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CHAPTER 24 Nuclear Chemistry

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1 CHAPTER 24 Nuclear Chemistry

2 Table Of Contents Section 24.1 Nuclear Radiation
CHAPTER2 4 Table Of Contents Section 24.1 Nuclear Radiation Section 24.2 Radioactive Decay Section Nuclear Reactions Section Applications and Effects of Nuclear Reactions

3 CHAPTER 24 Nuclear Chemistry
I. Nuclear Radiation II III IV

4 SECTION2 4.1 Nuclear Radiation Summarize the events that led to understanding radiation. nucleus: the extremely small, positively charged, dense center of an atom that contains positively charged protons, neutral neutrons, and is surrounded by empty space through which one or more negatively charged electrons move Identify alpha, beta, and gamma radiations in terms of composition and key properties.

5 Student Learning essential questions-Section 1
How was radioactivity discovered and studied? What are the key properties of alpha, beta, and gamma radiation?

6 Nuclear Radiation Isotope Radioisotope X-ray penetrating power
SECTION2 4.1 Nuclear Radiation Isotope Radioisotope X-ray penetrating power Under certain conditions, some nuclei can emit alpha, beta, or gamma radiation.

7 Warm -up List the three different types of radiation and their charges. Tell me the composition of the radiation type that can not penetrate paper because it is too large. 1. Alpha, +2; Beta, _1; Gamma, 0 2. Alpha, 2 protons and 2 neutrons

8 The Discovery of Radiation
SECTION2 4.1 Nuclear Radiation The Discovery of Radiation Nuclear reactions are different from other types of reactions. Nuclear chemistry is concerned with the structure of atomic nuclei and the changes they undergo. Marie Curie and her husband Pierre isolated the first radioactive materials.

9 The Discovery of Radiation (cont.)
SECTION2 4.1 Nuclear Radiation The Discovery of Radiation (cont.)

10 Warm-Up C. Johannesson

11 Isotopes

12 Isotopes … …of the same element have the same number of protons and electrons but different numbers of neutrons. Therefore, isotopes of the same element have different masses.

13 Isotopes … …don’t have to be radioactive.
Some isotopes are unstable and decay, releasing alpha or beta particles, or gamma rays. But, there are many stable isotopes that don’t decay.

14 Isotopes … …have different mass numbers but the same atomic number.
Atomic number - the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom. Mass number - the sum of the protons and neutrons in the nucleus.

15 E Symbols for Isotopes A is the symbol for mass number A Z
Symbol of element Z Atomic number Z is the symbol for atomic number

16 U Symbols for Isotopes 235 92 Mass number Symbol of Element
Atomic number An isotope of uranium

17 U Symbols for Isotopes Mass number 235 92 Symbol of Element
This form solves the word processor dilemma. U 235 92 Symbol of Element Atomic number An isotope of uranium

18 U-235 Symbols for Isotopes Z = 92 How do you know the atomic number?
Symbol of Element Find U in the periodic table. Z = 92 U-235 Mass number How do you know the atomic number?

19 Some elements have several Isotopes
Lead has four naturally occurring isotopes, Pb-204, Pb-206, Pb-207, and Pb-208; but there are 23 man-made isotopes of lead.

20 Some elements have several Isotopes
Bismuth has only one naturally occurring isotope, Bi-209, but there are 22 man-made isotopes of bismuth.

21 How are isotopes of the same element alike and different?
Number of neutrons Mass Number Atomic mass of the isotopes Alike: Number of protons and electrons Atomic number Chemical properties

22 Nuclear Radiation Types of Radiation
SECTION2 4.1 Nuclear Radiation Types of Radiation Isotope- Atoms of the same element with different number of neutrons. Isotopes of atoms with unstable nuclei are called radioisotopes. Unstable nuclei emit radiation (release energy) to attain more stable atomic configurations in a process called radioactive decay. The three most common types of radiation are alpha, beta, and gamma.

23 Types of Radiation (cont.)
SECTION2 4.1 Nuclear Radiation Types of Radiation (cont.)

24 A. Types of Radiation 2+ 1- 1+ Alpha particle () Beta particle (-)
helium nucleus paper 2+ Beta particle (-) electron 1- lead Positron (+) positron 1+ Gamma () high-energy photon concrete

25 Types of Radiation (cont.)
SECTION2 4.1 Nuclear Radiation Types of Radiation (cont.) Alpha particles have the same composition as a helium nucleus—two protons and two neutrons. Because of the protons, alpha particles have a 2+ charge. Alpha radiation consists of a stream of particles.

26 Types of Radiation (cont.)
SECTION2 4.1 Nuclear Radiation Types of Radiation (cont.) Alpha radiation is not very penetrating—a single sheet of paper will stop an alpha particle.

27 Types of Radiation (cont.)
SECTION2 4.1 Nuclear Radiation Types of Radiation (cont.) Beta particles are very fast-moving electrons emitted when a neutron is converted to a proton. Beta particles have insignificant mass and a 1– charge.

28 Types of Radiation (cont.)
SECTION2 4.1 Nuclear Radiation Types of Radiation (cont.) Beta radiation is a stream of fast moving particles with greater penetrating power—a thin sheet of foil will stop them.

29 Types of Radiation (cont.)
SECTION2 4.1 Nuclear Radiation Types of Radiation (cont.) Gamma rays are high-energy electromagnetic radiation. Gamma rays have no mass or charge. Gamma rays almost always accompany alpha and beta radiation. X rays are a form of high-energy electromagnetic radiation emitted from certain materials in an excited state. (gamma rays)

30 Types of Radiation (cont.)
SECTION2 4.1 Nuclear Radiation Types of Radiation (cont.) The ability of radiation to pass through matter is called its penetrating power. Gamma rays are highly penetrating because they have no charge and no mass.

31 Why do radioisotopes emit radiation?
SECTION2 4.1 Section Check Why do radioisotopes emit radiation? A. to balance charges in the nucleus B. to release energy C. to attain more stable atomic configurations D. to gain energy

32 X rays are most similar to what type of nuclear emissions?
SECTION2 4.1 Section Check X rays are most similar to what type of nuclear emissions? A. gamma rays B. alpha particles C. beta particles D. delta waves

33 CHAPTER 24 Nuclear Chemistry
II. Radio Active Decay II III IV

34 Radioactive Decay Explain why certain nuclei are radioactive.
SECTION2 4.2 Radioactive Decay Explain why certain nuclei are radioactive. radioactivity: the process by which some substances spontaneously emit radiation Apply your knowledge of radioactive decay to write balanced nuclear equations. Solve problems involving radioactive decay rates.

35 Student Learning essential questions-Section 2
Why are certain nuclei radioactive? How can you use radioactive decay rates to analyze samples of radioisotopes?

36 Radioactive Decay Transmutation half-life
SECTION2 4.2 Radioactive Decay Transmutation half-life Unstable nuclei can break apart spontaneously, changing the identity of atoms.

37 Radioactive Decay Nuclear Stability
SECTION2 4.2 Radioactive Decay Nuclear Stability Except for gamma radiation, radioactive decay involves transmutation, or the conversion of an element into another element. Protons and neutrons are referred to as nucleons. All nucleons remain in the dense nucleus because of the strong nuclear force.

38 B. Nuclear Decay Numbers must balance!! Alpha Emission parent nuclide
daughter nuclide alpha particle Numbers must balance!!

39 B. Nuclear Decay Beta Emission electron Positron Emission positron

40 B. Nuclear Decay Electron Capture electron Gamma Emission
Usually follows other types of decay. Transmutation One element becomes another.

41 Types of Radioactive Decay
SECTION2 4.2 Radioactive Decay Types of Radioactive Decay Atoms can undergo different types of decay—beta decay, alpha decay, positron emission, or electron captures—to gain stability.

42 Types of Radioactive Decay (cont.)
SECTION2 4.2 Radioactive Decay Types of Radioactive Decay (cont.) In beta decay, radioisotopes above the band of stability have too many neutrons to be stable. Beta decay decreases the number of neutrons in the nucleus by converting one to a proton and emitting a beta particle.

43 Types of Radioactive Decay (cont.)
SECTION2 4.2 Radioactive Decay Types of Radioactive Decay (cont.) In alpha decay, nuclei with more than 82 protons are radioactive and decay spontaneously. Both neutrons and protons must be reduced. Emitting alpha particles reduces both neutrons and protons.

44 Types of Radioactive Decay (cont.)
SECTION2 4.2 Radioactive Decay Types of Radioactive Decay (cont.)

45 Types of Radioactive Decay (cont.)
SECTION2 4.2 Radioactive Decay Types of Radioactive Decay (cont.) Nuclei with low neutron to proton ratios have two common decay processes. A positron is a particle with the same mass as an electron but opposite charge. Positron emission is a radioactive decay process that involves the emission of a positron from the nucleus.

46 Types of Radioactive Decay (cont.)
SECTION2 4.2 Radioactive Decay Types of Radioactive Decay (cont.) During positron emission, a proton in the nucleus is converted to a neutron and a positron, and the positron is then emitted. Electron capture occurs when the nucleus of an atom draws in a surrounding electron and combines with a proton to form a neutron.

47 Types of Radioactive Decay (cont.)
SECTION2 4.2 Radioactive Decay Types of Radioactive Decay (cont.)

48 Types of Radioactive Decay (cont.)
SECTION2 4.2 Radioactive Decay Types of Radioactive Decay (cont.)

49 B. Nuclear Decay Why nuclides decay…
need stable ratio of neutrons to protons DECAY SERIES TRANSPARENCY

50 C. Half-life Half-life (t½)
Time required for half the atoms of a radioactive nuclide to decay. Shorter half-life = less stable.

51 C. Half-life mf: final mass mi: initial mass n: # of half-lives

52 C. Half-life/Warm-Up T½ = 5.0 s mf = mi (½)n mi = 25 g
Fluorine-21 has a half-life of 5.0 seconds. If you start with 25 g of fluorine-21, how many grams would remain after 60.0 s? n = (t) ÷ (T); t = total elapsed time, T = length of half life. GIVEN: T½ = 5.0 s mi = 25 g mf = ? t = 60.0 s n = 60.0s ÷ 5.0s =12 WORK: mf = mi (½)n mf = (25 g)(0.5)12 mf = g C. Johannesson

53 C. Half-life mf = mi (½)n mf = (mi)(0.5)2 mf = 0.0500 g
The half-life of radium-224 is 3.66 days. What was the original mass of radium-224 if grams remains after 7.32 days? Show all work! WORK: mf = mi (½)n mf = (mi)(0.5)2 mf = g .0500 g = (mi)(0.5)2 mi = g ÷ 0.25 = 0.2 g GIVEN: T½ = 3.66 days mi = ? mf = Elapsed time (t) = 7.32 days n = 7.32 days ÷ 3.66 days = 2.00 C. Johannesson

54 C. Half-life mf = mi (½)n n = 4- half lives T = 26.75 ÷ 4 = 6.69 hours
Exactly 1/16th of a given amount of protactinum-234 remains after hours. What is the half-life of protactinum-234? Show all work! WORK: mf = mi (½)n n = 4- half lives T = ÷ 4 = 6.69 hours GIVEN: Lets say original amount (mi) = 100g proctactinum-234. 100 g X (1/16) -= 6.25 g 50 g = 1st half-life 25 g = 2nd half-life 12.5 g = 3rd half-life 6.25 g = 4th half-life C. Johannesson

55 Radioactive Decay Rates (cont.)
SECTION2 4.2 Radioactive Decay Radioactive Decay Rates (cont.)

56 Radioactive Decay Rates (cont.)
SECTION2 4.2 Radioactive Decay Radioactive Decay Rates (cont.)

57 Radioactive Decay Rates (cont.)
SECTION2 4.2 Radioactive Decay Radioactive Decay Rates (cont.) The process of determining the age of an object by measuring the amount of certain isotopes is called radiochemical dating. Carbon-dating is used to measure the age of artifacts that were once part of a living organism.

58 SECTION2 4.2 Section Check The process of converting one element into another by radioactive decay is called ____. A. half-life B. nuclear conversion C. transmutation D. trans-decay

59 SECTION2 4.2 Section Check An unknown element has a half-life of 40 years. How much of a 20.0g sample will be left after 120 years? A. 0.00g B. 2.50g C. 5.00g D. 7.50g

60 CHAPTER 24 Nuclear Chemistry
III. Nuclear Reactions II III IV

61 Nuclear Reactions Understand that mass and energy are related.
SECTION2 4.3 Nuclear Reactions Understand that mass and energy are related. mass number: the number after an element’s name, representing the sum of its protons and neutrons Compare and contrast nuclear fission and nuclear fusion. Explain the process by which nuclear reactors generate electricity.

62 Student Learning essential questions-Section 3
How are nuclear equations balanced? How are mass and energy related? How do nuclear fission and nuclear fusion compare and contrast? What is the process by which nuclear reactors generate electricity?

63 Nuclear Reactions nuclear fission nuclear fusion
SECTION2 4.3 Nuclear Reactions nuclear fission nuclear fusion Fission, the splitting of nuclei, and fusion, the combining of nuclei, release tremendous amounts of energy.

64 Induced Transmutation
SECTION2 4.3 Nuclear Reactions Induced Transmutation One element can be converted into another by spontaneous emission of radiation. Elements can also be forced to transmutate by bombarding them with high-energy alpha, beta, or gamma radiation.

65 Warm-Up: Writing Nuclear Equations
Write a balanced equation for the alpha decay of thorium Turn to Pg. 868, Table 3, and page 869 in Text book, to help getting started. Answer:

66 Warm-Up:Balancing a Nuclear reaction
NASA uses the alpha decay of plutonium-238, as a heat source on spacecraft. Write a balanced equation for this decay. Analyze this problem- You are given that a plutonium atom undergoes alpha decay and forms an unknown product. Plutonium-238 is the initial reactant, while the alpha particle is one of the products of the reaction. The reaction is summarized in the equation below. Determine the unknown product of the reaction, X

67 Writing and Balancing Nuclear Equations
SECTION2 4.2 Radioactive Decay Writing and Balancing Nuclear Equations Nuclear reactions are expressed by balanced nuclear equations. In balanced nuclear equations, mass numbers and charges are conserved. Ex. A plutonium-238 atom undergoes alpha decay, write a balanced equation for this decay.

68 Writing and Balancing Nuclear Equations
SECTION2 4.2 Radioactive Decay Writing and Balancing Nuclear Equations

69 Induced Transmutation (cont.)
SECTION2 4.3 Nuclear Reactions Induced Transmutation (cont.) The process of striking nuclei with high-velocity charged particles is called induced transmutation.

70 Induced Transmutation (cont.)
SECTION2 4.3 Nuclear Reactions Induced Transmutation (cont.) Particle accelerators use electrostatic and magnetic fields to accelerate charged particles to very high speed. Transuranium elements are the elements with atomic numbers 93 and higher, immediately following uranium.

71 Nuclear Reactions and Energy
SECTION2 4.3 Nuclear Reactions Nuclear Reactions and Energy Mass and energy are related. Loss or gain in mass accompanies any reaction that produces or consumes energy.

72 Nuclear Reactions and Energy (cont.)
SECTION2 4.3 Nuclear Reactions Nuclear Reactions and Energy (cont.) Most chemical reactions produce or consume so little energy that the accompanying changes in mass are negligible. Energy released from nuclear reactions have significant mass changes.

73 Nuclear Reactions and Energy (cont.)
SECTION2 4.3 Nuclear Reactions Nuclear Reactions and Energy (cont.) The mass of a nucleus is always less than the sum of the masses of the individual protons and neutrons that comprise it. The difference between a nucleus and its component nucleons is called the mass defect. Binding together or breaking an atom’s nucleons involves energy changes.

74 Nuclear Reactions and Energy (cont.)
SECTION2 4.3 Nuclear Reactions Nuclear Reactions and Energy (cont.) Nuclear binding energy is the amount of energy needed to break 1 mol of nuclei into individual nucleons.

75 Nuclear Reactions Nuclear Fission
SECTION2 4.3 Nuclear Reactions Nuclear Fission The splitting of nuclei into fragments is known as nuclear fission. Fission is accompanied with a very large release of energy.

76 Nuclear Fission (cont.)
SECTION2 4.3 Nuclear Reactions Nuclear Fission (cont.) Nuclear power plants use fission to produce electricity by striking uranium-235 with neutrons.

77 Nuclear Fission (cont.)
SECTION2 4.3 Nuclear Reactions Nuclear Fission (cont.) Each fission of U-235 releases two additional neutrons. Each of those neutrons can release two more neutrons. The self-sustaining process is called a chain reaction.

78 Nuclear Fission (cont.)
SECTION2 4.3 Nuclear Reactions Nuclear Fission (cont.)

79 Nuclear Fission (cont.)
SECTION2 4.3 Nuclear Reactions Nuclear Fission (cont.) Without sufficient mass, neutrons escape from the sample before starting a chain reaction. Samples with enough mass to sustain a chain reaction are said to have critical mass.

80 Nuclear Fission (cont.)
SECTION2 4.3 Nuclear Reactions Nuclear Fission (cont.)

81 Nuclear fission Neutrons Fission fragment U-235 Neutron

82 Nuclear fission U-235 Neutrons Fission fragment These U-235 atoms can split when hit by neutrons, and release more neutrons, starting a chain reaction.

83 Nuclear fission To picture a chain reaction, imagine 50 mousetraps in a wire cage. And on each mousetrap are two ping-pong balls. Now imagine dropping one more ping-pong ball into the cage …

84 Detail of ping-pong balls on mousetraps.

85 http://www. physics. montana

86 As the chain reaction proceeds, energy is released as heat energy.
Nuclear fission As the chain reaction proceeds, energy is released as heat energy. This energy originally held the nucleus together. Billions of splitting atoms releases a huge amount of heat energy.

87 Nuclear fission This heat energy can be harnessed to boil water,
creating steam, that can spin a turbine, that can turn a generator, creating electricity.

88 Nuclear Reactions Nuclear Fusion
SECTION2 4.3 Nuclear Reactions Nuclear Fusion It is possible to bind together two or more lighter elements (mass number less than 60). The combining of atomic nuclei is called nuclear fusion. Nuclear fusion is capable of releasing very large amounts of energy.

89 Nuclear Reactions Nuclear Fusion (cont.)
SECTION2 4.3 Nuclear Reactions Nuclear Fusion (cont.) Fusion has several advantages over fission. Lightweight isotopes are abundant. Fusion products are not radioactive. However, fusion requires extremely high energies to initiate and sustain a reaction.

90 Nuclear Reactions Nuclear Fusion (cont.)
SECTION2 4.3 Nuclear Reactions Nuclear Fusion (cont.) Fusion reactions are also known as thermonuclear reactions. Many problems must be solved before nuclear fusion is a practical energy source.

91 Nuclear Reactions Nuclear Reactors
SECTION2 4.3 Nuclear Reactions Nuclear Reactors Nuclear fission produces the energy generated by nuclear reactors. The fission within a reactor is started by a neutron- emitting source and is stopped by positioning the control rods to absorb virtually all of the neutrons produced in the reaction.

92 Nuclear Reactors (cont.)
SECTION2 4.3 Nuclear Reactions Nuclear Reactors (cont.) The reactor core contains a reflector that reflects neutrons back into the core, where they react with fuel rods. Nuclear reactors produce highly radioactive nuclear waste. Breeder reactors produce more fuel than they consume.

93 Nuclear Reactors (cont.)
SECTION2 4.3 Nuclear Reactions Nuclear Reactors (cont.)

94 SECTION2 4.3 Section Check Bombarding a nuclei with charged particle in order to create new elements is called ____. A. nuclear conversion B. nuclear decay C. induced decay D. induced transmutation

95 Thermonuclear reactions involve:
SECTION2 4.3 Section Check Thermonuclear reactions involve: A. splitting nuclei into smaller fragments B. fusing nuclei together to form larger particles C. bombarding nuclei with charged particles D. generating electricity in a nuclear reactor

96 CHAPTER 24 Nuclear Chemistry
IV- Applications and Effects of Nuclear Reactions I II III IV

97 Applications and Effects of Nuclear Reactions
SECTION2 4.4 Applications and Effects of Nuclear Reactions Describe several methods used to detect and measure radiation. Explain an application of radiation used in the treatment of disease. Describe some of the damaging effects of radiation on biological systems. isotope: an atom of the same element with the same number of protons but different number of neutrons

98 Student Learning essential questions-Section 4
What are several methods used to detect and measure radiation? How is radiation used in the treatment of disease? What are some of the damaging affects of radiation on biological systems?

99 Applications and Effects of Nuclear Reactions
SECTION2 4.4 Applications and Effects of Nuclear Reactions ionizing radiation radiotracer Nuclear reactions have many useful applications, but they also have harmful biological effects.

100 Applications and Effects of Nuclear Reactions
SECTION2 4.4 Applications and Effects of Nuclear Reactions Detecting Radioactivity Radiation with enough energy to ionize matter it collides with is called ionizing radiation. The Geiger counter uses ionizing radiation to detect radiation.

101 Applications and Effects of Nuclear Reactions
SECTION2 4.4 Applications and Effects of Nuclear Reactions Detecting Radioactivity (cont.) A scintillation counter detects bright flashes when ionizing radiation excites electrons of certain types of atoms.

102 Applications and Effects of Nuclear Reactions
SECTION2 4.4 Applications and Effects of Nuclear Reactions Uses of Radiation When used safely, radiation can be very useful. A radiotracer is a radioactive isotope that emits non- ionizing radiation and is used to signal the presence of an element or specific substrate.

103 Applications and Effects of Nuclear Reactions
SECTION2 4.4 Applications and Effects of Nuclear Reactions Uses of Radiation (cont.) Radiation can damage or destroy healthy cells. Radiation can also destroy unhealthy cells, such as cancer cells. Unfortunately, radiation therapy also destroys healthy cells in the process of destroying cancerous cells.

104 Applications and Effects of Nuclear Reactions
SECTION2 4.4 Applications and Effects of Nuclear Reactions Biological Effects of Radiation Radiation can be very harmful. The damage depends on type of radiation, type of tissue, penetrating power, and distance from the source.

105 Applications and Effects of Nuclear Reactions
SECTION2 4.4 Applications and Effects of Nuclear Reactions Biological Effects of Radiation (cont.) High energy radiation is dangerous because it produces free radicals. Free radicals are atoms or molecules that contain one or more unpaired electrons. Free radicals are highly reactive.

106 Applications and Effects of Nuclear Reactions
SECTION2 4.4 Applications and Effects of Nuclear Reactions Biological Effects of Radiation (cont.) Two units measure doses of radiation. The rad stands for Radiation-Absorbed Dose, which is the amount of radiation that results in 0.01 J of energy per kilogram of tissue. The rad does not account for the type of tissue that is absorbing the radiation. The rad is multiplied by a factor related to its effect on the tissue involved and is called the rem, Roentgen Equivalent for Man.

107 Applications and Effects of Nuclear Reactions
SECTION2 4.4 Applications and Effects of Nuclear Reactions Biological Effects of Radiation (cont.)

108 Applications and Effects of Nuclear Reactions
SECTION2 4.4 Applications and Effects of Nuclear Reactions Biological Effects of Radiation (cont.) I1d12 = I2d22 where I = intensity and d = distance.

109 Nuclear reactor

110 Nuclear reactor

111 Nuclear reactor Water circulates in the core Heat exchanger
Containment building Nuclear reactor Reactor core Heat exchanger Steam generator Steam to turbine Fuel rods Water from cooling lake Water circulates in the core

112 Nuclear reactor Water circulates in the core Steam to turbine
Containment building Nuclear reactor Cadmium control rods – absorb neutrons Reactor core Steam to turbine Fuel rods Water from cooling lake Water circulates in the core

113 Nuclear reactor Water circulates in the core Steam to turbine
Containment building The water in the core serves two functions. (1) The water cools the core and carries away heat. (2) Water is a moderator. The water slows the neutrons so that they can cause fission. Fast neutrons do not cause fission. Nuclear reactor Reactor core Steam to turbine Fuel rods Water from cooling lake Water circulates in the core

114 Nuclear reactor Water circulates in the core Water from cooling lake
Containment building Nuclear reactor Reactor core Fuel rods Water from cooling lake Water circulates in the core

115 Nuclear reactor Water circulates in the core Heat exchanger
Containment building Nuclear reactor Reactor core Heat exchanger Steam generator Fuel rods Water from cooling lake Water circulates in the core

116 Nuclear reactor Water circulates in the core Heat exchanger
Containment building Nuclear reactor Reactor core Heat exchanger Steam generator Fuel rods Water from cooling lake Water circulates in the core

117 Nuclear reactor Water circulates in the core Heat exchanger
Containment building Nuclear reactor Reactor core Heat exchanger Steam generator Steam to turbine Fuel rods Water from cooling lake Water circulates in the core

118 From nuclear energy to…
Heat exchanger Steam generator Transmission wires turbine generator Steam to turbine Condensed steam Water from cooling lake Cooling towers or lake

119 Electrical energy Heat exchanger Steam generator Transmission wires
turbine generator Steam to turbine Condensed steam Water from cooling lake Cooling towers or lake

120 Electrical energy This part of the system is the same regardless of how the steam is produced. The heat can come from nuclear energy or by burning coal, natural gas or fuel oil. Heat exchanger Steam generator Transmission wires turbine generator Steam to turbine Condensed steam Water from cooling lake Cooling towers or lake

121 In fact, the only purpose of a nuclear reactor is to boil water.
Electrical energy In fact, the only purpose of a nuclear reactor is to boil water.

122 Pros and cons Cheap, plentiful power, no CO2, nuclear waste, terrorist attack, running out of oil and coal, on-site storage, breeder reactors, transportation of spent fuel, “not in my backyard”, …

123 SECTION2 4.4 Section Check What is a radioisotope that emits non-ionizing radiation and is used to signal the presence of certain elements called? A. rad B. rem C. radiotracer D. free radical

124 SECTION2 4.4 Section Check Radiation with enough energy to cause tissue damage by ionizing the particles it collides with is called ____. A. alpha decay B. beta decay C. gamma radiation D. ionizing radiation

125 Nuclear Radiation Study Guide Key Concepts
SECTION2 4.1 Nuclear Radiation Study Guide Key Concepts Wilhelm Roentgen discovered X rays in 1895. Henri Becquerel, Marie Curie, and Pierre Curie pioneered the fields of radioactivity and nuclear chemistry. Radioisotopes emit radiation to attain more-stable atomic configurations.

126 Radioactive Decay Study Guide Key Concepts
SECTION2 4.2 Radioactive Decay Study Guide Key Concepts The conversion of an atom of one element to an atom of another by radioactive decay processes is called transmutation. Atomic number and mass number are conserved in nuclear reactions. A half-life is the time required for half of the atoms in a radioactive sample to decay. Radiochemical dating is a technique for determining the age of an object by measuring the amount of certain radioisotopes remaining in the object.

127 Nuclear Reactions Study Guide Key Concepts
SECTION2 4.3 Nuclear Reactions Study Guide Key Concepts Induced transmutation is the bombardment of nuclei with particles in order to create new elements. In a chain reaction, one reaction induces others to occur. A sufficient mass of fissionable material is necessary to initiate the chain reaction. Fission and fusion reactions release large amounts of energy. E = mc2

128 Applications and Effects of Nuclear Reactions
SECTION2 4.4 Applications and Effects of Nuclear Reactions Study Guide Key Concepts Different types of counters are used to detect and measure radiation. Radiotracers are used to diagnose disease and to analyze chemical reactions. Short-term and long-term radiation exposure can cause damage to living cells.

129 Nuclear Chemistry The half-life of a radioisotope is:
CHAPTER2 4 Nuclear Chemistry Chapter Assessment The half-life of a radioisotope is: A. one-half its total life B years C. the amount of time it takes to completely decay D. the amount of time it takes for one-half to decay

130 Nuclear Chemistry What is a positron?
CHAPTER2 4 Nuclear Chemistry Chapter Assessment What is a positron? A. a nucleon with the same mass as a neutron and a positive charge B. a nucleon with the same mass as a proton and a negative charge C. a nucleon with the same mass as an electron and a positive charge D. a type of radioactive emission with a negative charge

131 CHAPTER2 4 Nuclear Chemistry Chapter Assessment What is the force that holds the protons and neutrons together in the nucleus of an atom? A. nuclear magnetic force B. strong nuclear force C. ionic bonding D. nuclear bond

132 Nuclear Chemistry During positron emission, a proton is converted to:
CHAPTER2 4 Nuclear Chemistry Chapter Assessment During positron emission, a proton is converted to: A. a neutron and electron B. an electron and positron C. a proton and neutron D. a neutron and positron

133 Nuclear Chemistry A thermonuclear reaction is also called ____.
CHAPTER2 4 Nuclear Chemistry Chapter Assessment A thermonuclear reaction is also called ____. A. nuclear fission B. nuclear fusion C. mass defect D. critical mass

134 Nuclear Chemistry Which statement is NOT true of beta particles?
CHAPTER2 4 Nuclear Chemistry Standardized Test Practice Which statement is NOT true of beta particles? A. They have the same mass as an electron. B. They have a charge of 1+. C. They are less penetrating than alpha particles. D. They are represented by 0-1β.

135 CHAPTER2 4 Nuclear Chemistry Standardized Test Practice The site that oxidation occurs at in a battery is called ____. A. anode B. cathode C. nothode D. salt bridge

136 CHAPTER2 4 Nuclear Chemistry Standardized Test Practice A solution of 0.500M HCl is used to titrate 15.00mL if KOH solution. The end point of the titration is reached after mL of HCl is added. What is the concentration of KOH? A. 9.00M B. 1.09M C M D M

137 CHAPTER2 4 Nuclear Chemistry Standardized Test Practice The half-life of K-40 is 1.26 × 109 years. How much of a g sample will be left after 200 million years? A. 8.96g B. 8.03g C. 7.75g D. 4.99g

138 CHAPTER2 4 Nuclear Chemistry Standardized Test Practice Elements above the band of stability are radioactive and decay by ____. A. alpha decay B. beta decay C. positron emission D. electron capture

139 Stop! Complete the chart on notebook paper, then continue.
Nuclear Properties Table Property Alpha Beta Gamma Greek Letter Symbol Actually is… Atomic number Mass number Relative mass Relative charge Penetrating Shielding Stop! Complete the chart on notebook paper, then continue.

140 Nuclear Properties Table
Property Alpha Beta Gamma Greek Letter Symbol Actually is… Atomic number Mass number Relative mass Relative charge Penetrating Shielding

141 Nuclear Properties Table
Property Alpha Beta Gamma Greek Letter a b g Symbol Actually is… Atomic number Mass number Relative mass Relative charge Penetrating Shielding

142 Nuclear Properties Table
Property Alpha Beta Gamma Greek Letter a b g Symbol 2He4 -1e0 NA Actually is… Atomic number Mass number Relative mass Relative charge Penetrating Shielding

143 Nuclear Properties Table
Property Alpha Beta Gamma Greek Letter a b g Symbol 2He4 -1e0 NA Actually is… He nucleus electron EM energy Atomic number Mass number Relative mass Relative charge Penetrating Shielding

144 Nuclear Properties Table
Property Alpha Beta Gamma Greek Letter a b g Symbol 2He4 -1e0 NA Actually is… He nucleus electron EM energy Atomic number 2 -1 Mass number Relative mass Relative charge Penetrating Shielding

145 Nuclear Properties Table
Property Alpha Beta Gamma Greek Letter a b g Symbol 2He4 -1e0 NA Actually is… He nucleus electron EM energy Atomic number 2 -1 Mass number 4 Relative mass Relative charge Penetrating Shielding

146 Nuclear Properties Table
Property Alpha Beta Gamma Greek Letter a b g Symbol 2He4 -1e0 NA Actually is… He nucleus electron EM energy Atomic number 2 -1 Mass number 4 Relative mass 1/1837 Relative charge Penetrating Shielding

147 Nuclear Properties Table
Property Alpha Beta Gamma Greek Letter a b g Symbol 2He4 -1e0 NA Actually is… He nucleus electron EM energy Atomic number 2 -1 Mass number 4 Relative mass 1/1837 Relative charge +2 Penetrating Shielding

148 Nuclear Properties Table
Property Alpha Beta Gamma Greek Letter a b g Symbol 2He4 -1e0 NA Actually is… He nucleus electron EM energy Atomic number 2 -1 Mass number 4 Relative mass 1/1837 Relative charge +2 Penetrating Low Medium High Shielding

149 Nuclear Properties Table
Property Alpha Beta Gamma Greek Letter a b g Symbol 2He4 -1e0 NA Actually is… He nucleus electron EM energy Atomic number 2 -1 Mass number 4 Relative mass 1/1837 Relative charge +2 Penetrating Low Medium High Shielding 2.5 cm of air; anything else Metal, plastic or wood Lead or concrete

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