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AUSTRALIA Geographical Understandings © 2011 Clairmont Press.

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1 AUSTRALIA Geographical Understandings © 2011 Clairmont Press

2 Australia’s Physical Features Coral Sea Great Barrier Reef Ayers Rock Great Victoria Desert The Great Barrier Reef is visible from space. The sun sets behind Ayers Rock.

3 Coral Sea The Coral Sea is a marginal sea off the northeast coast of Australia. The Coral Sea is a marginal sea off the northeast coast of Australia. The sea is home to the Great Barrier Reef and countless animals. The sea is home to the Great Barrier Reef and countless animals. The sea is typically a warm sea that is plagued by tropical cyclones. The sea is typically a warm sea that is plagued by tropical cyclones. The Coral Sea separates Australia from Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands. [MAP] The Coral Sea separates Australia from Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands. [MAP]MAP

4 Great Barrier Reef The Great Barrier Reef is located off the northeastern coast of Australia in the Coral Sea. The Great Barrier Reef is located off the northeastern coast of Australia in the Coral Sea. The Great Barrier Reef is home to more coral than any other location on Earth. The Great Barrier Reef is home to more coral than any other location on Earth. The Great Barrier Reef is 1600 miles long over an area of 133,000 square miles. The Great Barrier Reef is 1600 miles long over an area of 133,000 square miles.

5 Ayers Rock Ayers Rock is a large sandstone monolith in central Australia. [MAP] Ayers Rock is a large sandstone monolith in central Australia. [MAP]MAP Officially it is known as Uluru, its Aboriginal name. Officially it is known as Uluru, its Aboriginal name. The area around Ayers Rock has many ancient paintings in rock caves and water holes. The area around Ayers Rock has many ancient paintings in rock caves and water holes. It is a sacred place to the Aborigines of the Northern Territory. It is a sacred place to the Aborigines of the Northern Territory. At about 1100 feet tall, it is about 300 feet taller than Georgia’s Stone Mountain, and with a circumference of six miles, it’s one mile larger around at its base. At about 1100 feet tall, it is about 300 feet taller than Georgia’s Stone Mountain, and with a circumference of six miles, it’s one mile larger around at its base.

6 Great Victoria Desert The largest desert in Australia, the Great Victoria covers 163,900 square miles (over 2 ½ times the size of the state of Georgia). The largest desert in Australia, the Great Victoria covers 163,900 square miles (over 2 ½ times the size of the state of Georgia). It is located in southern Australia. It is located in southern Australia. An average of only 10 inches of rain fall there in a year. An average of only 10 inches of rain fall there in a year. It is known for its red sand. It is known for its red sand.

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