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Instructions for using this template. Remember this is Jeopardy, so where I have written “Answer” this is the prompt the students will see, and where.

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Presentation on theme: "Instructions for using this template. Remember this is Jeopardy, so where I have written “Answer” this is the prompt the students will see, and where."— Presentation transcript:


2 Instructions for using this template. Remember this is Jeopardy, so where I have written “Answer” this is the prompt the students will see, and where I have “Question” should be the student’s response. To enter your questions and answers, click once on the text on the slide, then highlight and just type over what’s there to replace it. If you hit Delete or Backspace, it sometimes makes the text box disappear. When clicking on the slide to move to the next appropriate slide, be sure you see the hand, not the arrow. (If you put your cursor over a text box, it will be an arrow and WILL NOT take you to the right location.)

3 Choose a category. You will be given the answer. You must give the correct question. Click to begin.

4 Click here for Final Jeopardy

5 Map Directions The OceansVocabulary 10 Point 20 Points 30 Points 40 Points 50 Points 10 Point 20 Points 30 Points 40 Points 50 Points 30 Points 40 Points 50 Points Fun Facts The Continents

6 What is the smallest continent?

7 Australia

8 What is the largest continent?

9 Asia

10 What is the southern most continent?

11 Antarctica

12 Which continent is surrounded completely by water?

13 Australia

14 How many continents are there?

15 7

16 Name the 4 compass rose directions.

17 North, South, East, West

18 Name the intermediate directions.

19 NE, SE, SW, NW

20 What direction is Europe from Asia?

21 West

22 What direction is Africa from South America?

23 East

24 What direction is Asia from the equator?

25 North

26 What is a good way to remember the direction on a compass rose?

27 Never Eat Soggy Watermelons

28 What is a good way to remember the continents and oceans?

29 4 A’s Equal No School

30 Which continent is known for its cold climate?

31 Antarctica

32 What continent do you live on?

33 North America

34 What planet do you live on?

35 Earth

36 What oceans surround North America?

37 Arctic, Atlantic, Pacific

38 What ocean is located near the North Pole?

39 Arctic

40 Name the 4 oceans

41 Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean, Arctic Ocean, Indian Ocean

42 What oceans surround Africa?

43 Atlantic Ocean and Indian Ocean

44 What is the largest ocean?

45 Pacific Ocean

46 Equator

47 An imaginary line that divides the earth

48 Compass Rose

49 A symbol on a map that tells direction

50 Map Key

51 Symbols on a map that tell you what pictures represent

52 What is your home address?

53 Check your spelling! Avenue Lane Drive Court Wantagh NY 11793

54 Continent

55 One of 7 land masses in the world

56 Make your wager

57 Spell all 7 continents and the 4 oceans correctly! Good Luck!

58 Asia, Africa, Australia, Antarctica, North America, South America, Europe, Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean, Arctic Ocean, Indian Ocean

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