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Closing the Achievement Gap Leadership Academy Quarterly Meeting- January 17, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Closing the Achievement Gap Leadership Academy Quarterly Meeting- January 17, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Closing the Achievement Gap Leadership Academy Quarterly Meeting- January 17, 2012

2 Goal 2: All students will participate in the highest possible levels of the curriculum. 2.1 We will identify achievement gaps at the division and individual school level that may be preventing groups of students from meeting their academic potential. 2.2 We will engage the school community in discussion about student achievement gaps to identify barriers to student success in high level courses. 2.3 We will provide cultural awareness and other appropriate training for staff to address identified barriers to student success in high level courses. 2.4 We will ensure equitable access and set expectations for student participation in the highest possible levels of the curriculum.

3 What strategies work? Creating the Opportunity to Learn: Moving from research to practice to close the achievement gap A. Wade Boykin and Pedro Noguera

4 Dimensions of the Gap (Boykin & Noguera, 2011) The gap widens by 3rd grade. The goal is to raise performance of ALL students. Reading and math achievement gap remains unchanged since mid 1990s. Normalization of failure feeds the gap.

5 1.Build and Foster Self-Efficacy 2.Build Interpersonal Relationships 3.Make Learning Relevant 4.Deliberately Teach Information Processing 4 Key Points from the book:

6 1. Build and Foster Self-Efficacy Self-Efficacy – conviction that one can successfully execute the behavior required to produce desired outcomes. – Self-efficacy is situational and variable – Educational practices take into account children’s beliefs about their capabilities – Raise self-efficacy through success, observation, verbal persuasion, and physiological reaction (stress vs. relaxation). Self-Regulation -- active process where learners set goals for their learning and then attempt to monitor, regulate, and control their cognition, motivation, and behavior. – Self-regulation increases self-efficacy, engagement, and persistence – Self-regulation can be taught. Fixed vs. Malleable Belief of Intelligence – – Fixed: intelligence is unchanging. (low persistence) – Malleable: intelligence can change (high persistence) – Teacher feedback can impact views

7 2. Build Interpersonal Relationships Focus on Teacher-Student Relationship Quality (TSRQ) Focus on teacher expectations for students Encourage mastery goals rather than performance goals Build autonomy for motivation Facilitate properly constructed collaboration

8 3. Make the Learning Relevant MethodEffectivenessRate teachers utilize Reward and punishment-.5058% Relevance strategies+.618% Personalize the learning beyond the abstract or even concrete. Allow opportunities for Collaboration Provide for active, high movement learning

9 4. Deliberately Teach Information Processing Build automaticity through meaningful and targeted practice Manage cognitive load Directly teach critical thinking and problem solving

10 How do our Strategic Plan initiatives align with the research? Small group discussion

11 Alignment of HCPS Initiatives Response to Intervention Build/Foster Self-Efficacy Build Relationships Make Learning Relevant Teach Information Processing CoalitionXX Mentoring Students XX Tier I MathXX Tier I ReadingXX MAPSXXX

12 Build/Foster Self-Efficacy Build Relationships Make Learning Relevant Teach Information Processing Henrico 21XXX Reflective Friends XXX Digital ContentXXX Integration of Technology XXX Alignment of HCPS Initiatives 21st Century Learning

13 Build/Foster Self-Efficacy Build Relationships Make Learning Relevant Teach Information Processing Laying the Foundation X Eighth Grade Algebra XXX AP/SATXX Alignment of HCPS Initiatives Increasing Enrollment in Higher Level Courses

14 Build/Foster Self-Efficacy Build Relationships Make Learning Relevant Teach Information Processing Feeder Pattern Alignment XX Focus on Inclusion XXX Resource Allocation Alignment XX Alignment of HCPS Initiatives Restructuring Exceptional Education

15 “Education research shows that most school variables, considered separately, have at most small effects on learning. The real payoff comes when individual variables combine to reach critical mass. Creating the conditions under which that can occur is the job of the principal.” The Wallace Foundation, 2011

16 Self-Assessment How well are you implementing the district initiatives at the building and/or district level?

17 Next Steps

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