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Staff Induction: Trades Unions Mark Sinfield UNISON Branch Secretary Joints Unions Convenor.

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Presentation on theme: "Staff Induction: Trades Unions Mark Sinfield UNISON Branch Secretary Joints Unions Convenor."— Presentation transcript:

1 Staff Induction: Trades Unions Mark Sinfield UNISON Branch Secretary Joints Unions Convenor

2 1.The Role of Trades Unions 1.Negotiations and Consultations 2.Representation 2.Services to Members 3.How Unions Work 4.How You Join

3 Negotiations and consultations Collective Bargaining –Agreements between the University and a trade union are binding on all staff the union is recognised as representing –The University can use this mechanism to change your contract

4 Negotiations and consultations Partnership Working –The University recognises the value of the trades unions as representing and speaking for staff. –The Unions recognise the benefits of avoiding confrontation and being involved at earlier stages in the development of policy and procedures. –The approach is based on mutual respect and good communications. –It doesnt yet extend much beyond senior management level.

5 Central paradox The unions are deeply woven into the fabric of University governance and administration The unions are self-governing, democratic organisations, recognised by the University but not answerable to it. The effectiveness of the union rests on its membership You join to strengthen that effectiveness Negotiations and consultations

6 Pay and Grading Cost of Living increases negotiated nationally Nationally agreed pay spine Local grade structures Recent changes Major re-working of grades Intensive negotiations with unions

7 Negotiations and consultations Job Evaluation System for determining grades Agreed with the unions Operated jointly with the unions All grades are determined according to the same criteria Otherwise it would be all determined by management say-so

8 Negotiations and consultations Terms and Conditions of Employment e.g. –hours of work –holidays –sick pay –pensions Re-negotiated and harmonised August 2006

9 Negotiations and consultations Health and Safety –Trades unions have a clear legally defined role in Health and Safety matters and significant powers. –The unions are represented on the University Safety Committee. –There is a network of Safety Reps in departments, though more volunteers are always needed.

10 Negotiations and consultations Other policies e.g. –redundancy procedures –fixed term contracts –discipline and dismissal –dignity at work The University listens The Union is your voice

11 Representation Right to be represented written into many policies Representation can mean: –Someone with training and experience –A bit of support –A witness –A spokesperson –A broker –Legal representation at an Employment Tribunal

12 Services to Members Legal advice and representation Financial benefits (insurance, mortgages) Welfare support Education and training Holiday clubs Not what its all about, but worth checking out

13 How Unions Work Who is the union? –The members, who elect stewards and officers [mostly also doing a full-time job] Benefits of belonging to a national union – Expertise – Professional support and advice – Training – Communication and solidarity with others

14 Which Union? (1) The University recognises the following unions: UCU (University and College Union) [formerly AUT] UNISON Unite – The Union [includes Amicus (formerly MSF & EETPU) TGWU (includes ACTS)]

15 Which Union (2) Staff on academic pathways 1, 2, 3 Professional & administrative staff on Grade J and above Professional & administrative staff on grades A-H Technical and Craft Staff Senior Domestic Staff Manual Staff UCU UNISON Unite [Amicus] Unite [ACTS] Unite [TGWU] Staff categories are normally represented as follows: (Grade I could be either)

16 How do I Join? Contact details and/or forms available from websites: go to University website homepage then Information for Staff then Trades Unions Or go to national websites: Pick up a leaflet

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