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Presentation on theme: "DEVELOPMENT PARTNERSHIP ACCESS AND RETURN TO THE LABOUR MARKET FOR PERSONS recovering from mental illness BIURO PROJEKTU: ul. Noniewicza 10, 16-400 Suwałki,"— Presentation transcript:

1 DEVELOPMENT PARTNERSHIP ACCESS AND RETURN TO THE LABOUR MARKET FOR PERSONS recovering from mental illness BIURO PROJEKTU: ul. Noniewicza 10, 16-400 Suwałki, tel./fax. (087) 566 23 98, e-mail:


3 Prevention module – counteracting social exclusion (address to all social groups) Low social awareness and knowledge concerning the problems of persons recovering after mental illness Increased awareness and knowledge concerning the problems of persons recovering after mental illness PARTNER Sub-project The Town of Suwałki 1. Education of children and teenagers (overcoming stereotypes) sub-project: understand and sympathise Support Centre in Lipniak 2. Educational meeting: senior high school students meeting the beneficiaries Sejny Poviat 3. Days of respect for the mentally disabled /recovering from mental illness Suwałk Labour Centre 4. Motivational sessions for employers SP SP ZOZ – Psychiatric Hospital 5. Workshops of students of junior high schools, senior high schools and vocational schools (16-19 years) – Suwałki, Augustów, Olecko, Sejny SP SP ZOZDiagnosis of the target group: psychological, vocational, medical and social.

4 MODULE: DEVELOPMENT OF THE SUPPORT SYSTEM FOR THE BENEFICIARIES AND THEIR FAMILITIES - PSYCHOLOGICAL TRAINING COURSES TEACHING INDEPENDENCE AND COUTERACTING INVALIDATION, DEVELOPMENT OF SUPPORT ENVIRONMENTS FOR THE TARGET GROUP PARTNERSUB-PROJECT SP SP ZOZ Psychiatric Hospital 1. Training course: Overcoming psychological and personality-related deficits: supporting the beneficiaries : groups of 9-14 persons 2. Support – 4 support groups for the beneficiaries, 3 groups for the families + individual consultations+ thematic training courses Local Mutual Aid Centre in Augustów 3. Community support, counteracting invalidation, 4. Sub-project: social skills training for the beneficiaries Local Mutual Aid Centre in Olecko 5. Community support for the beneficiaries 6. Community support for the families Resignation, withdrawal, low life activity. Increasing invalidation Reinforcing life activity of the beneficiaries

5 MODULE: DEVELOPMENT OF THE SUPPORT SYSTEM FOR THE BENEFICIARIES AND THEIR FAMILITIES - PSYCHOLOGICAL TRAINING COURSES TEACHING INDEPENDENCE AND COUTERACTING INVALIDATION, DEVELOPMENT OF SUPPORT ENVIRONMENTS FOR THE TARGET GROUP PARTNERSUB-PROJECT Association „Nadzieja” 7. „Beneficiaries’ Club”: individual consultations and support system of the beneficiaries 8. Legal and information service for the beneficiaries Support Centre in Lipniak 9. Social activation, teaching interpresonal skills and counteracting invalidation process The Town of Suwałki 10. Support system 2 groups x 10-12 persons Sejny Poviat11. Therapeutic actions (social activation) Resignation, withdrawal, low life activity. Increasing invalidation Reinforcing life activity of the beneficiaries

6 Module: professional training courses PARTNERSUB-PROJECT FRP Suwałki1. Professional courses for the beneficiaries, SIRT Suwałki 2. Training courses aiming at employment in the tourism industry Low experience in acting in the open labour market – limited or no professional qualifications Acquiring or changing professional qualifications

7 MODULE: COOPERATION WITH EMPLOYERS Suwałki Labour Centre 1. Analysis of the labour market, a cycle of meetings with employers. a) Protected employment b) Employment in the open labour market The labour market Suwałki Labour Centre 1. Preparation of the module of cooperation with employers, training courses of using SOD Suwałki Labour Centre 2. Assistance in finding employment for the beneficiaries

8 MODULE: COOPERATION WITH EMPLOYERS (cont.) PARTNER SUB-PROJEKT Suwałki Labour Centre 1. Motivational sessions for employers SIRT Suwałki 2. Preparing employers from the tourism industry to offer jobs to persons recovering after mental illness (participation of employers in training courses) Local Mutual Aid Centre in Olecko 3. Activities undertaken among local employers; informing about the ways to approach persons recovering after mental illness. Local Mutual Aid Centre in Augustów 4. Activities undertaken among local employers; informing about the ways to approach persons recovering after mental illness Fears and stereotypes among employers + Fears and stereotypes of co-workers Lack of knowledge concerning the beneficiaries Change of negative stereotypes among employers and co- workers Change of the attitude of employers towards the beneficiaries

9 PARTNERSub-project Family Support Centre Suwałki 1. Registration and description of created mechanisms – cooperation between partners 2. Proving the added value of the project Lack of permanent support mechanisms in preparing the labour market for the beneficiaries Development of permanent support mechanisms in preparing the labour market for the beneficiaries Evaluation system 1. PFRON – State Fund for the Disabled

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