SFT News 14 th July 2014. Tech Training Programme  Exercise underway to uncover training needs for work projects in 2015  Covers Technical Management,

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1 SFT News 14 th July 2014

2 Tech Training Programme  Exercise underway to uncover training needs for work projects in 2015  Covers Technical Management, Technical training, Safety training and language training  We need to provide feedback on:  the courses that are of any interest for your team members  new subjects that require training and that are not in the training catalogue  the volume of participation for each training need selected in the catalogue and new training needs identified off-catalogue  Identify how we need to develop professionally  Input will be used to define PH training budget 8/27/2015 SFT Group Meeting 24th June 2

3 Top Training courses 2011-13 PH Total = 1012 participants IT Total = 637 participants PH very vast diverse spectrum technical. IT and PH share many IT courses Safety training: PH has majority ~2000 participations (2013)

4 Technical Management 8/27/2015 SFT Group Meeting 24th June 4  How to Write a Competitive Proposal for Horizon 2020  Introduction to BPMN - a process modelling  Introduction to knowledge transfer tools  Maintenance Management  PMI Project Management - CAPM/PMP preparation  Selecting the best person for CERN »

5 Project Management  Managing by project  Project Engineering  Project Scheduling & Costing  Quality Assurance  Risk Management 8/27/2015 SFT Group Meeting 24th June 5

6 IT (Agile PM, C++)  Agile Infrastructure & Puppet for Service Managers: getting started  Agile Project Management with Scrum  Business Objects Basic  Business Objects Universe Designer  Business Objects advanced  C++ Part 1 - Hands-On Introduction  C++ Part 2: Object-Oriented  C++ Part 3: Hands-On Generic Programming in C++ and the STL  C++ Part 4: Hands-On Large Scale in C++ 8/27/2015 SFT Group Meeting 24th June 6

7 IT contd (Openlab, Drupal)  CERN openlab / Intel Parallelism, Compiler and Performance Workshop  CERN openlab Workshop on Numerical Computing  Core Spring  Designing effective websites  Developing secure software  Drupal Site Developing  Drupal in a Day  Emacs - way beyond Text Editing  Embedded C++  Group Training Drupal - 4 hours 8/27/2015 SFT Group Meeting 24th June 7

8 IT contd. (Hadoop, ITIL,Drupal)  Hadoop for Administrators  Hadoop for Developers  Hands-On Modern C++: Making the most of the 11/14 standards  ISTQB International Software Testing Qualifications Board  ITIL Foundations (version 3)  ITIL Foundations (version 3) EXAMINATION  Individual Course: C++  Individual Course: Python Introduction  Individual Training Drupal - 2 hours  Individual Training Drupal - 4 hours 8/27/2015 SFT Group Meeting 24th June 8

9 IT contd. (Linux)  Intermediate Linux System Administration  Introduction to Databases and Database Design  Introduction to Drools  Introduction to Linux  Introduction to Linux System Administration  Introduction: Programming and GUI Development with Python 3 and PyQt4 8/27/2015 SFT Group Meeting 24th June 9

10 IT contd. (Java, OO Design)  JAVA - Level 1  JAVA - Level 2  JAVA 2 Enterprise Edition - Part 1: Web Applications  JAVA 2 Enterprise Edition - Part 2: Enterprise JavaBeans  JavaScript for web development  Javascript/jQuery/AJAX course  MATLAB - Fundamentals and Programming Techniques (ML01)  NetApp  Object-Oriented Analysis and Design using UML  Object-oriented Design Patterns 8/27/2015 SFT Group Meeting 24th June 10

11 IT contd. (ORACLE)  Oracle - Advanced SQL  Oracle - Programming with PL/SQL  Oracle Application Express APEX 4.1 (Web Applications with Oracle Application Express): Introduction  Oracle Application Express APEX 4.1 (Web Applications with Oracle Application Express): New and Advanced Features  Oracle BEA WebLogic Server 10/11  Oracle Certified Professional  Oracle Database SQL Tuning  Oracle Database: RAC Administration  Oracle Databases: Advanced PL/SQL Programming 8/27/2015 SFT Group Meeting 24th June 11

12 IT contd. (Perl, Python, Java)  PERL 5 - Advanced Aspects  PERL 5 - Introduction  Pragmatic Test Driven Development with Refactoring  Project Development using Python  Python - Hands-on Introduction  Python: Advanced Hands-On  Scaling and Optimisation for My SQL  Secure coding for Python  Securing Java Applications  Securing Java and Web Applications  Securing PHP Web Applications  Web Usability  XML - Introduction 8/27/2015 SFT Group Meeting 24th June 12

13 Packages (ACCESS, EDMS, Dreamweaver )  ACCESS 2010 - Level 1 : ECDL4524  ACCESS 2010 - Level 2 : ECDL4523  CERN Document Server (CDS), Inspire and Library Services4451  CERN EDMS - Introduction3917  CERN EDMS for Local Administrators3919  Dreamweaver CS6 - Level 24107  Dreamweaver CS6 - Niveau 13865  Drupal Site Editing: Advanced4849  Drupal Site Editing: Beginners4634 E-groups training4722 8/27/2015 SFT Group Meeting 24th June 13

14 Packages (Excel, ECDL, Indico)  E-groups training4722  ECDL: European Computing Driving Licence Certification  EXCEL 2010 - Level 2:  ECDL EXCEL 2010 - level 1 :  ECDL European Computer Driving Licence - Preparation for ACCESS module  Expression Web - Level 1 (former Sharepoint Designer or Frontpage)  Expression Web - Level 2 (former Sharepoint Designer or Frontpage)  Group coaching on EDH, HRT, PIE-PAD and CET  Indico Advanced - Conference Organization  Indico for beginners - Meeting Organization 8/27/2015 SFT Group Meeting 24th June 14

15 Packages (EDH, HRT, Vidyo, MS Word)  Individual office training - 4 hours  Individual training on EDH, HRT, PIE-PAD and CET  Introduction to EDH and HRT  Lync – click to call and collaborate with others  MS Project PowerPoint 2010 - Level 1:  ECDL Powerpoint 2010 - Level 2 –  ECDL Secure e-mail and Web browsing  Sharepoint Collaboration Workspace - Level 1  Sharepoint Collaboration Workspace - Level 2  Tailor made office Group training  Vidyo - Hands on Overview  WORD 2010 - level 1 : ECDL WORD 2010 - level 2 : ECDL 8/27/2015 SFT Group Meeting 2 4th June 15

16 Training: topics missing in catalogue  Learning …  ??  Teaching …..  ROOT?  Geant4?  CernVM? 8/27/2015 SFT Group Meeting 24th June 16

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