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Point set alignment Closed-form solution of absolute orientation using unit quaternions Berthold K. P. Horn Department of Electrical Engineering, University.

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Presentation on theme: "Point set alignment Closed-form solution of absolute orientation using unit quaternions Berthold K. P. Horn Department of Electrical Engineering, University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Point set alignment Closed-form solution of absolute orientation using unit quaternions Berthold K. P. Horn Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Hawaii at Manoa Presented by Ashley Fernandes

2 Abstract Finding relationship between coordinate systems (absolute orientation) Closed-form Use of quaternions for rotation Use of centroid for translation Use of root-mean-square deviations for scale

3 Disadvantages of previous methods
Cannot handle more than three points Do not use information from all three points Iterative instead of least squares

4 Introduction - Transformation
Transformation between two Cartesian coordinate systems Translation Rotation Scaling

5 Introduction - Method Minimize error Closed-form solution
Use of quaternions Symmetry of solution

6 Coordinate systems

7 Selective discarding constraints
X axis Y axis Z axis l Maps points from left hand to right hand coordinate system Rotation

8 Finding the translation
Measured coordinates in left and right hand systems Form of translation Scale factor Translational offset Rotated vector from left coordinate system Residual error To be minimized

9 Centroids of sets of measurements
New coordinates Error term where Sum of squares of errors

10 Centroids of sets of measurements
Translation, when r’o = 0 Error term, when r’o = 0 Total error term to be minimized

11 Finding the scale Total error term, since
To minimize w.r.t. scale s, first term should be zero, or

12 Symmetry in scale Suppose we tried to find , or so we hope. But, or
Instead, we use Total error becomes To minimize w.r.t. scale s, first term should be zero, or Scale

13 Why unit quaternions Easier to enforce unit magnitude constraint on quaternion than orthogonal constraint on matrix Closely allied to geometrically intuitive concept of rotation by an angle about an axis

14 Quaternions Representation If Multiplication

15 Quaternions Multiplication expressed as product of
orthogonal matrix4x4 and vector4

16 Quaternions Dot product Square of magnitude Conjugate
Product of quaternion and its conjugate Inverse

17 Unit quaternions and rotation
if We use the composite product which is purely imaginary. Note that this is similar to Also, note that

18 Relationship to other notations
If angle is Θ and axis is unit vector

19 Composition of rotations
First rotation Second rotation Since Combined rotation

20 Finding the best rotation
We must find the quaternion that maximizes Let and

21 Finding the best rotation
What we have to maximize

22 Finding the best rotation
where and Introducing the matrix3x3 that contains all the information required to solve the least-squares problem for rotation. where and so on. Then,

23 Eigenvector maximizes matrix product
Unit quaternion that maximizes is eigenvector corresponding to most positive eigenvalue of N. Eigenvalues are solutions of quartic in that we obtain from After selecting the largest positive eigenvalue we find the eigenvector by solving

24 Nature of the closed-form solution
Find centroids rl and rr of the two sets of measurements Subtract them from all measurements For each pair of coordinates, compute x’lx’r, x’ly’r, … z’lz’r of the components of the two vectors. These are added up to obtain Sxx, Sxy, …Szz.

25 Nature of the closed-form solution
Compute the 10 independent elements of the 4x4 symmetric matrix N From these elements, calculate the coefficients of the quartic that must be solved to get the eigenvalues of N Pick the most positive root and use it to solve the four linear homogeneous equations to get the eigenvector. The quaternion representing the rotation is a unit vector in the same direction.

26 Nature of the closed-form solution
Compute the scale from the symmetrical form formula, i.e. the ratio of the root-mean-square deviations of the measurements from their centroids. Compute the translation as the difference between the centroid of the right measurements and the scaled and rotated centroid of the left measurement.

27 Thank you. The end.

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