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REGISTER for the Conference on March 22 Go to Philosophy Department Web Site and follow the links.

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Presentation on theme: "REGISTER for the Conference on March 22 Go to Philosophy Department Web Site and follow the links."— Presentation transcript:

1 REGISTER for the Conference on March 22 Go to Philosophy Department Web Site and follow the links

2 How Moral Change Takes Place (Or I should say, one way that moral change takes place.)

3 Rule: When you see seals, get out of the water. Basic Value: Human Welfare (We want standards that will make people as well-off as possible.)

4 Rule: When you see seals, get out of the water. Basic Value: Human Welfare (We want standards that will make people as well-off as possible.)

5 Rule: When you see seals, get out of the water.







12 Finally, people begin to think: This is crazy. There’s no point to this rule!

13 Rule: When you see seals, get out of the water. Finally, people begin to think: This is crazy. There’s no point to this rule!


15 Stages in the Life of a Rule Conditions exist that give rise to a rule. The rule serves a good purpose. The rule takes on a life of its own, and people forget its original purpose. Conditions change, so that the rule no longer serves a good purpose. There is conflict between those who think we should continue following the rule, and those who argue the rule is pointless. Eventually the conflict fades away, as society adjusts to the new reality and adopts new rules.

16 Infanticide


18 Anencephalic infant




22 Tracy Latimer (1981-1993)

23 Essential facts about Tracy Latimer: cerebral palsy weighed less than 40 lbs. “functioning at the mental level of a three-month old baby” had undergone much painful surgery (rods implanted); more scheduled.

24 Essential facts about Tracy Latimer: father killed her father tried for murder found guilty, but sentenced to only two years (one at home) Canadian Supreme Court disallows lenient sentence; imposes life sentence

25 Quotes: “Nobody has the right to decide my life is worth less than yours. That’s the bottom line.” The president of the Saskatoon Voice of People with Disabilities (who himself has multiple sclerosis).

26 Quotes: “People are saying this is a handicap issue. But they’re wrong. This is a torture issue. It was about mutilation and torture for Tracy.” Robert Latimer (Tracy’s father)

27 The Benefits Argument 1.If no one would benefit from it, then medical treatment is pointless and it need not be done. 2.In the case of many severely handicapped infants, no one--including the infant--would benefit from its being kept alive. 3.Therefore, the medical treatment needed to keep the infant alive is pointless and need not be done.

28 The Slippery Slope Argument 1.If we accept the idea that Tracy Latimer’s life is “not worth living,” and say that she may be killed, we will end up taking the same attitude toward all handicapped people, and perhaps other people as well. 2.That would be monstrous. 3.Therefore, we should not accept the idea that Tracy Latimer may be killed.

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