience in a way they can understand, delivered when and where they need the information. A complicating factor is that most dashboards have multiple audiences. In fact, delivering the same dashboard across an entire organization has the potential benefit of getting everyone on the same page.

4 Before Dashboard Design Things to ask 1. Timeliness How frequently is the data in the dashboard updated? 2. Aesthetic value How important is it that the dashboard look attractive, or can it be purely utilitarian? 3. Mobility Does the audience need to access the information on-the-go? 4. Connectivity Does the dashboard need to connect to live data sources? 5. Data detail Will the dashboard offer an ability to drill down to see more context? 6. Data density How information-rich will views of the data be? 7. Interactivity Will the user benefit from interacting with the dashboard? 8. Collaboration Is it important that your audience be able to easily share and collaborate on the dashboard?

5 Dashboard color Appropriate use of color requires restraint. So best way to start with a dashboard designs is typically start by using only grey, then gradually add color where it conveys useful information. Color brings meaning, color can draw your eye to what is important and tie together similar things. For example, if we increase color brightness, it will attract attention and make a point seem more important. Similarly, use of the same color hue can be used to connect things that are related. At a more subtle level, the color scheme we choose can evoke an emotion or feeling about the dashboard

6 Recommend using earth tones Colors can be broken into high- level dichotomies such as “earth tones” versus “unnatural” colors. We perceive earth tones as calming. In contrast, unnatural colors jump out at your audience, making them ideal for showing an alerts.

7 Color to display data on a dashboard Color to display data When you are using color in your graphs to represent data, there are three types of color schemes to consider: Sequential When you are ordering values from low to high. Divergent When the values are ordered and there is a critical mid-point (e.g. an average or zero). Categorical When data falls into distinct groups (e.g. countries) and therefore requires contrast between adjacent colors

8 Good examples of dashboards

9 Employee Dashboard

10 Simplest flow chart of student dashboard

11 Part 1 of 10

12 Student Dashboard design A personalized and unified view into all the important study related news and calendar events. Act as gateway and offer links to all the other study related systems. Offer shortcuts to my currently active courses. Motivate students by offering visualizations of a few key measurements related to their personal study progress. Offer a simple and pleasant user experience. Part 2 of 10

13 A)Virtual learning students and credit scores please refer to section A in picture on slide 9 Virtual learning environment. It is the place where students do most of the day to day online learning activities like:  Download reading material for courses  Do online activities like complete course questioners  Submit personal or team assignments  Read news items related to course like “There is a new assignment for course X” Part 3 of 10

14 B) Onsite Student registration and credits/scores please refer to section A in picture on slide 10 Student registration and student credit system. It will allow students to registrar and set beforehand their learning plan and their studies both online and onsite and register for courses at the beginning of the semester. It is also the system where the teachers will submit the credits and grades the students get from successfully completing a course. Part 4 of 10

15 C) Tools Other Tools There are of course plenty of other online tools that are used to facilitate and support learning like calendar and collaboration tools (like wiki’s and Office 365). Part 5 of 10

16 Study progress meter The purpose of this component is to motivate the student by visualizing their progress by three key measures. The visualization will compare their results with the average of other students and the university “targets”. Colors use will seek attention from the student. Part 6 of 10

17 Student Dashboard See a Graphical view of ‘Activity in last 30 days’ “Speed meter” type of visualization of activity in last 30 days Activity sources –What I have done online (completed assignment, commenting on page, etc) –What I have done (course registration, new credit points for completed course, updated study plan) –Speed meter result is own activity/general activity scaled to 0-100 Part 7 of 10

18 Study Progress section on dashboard Study progress this year How many study points do I have this year? How many study points is the average this year? How many study points is the target? Overall study progress What percentage of my studies have I completed? What is the average completion in the same time? What is the target ? Part 8 of 10

19 Event Calendar Event calendar This element will visualize all the important study related events for each individual student. It has two sub elements: 1) Today’s events, 2) Upcoming events. The following list illustrates what type of events will be shown in this interface element: Registration deadline for classes if there are any. Registration deadline for the course in my study plan Upcoming exams. Upcoming deadlines on my courses. Majors school events to participate. Part 9 of 10

20 News Feed News feed This user interface component offers students a personalized study related news feed that is collected from the databases that HR, admin and teachers update. News feed from HR/admin –Registered successfully to semester –Registered successfully to course –New credits from course X registered –Technical problems in system today, please reboot the system. News feed from teachers –New material/deadline/assignment in course X –You completed assignment X with score 7/10 –Tomorrows lecture is canceled/change of venue Part 10 of 10

21 More Examples of Student Dashboards

22 Cleaner Student Dashboard


24 Instructor Dashboard examples



27 Admin User Dashboard


29 Classes->Distant Learning Classes->Direct Class Classes->Immersion Classes Wireframes

30 Part1 of 5

31 Part 2 of 5

32 Part 3 of 5

33 Part 4 of 5

34 Part 5 of 5

35 Sign ON design


37 Schedule


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