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Podłączanie usług w systemie Entish Michał Rudnicki.

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2 Podłączanie usług w systemie Entish Michał Rudnicki

3 service Server ENTISHENTISH Application FILTERFUNCTION System from the application point of view

4 How to join an application? The following data must be sent to a serviceServer using SOAP: application nameapplication name function name the application implementsfunction name the application implements input resources / data typesinput resources / data types output resource / data typeoutput resource / data type Fun InType1 InType2 InType3 OutType BookStore Fun BookOrderType PayConfirmType BookInvoiceType

5 Fun InType1 InType2 InType3 OutType How does a filter work? The constrains are expressed in Entish Given OutConstrains, the filter returns the constrains on input resources; i.e., what input resources are needed to produce the output satisfying the OutConstrains OutConstrains In1Constrains In3Constrains In2Constrains

6 Simple working example: book purchasing resource types: service service BANK Input: PayOrderType source dest value Output: PayConfirmType source dest value service BookStore Input1: PayConfirmType Input2: BookOrderType isbn author title price address Output: BookInvoiceType isbn author title price address resource types:

7 input constrains Example in action: workflow formation BookStore BANK task=query for a book of a fixed author author(bookInvoice)=Sienkiewicz title(bookOrder)=Potop...=Pan Wołodyjowski...=Ogniem i mieczem value(payConfirm)=70...=50...=60 value(payOrder)=73...=53...=63 GUI-02 title price Potop 73 Pan Wołodyjowski 53 Ogniem i mieczem 63 User sends a task that is propagated back by service filters to GUI User chooses one option, then payOrder and bookOrder are created and … GUI-01

8 BookStore BANK Example in action: workflow execution payOrder bookOrder data (e-documents) are processed and effect the real world GUI-03 payOrder 50+3 zł payConfirm 50 zł bookOrderPan Wołodyjowski bookInvoice for the book Purchase completed! Pan Wołodyjowski for 53zł GUI-02


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