Seismic Reflection Image along I-64 Pratt et al., 1988 Coruh et al., 1988.

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5 Seismic Reflection Image along I-64 Pratt et al., 1988 Coruh et al., 1988

6 Ground acceleration at the North Anna Power Station during the August 23 rd 2011 earthquake Graph by Martin Chapman, Va Tech

7 Ground acceleration at the North Anna Power Station during the August 23 rd 2011 earthquake Graph by Martin Chapman, Va Tech Peak ground acceleration 260 cm -2 or 0.26 g or 26% of gravity 1971 Report for VEPCO “that the maximum horizontal ground acceleration… at the site due to such a shock would be no more than 12% of gravity”

8 shaking too strong for instrument 55 km from epicenter 127 km from epicenter 193 km from epicenter 231 km from epicenter time (seconds) Shaking in Virginia VTSO

9 Shaking Across USA C. Bailey & U. South Carolina

10 Felt Shaking USGS

11 Epicenter, August 23 Mainshock National Earthquake Hazard Map USGS

12 Fault Motion

13 Aftershocks at Depth R. Herrmann slice along N120˚E


15 Louisa County VA DMME photos

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