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Safeguarding in the new NHS What are we Seeking Reassurance or Assurance? Organisation / date.

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Presentation on theme: "Safeguarding in the new NHS What are we Seeking Reassurance or Assurance? Organisation / date."— Presentation transcript:

1 Safeguarding in the new NHS What are we Seeking Reassurance or Assurance? Organisation / date

2 NHS | Presentation to [XXXX Company] | [Type Date]2 Safeguarding in the new NHS

3 The Political Landscape and the NHS Mandate The Commissioning Architecture The Cross Government Imperatives. Distinct roles of the LSCB and SAB The Regulatory Framework Nationally and Locally 3

4 Safeguarding in the new NHS 4 The Francis Public Inquiry The Review of Winterbourne View The Child sex abuse Scandal’s in Rochdale and Oxford The Investigations following Saville The Death of Baby Peter and the Munro review Murder of Daniel Pelka

5 Safeguarding in the new NHS The leadership role of NHSE and the regions The Accountability and Assurance Framework Keeping the system safe through the Area Teams Capacity and Capability in the CCG’s using authorisation effectively The unique contribution of the Designated Professionals Supervision, Training, Managing Performance, Outcome driven 5

6 Safeguarding and the new NHS 6 Compliance with the Intercollegiate Guidance 2010 Understanding of the new arrangements for DOLS/MCA Pending Legislation from the Care and Support Bill Child Protection-Information sharing project The PREVENT Agenda

7 Safeguarding in the new NHS 7 Working with the Home Office Mentally Disordered offenders Domestic Homicide Act The Toxic trio Drugs, Alcohol and Domestic Abuse Troubled Families Gun and Gang Crime Child Protection Vulnerable Adults Sexual Violence – Female Genital Mutilation

8 8 Safeguarding in the new NHS Working with the Department of Education Early Help Adoption Matters Looked After Children School Nursing and the opportunities for Public Health Call to Action and the unique role of Health Visiting Disabled Children Young Carers

9 The Skills required! 9 Leadership at every Level Understanding Different Organisational Cultures Navigating the Political Dimensions Accountability and Achievement of Outcomes Safeguarding and Safety Hand in Hand Credibility and Competency and making the difference Creating a Compelling and Articulate Vision Resilience in Times of Turbulence.

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