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MetalReaction with dilute hydrochloric acid Reaction when heated in air (reaction with oxygen) Reaction with cold water Iron Calcium Sodium Copper Gold.

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Presentation on theme: "MetalReaction with dilute hydrochloric acid Reaction when heated in air (reaction with oxygen) Reaction with cold water Iron Calcium Sodium Copper Gold."— Presentation transcript:

1 MetalReaction with dilute hydrochloric acid Reaction when heated in air (reaction with oxygen) Reaction with cold water Iron Calcium Sodium Copper Gold Zinc Magnesium The Reactivity Series Now arrange the metals in their correct order of reactivity and include the metals potassium, silver and lead. Increasing reactivity

2 Word Equations Fill in the gaps in these word equations to make them complete. If there is no reaction write this in the gap. Sodium + water Sodium hydroxide + Magnesium + oxygen Iron + water (steam) oxide + hydrogen Silver + water (steam) + + Hydrochloric acid Calcium chloride + hydrogen Sodium + Sulphuric acid + hydrogen Copper chloride + Magnesium + copper Calcium + oxygen Silver nitrate + Iron + Gold + oxygen Iron sulphate + Copper + Nitric acidZinc nitrate + + Potassium hydroxide + hydrogen + Magnesium carbonate + Iron Magnesium Chloride + Zinc +

3 Displacement Reactions A more reactive metal displaces a less reactive metal from its compounds. There are many ways to help you remember how displacement reactions work. Model 1 The metals football league: Potassium Rangers Sodium City Magnesium United Zinc City Iron Town Copper United Gold United The league works like this: The teams play for a cup (the Chloride Cup). The team at home is always the cup holder. If the away team beats them then they take home the cup, if the home team wins then they keep the cup. Example: HomeAwayWinnersLosers Zinc CitySodium CitySodium CityZinc City Chloride cupChloride Cup The metals nearer the top are stronger teams and they always beat the teams that are lower than them. Reaction: Zinc Chloride +SodiumSodium Chloride +Zinc Model 2 Another way is to think of the metals in the reactivity series as boys of varying strength. The strength (and temper) of the boys increases as you go up the table. Colin Copper and Suzie Sulphate. Peter Potassium is stronger than Colin Copper so fights him…………… ……and takes Suzy sulphate away. Colin Copper is all alone. + + Reaction: Copper Sulphate + PotassiumPotassium Sulphate + Copper

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