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17.06.2004 EPICUR Kathrin Schroeder ERPANET-Workshop „Persistent Identifiers“ (17th June 2004) Uniform Resource Names (URN) – Overview Die Deutsche Bibliothek.

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Presentation on theme: "17.06.2004 EPICUR Kathrin Schroeder ERPANET-Workshop „Persistent Identifiers“ (17th June 2004) Uniform Resource Names (URN) – Overview Die Deutsche Bibliothek."— Presentation transcript:

1 17.06.2004 EPICUR Kathrin Schroeder ERPANET-Workshop „Persistent Identifiers“ (17th June 2004) Uniform Resource Names (URN) – Overview Die Deutsche Bibliothek Kathrin Schroeder

2 17.06.2004 EPICUR Kathrin Schroeder ● Naming Schemes and Namespaces (Identification) – Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI), Uniform Resource Locators (URL) – Uniform Resource Names (URN) – further Persistent Identifiers – XML namespaces –... ● Resolution of names (Resolution mechanims) – HTTP (Redirect etc.) – DNS (Domain Name System) –... ● Standardisation / Social Infrastructure Starting Point: Naming Schemes / Namespaces and Resolution

3 17.06.2004 EPICUR Kathrin Schroeder Terminology – the „Classical view“ URI - Uniform Resource Identifier URN - Uniform Resource Name URL - Uniform Resource Locator URC - Uniform Resource Characteristic Identification of an abstract or physical resource Persistent naming of resources. RFC 2396 -Identification of a resource - Provision a means of locating the resource by describing its primary access mechanism Characteristics of a resource e.g. meta information

4 17.06.2004 EPICUR Kathrin Schroeder Report from the Joint W3C/IETF Planning Interest Group - RFC 3305 Motivation: - Confusion in the web community over the partitioning of URI space, specifically, the relationship among the concepts of URL, URN, and URI. Recommendations: -The importance of this additional level of hierarchy seemed to be lessen. -The W3C and IETF should jointly develop and endorse a model for URIs, URLs, and URNs consistent with the „Contemporary View“. - Generalized registration procedures for all URI schemes [...] Terminology – the „Contemporary view“

5 17.06.2004 EPICUR Kathrin Schroeder Registered URI-Schemes Scheme Name Description Reference -------------------- ----------------------------------------- ---------------- urn Uniform Resource Names [RFC2141] (please see: ftp File Transfer Protocol [RFC1738] http Hypertext Transfer Protocol [RFC2616] [... more than 40 URI SCHEMES] (last updated 2004-01-26)

6 17.06.2004 EPICUR Kathrin Schroeder URN-Framework Request for Comments (RFC) URN Syntax Resolution Registration of NIDs Functional Requirements for URNs 2141 1737 3406, 2611, 2288, 3188, 3187... 3401-3406

7 17.06.2004 EPICUR Kathrin Schroeder URN – Syntax (RFC 2141) ::=„URN“:“ “:“ URN:resolution routine NID: namespace identifier e.g. ISBN, ISSN und NBN NISS: namespace specific string Example: urn:nbn:de:gbv:089-3321752945

8 17.06.2004 EPICUR Kathrin Schroeder URN-Framework Request for Comments (RFC) URN Syntax Resolution Registration of NIDs Functional Requirements for URNs 2141 1737 3406, 2611, 2288, 3188, 3187... 3401-3406

9 17.06.2004 EPICUR Kathrin Schroeder  Functional Requirements Global scope Global uniqueness Persistence Scalability Legacy support Extensibility Independence Resolution  Requirements for Encoding  Implications Functional Requirements for URNs (RFC 1737)

10 17.06.2004 EPICUR Kathrin Schroeder URN-Framework Request for Comments (RFC) URN Syntax Resolution Registration of NIDs Functional Requirements for URNs 2141 1737 3406, 2611, 2288, 3188, 3187... 3401-3406

11 17.06.2004 EPICUR Kathrin Schroeder Namespace Definition and Registration (RFC 3406) Assumptions - Assignment of a URN is a managed process. - The space of URN namespaces is managed. Templates for URN-namespace registration : - Experimental Namespaces - Informal Namespaces - Formal Namespaces Considerations include: - URN assignment procedures - URN resolution/delegation - Type of resources to be identified - Type of services to be supported - Community considerations Review by mailing-list

12 17.06.2004 EPICUR Kathrin Schroeder ● RFC 2648: A URN Namespace for IETF Documents urn:ietf:rfc:2141 ● RFC 3044: Using The ISSN (International Serial Standard Number) as URN (Uniform Resource Names) within an ISSN-URN Namespace urn:ISSN:0259-000X ● RFC 3188: Using National Bibliography Numbers as Uniform Resource Names urn:nbn:fi-fe19981001 [... 21 Namespaces] Examples of registered URN-Namespaces

13 17.06.2004 EPICUR Kathrin Schroeder URN-Framework Request for Comments (RFC) URN Syntax Resolution Registration of NIDs Functional Requirements for URNs 2141 1737 3406, 2611, 2288, 3188, 3187... 3401-3406

14 17.06.2004 EPICUR Kathrin Schroeder Dynamical Delegation to URN services via DNS (RFC 3401 - 3404) (Top Level) nbnietf de URN-REQUEST urn:ietf:.. urn:nbn:... [...] chfi hu 19... se... Examples „“: VeriSign „pin“ Voice over IP (ENUM) au

15 17.06.2004 EPICUR Kathrin Schroeder The client (Browser) perspective … Plugins (Example) Other technical solutions exist...

16 17.06.2004 EPICUR Kathrin Schroeder Discussion points  Steady browser implementation of PIs/URNs  Development of a PI independent browser-plugin  Continuing the co-operation between IANA/IETF/W3C  Interfaces between several PI-Resolution mechanisms And the Future ? Thank you!

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