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Presentation on theme: "DISTRICT HEALTH DEPARTMENT ZILLA PARISHAD ALIBAG RAIGAD"— Presentation transcript:



3 Maternal And Child Health Programme

4 MAHER GHAR YOJANA Aims:- To Reduce Percentage of Home Deliveries in 3 block viz Karjat, Khalapur, Sudhagad Pali. Action Plan:- We have reduce percentage of home deliveries in these 3 blocks by by taking following action. We take frequently block level meeting in the selected 3 blocks We included all health worker LHV, ANM, HA, MPW, ASHA and Aganwadi Workers, we also seek the help Adolescent Girls and Local Political Leaders . In Block level meeting we calculated the expected number of deliveries in that month at every PHCs/Subcenters, we also listed the expected place of deliveries Our Health workers continuously follows the ANC Mothers in there Visit and Counseled/Insisted her for institutional delivery. LHV at PHC take review of ANM Regarding deliveries weekly. District level officer also take review of home deliveries in their visit DRCHO took review of LHV about Home deliveries in their PHCs

5 Result & Outcome of Maher Ghar Yojana

6 Home Deliveries in Raigad District Year No of Home Deliveries % 1 9567 25 2 7396 20 3 4196 15 4 2806 7 5 2080 6

7 Home Deliveries in Raigad District

8 MMR And IMR Year Maternal Death MMR Infant Death IMR 2012-2013 33 0.9
729 18.9 28 0.8 555 16.1

9 MMR And IMR Year Wise Graphical Trend

10 Family Welfare Programme

11 Two or less than two children
Three YEARS PERFORMANCE OF STERILISATION AND TWO OR LESS THAN TWO CHILDREN Sr.No. Sterilisation Two or less than two children Year Target Vas. Tub. Lap. Achive- ment %age 1 10000 43 4579 3498 8124 81 6000 4628 77 2 9132 25 5218 3336 8579 94 5479 5452 100 3 11100 33 5475 3160 8668 78 7215 5801 80

12 Special Immunization Session in the High risk Areas
In Panvel block due to rapid urbanization of he city, construction sites,Brickling area and Urban Slums is increasing ,were the migrant population is high, Such areas are Categorized it as HIGH RISK AREAS. One of such huge construction site Known as Shirke Constructions,under PHC NERE,Block Panvel were we started immunization Session as the beneficiaries (mother as well as 0-5yrs children) are more,here we also deal with Counselling of Mother rearding Diet, Anc Care, Immunization, Danger Signals In ANC Mothers and Childrens.

13 Immunization Session for Shirke Constructions–Kharghar, (Under PHC-Nere,Tal.Panvel,Dist-Raigad)
RCH Indicators No Of Beneficiaries BCG 3 DPT 1 5 DPT 2 6 DPT 3 Hep.1 2 Hep.3 Measles DPT B Measles 2 Vit 3 1 Vit 4 4 Vit 6 ANC (Res.) T.T.(P.W.) 1 T.T.(P.W.) II + B

14 Pulse Polio Programme In Raigad Dist Panvel,Uran,Karjat,Khalapur these areas are categorized as High Risk Ares By Govt of India, as it is near to Mumbai due to which number of migrant people are more.In such we conducted 5 SNIDs(Sub National Immunization Drive) and 2 NIDs(National Immunization Drive) were we contributed to Polio Free INDIA.

15 Performance of Pulse Polio Round Year April 2013 to April 2014
Sr.No. Polio Round SNID/NID % Area (Block) 1 7-Apr-13 SNID 101 Panvel, Uran, Karjat,Khalapur 2 16-Jun-13 95 3 22 Sep. 2013 102 4 24 Nov. 2013 103 5 19 Jan.2014 NID 104 All Disrtict 6 23 Feb.2014 106 7 6-Apr-14

16 Leptospirosis

17 Factors responsible for occurrence of Leptospirosis
Heavy rainfall Soil pH Agricultural Practices Close Association of humans with domestic animals

18 Reasons for resurgence of Leptospirosis
A typical rural setting conducive for Leptospirosis transmission – Kutcha residence in agriculture field A typical rural Kutcha human habitation – ‘people living closely with domestic animals’ – a cause of spread of Leptospirosis

19 Reasons for resurgence of Leptospirosis contd
Unplanned development All developmental projects are not referred for environmental impact assessment

20 Leptospirosis cases/deaths 2010 to 2014
Sr No Blocks 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 No.of susp-ects No. of confirmed death 1 Pen 172 77 13 17 9 28 5 76 3 2 Alibag 141 89 4 24 16 34 10 Roha 68 46 Mangaon 15 Panvel 23 6 Sudhagad 29 8 7 Tala 21 Karjat  9 Khalapur 42 Mahad 11 Mhasala Total 495 251 88 67 12 133

21 Suspect Cases 2010 to 2014

22 Confirmed Cases Year 2010 To 2014

23 Deaths Year 2010 To 2014

24 Action taken for control of epidemic
Daily House to House surveillance done by teams of Health Wrokers and suspected fever patients treated and serious patients refered to Civil Hospital, Alibag. All Grampanhcyats instructed to take sanitation measures in villages by written letter by Medical Officer, PHC. * Daily Reporting of Fever Cases and Monitoring . Health education Keep Personal Hygiene. Wash hands and legs after working in farms. Use safe water for drinking. Keep Cleanliness in villages. Do not work or go outside without Shoes or Chappals.

25 Action taken for control of epidemic
Health Camps taken in affected villages. Health Camps taken in Block Pen,Alibag,Roha. Visits of Experts Team Expert team including Microbilogist and Physicians from B.J.Medical College, Pune visited the affected area in Gadab PHC. Clinical Experts team including Epidemiologist, Physicians and Surgeons from Thane. Pilot Project For Leptospirosis on 2011.

26 Action taken for control of epidemic
Serum samples collected and send for examination of Lepto. to BJ Medical , Pune. Serum samples collected and send for examination of Dengue to NIV Pune. Due to early referral and admission death rate is decreased. One lacs pamphlets of information on Lepto. circulated in community. Also appeal given by DHO for prevention of Lepto. Published in local news papers.

27 Planning for Next 6 Month To Achieve The Targets

28 Fully Immunized Children
Indicators ELA Achievement % Steps to Reach the Target Under the Responsibility of BCG 41055 36911 90 1)Due to rapid urbanization of Panvel , construction sites,Brickling area in panvel is more were the migrant population is high,Such areas are Categorizedit as HIGH RISK AREA,and for such areas a)We have Alternative Micro Plan. b) Conducting Meeting with Contractors of Construction site and Brickling area by Concerened THO and Medical Officer. c) This meeting should regard of the tracking working ANC or Mother with there children,providing Knowledge of Health services Facility d)Special Immunization in such areas. e)MO,LHv,ANM Sholud give atleast 2 visit a month with sharing there contact numbers with Contractors,ANC,PNC Mother. 2) Close Supervision should be done by MO,LHv,ANM in High Risk Areas and Low Performing areas 3) Tracking Dropout Cases and converting them in Beneficiaries 4)Inclusion of Reputed NGO’s as much as possible inoder to reach the grassroot level. 5)Strong District and Taluka Level Monitoring of Low performing areas by THO,MO,LH,ANM 1)Medical officer, 2)DLS, 3)LHV, 4)ANM, 5)ASHA, 6)Anganwadi Sevika, 7)Social Leader,Social worker,NGO Volunteers. OPV 0 29728 72 DPT 3 36749 OPV 3 36668 89 Hepatitis B 3 35321 86 Measles 37407 91 Fully Immunized Children 37121 DPT B 37284 33272 OPV B 33115

29 Steps to Reach the Target Under the Responsibility of
Indicators ELA Achievement % Steps to Reach the Target Under the Responsibility of Vit A 1 41055 40784 99 6)Detailed and Repeated Review of Low performing areas until the Target is reached. 7)As Medical Mobile Team is Active in Karjat Block covering 60 villages as present,in such village many beneficiaries are left out ,considering such data We can reach the unreached with special immunization schemes. 8)Inclusion Of Private Hospital Data. 9)With the help of Anganwadi Sevika,ANM,Asha,Adoloscent Girls,and Sarpanch ,Counselling and motivation of Anc Mothers Will be done regarding Early Registration, Early immnuzation,Folic acid suplementatiopn and Danger signs during the pregnancy and child health. 1)Medical officer, 2)DLS, 3)LHV, 4)ANM, 5)ASHA, 6)Anganwadi Sevika, 7)Social Leader,Social worker,NGO Volunteers. Vit A 2 37284 39530 106 DPT (5 Yrs) 47315 31961 68 TT (10 Yrs) 48956 41746 85 TT (16 Yrs) 50597 44289 88 ANC Registered (Total) 45160 38242 T.T.(P.W.) 1 28370 63 T.T.(P.W.) II + B 31545 70

30 Two or less than two children
Indicators ELA Achievement % Steps to Reach the Target Under the Responsibility of Sterilisation 11100 78% Appraisal of the Concerned Staff for good performance. To take routing review of low performing phc & block To find alternatives for the rapid increase in the ELA To distribut the work according to manpawar in such areas in order to rapid the target achivment 5 ) Raising Incentives Based Schemes for worker. Inclusion of Reputed NGO’s as much as possible inoder to reach the grassroot level. Strong District and Taluka Level Monitoring of Low performing areas. Detailed and Repeated Review of Low performing areas until the Target is reached 7) Inclusion Of Private Hospital Data 1)Medical officer, 2)DLS, 3)LHV, 4)ANM, 5)ASHA, 6)Anganwadi Sevika, 7)Social Leader,Social worker,NGO Volunteers. Two or less than two children 7215 80%

31 Two or less than two children
Indicators ELA Achievement % Steps to Reach the Target Under the Responsibility of Sterilisation 11100 78% 8 ) Close Supervision should be done by MO,LHv,ANM in Low Performing areas 9 ) Strong District and Taluka Level Monitoring of Low performing THO,MO,LHv,ANM )Regular follow up to camp & benifishary & cuselling them 11) Trained newly appointed medical officer for nsv ,tubectomy to increase the no of surgeons 12) We reopen closed operation thaeater 13) We gives health education about family planning programme to unsecured couples 1)Medical officer, 2)DLS, 3)LHV, 4)ANM, 5)ASHA, 6)Anganwadi Sevika, 7)Social Leader,Social worker,NGO Volunteers. Two or less than two children 7215 80%


33 Shrafalya Yojana (Early Detection, Safe motherhood)
Aims & Objectives :- 1) 100 % ANC registration at six weeks. 2) Supplementation of Doxinet plus tablet if hypermesis is there otherwise providing folic acid tablet for ANC mothers. 3) To give early advice about MTP.

34 Action Plan 1) Surveillance and line listing of mothers in the reproductive age group between 19 to 49. 2) Taking date of monthly period of these mothers by ASHAs. 3) Doing 1st UPT if monthly period extend up to 7 to 10 days. If this UPT comes positive then registration of it to the ANM of SC in that area through phone. And if the test is negative then again doing UPT after 15 days. If the test is positive registration of it to the ANM of SC in that area through phone. And if negative advice to consult to the Medical Officer. 4) By the observation of palms grading as severe anemia, anemia and normal and advice accordingly. 5) Advice to Conduct to medical officer if the PV bleeding is more the 3-5 days during meustrual period. Information on copper T, Condoms, Contraceptive pills and family planning can be given on the same day.

35 Expected Budget Contingency 10000 UPT kit (10 for each ASHA) 50000
Tablet folic acid 5 MG Tablet Doxinet ASHA Incentives (Rs. 5 per Case) 558000 ASHA Incentives Within 45 days Rs. 50 Within 60 days Rs. 25 768000

36 THANK you


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