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Why is GCSE geography more popular in some schools? Paul Weeden University of Birmingham.

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Presentation on theme: "Why is GCSE geography more popular in some schools? Paul Weeden University of Birmingham."— Presentation transcript:

1 Why is GCSE geography more popular in some schools? Paul Weeden University of Birmingham

2 Student interest Individual interest –Where does this come from? –Personality; Life history; Media Situational interest –Teaching; Engagement; Activities Topic interest –Maintained; Enhanced; reduced

3 Student Interest in geography Student Personality Motivation Life Experiences Individual Interest Geography Curriculum Pedagogy Teachers Situational Interest Topic Interest External Influences Family Peers Community Media

4 Student perceptions of geography Enjoy Aspirations Usefulness Aptitude Teachers

5 Student perceptions Student Personality Motivation Life Experiences Individual Interest Geography Curriculum Pedagogy Teachers Situational Interest Perceptions of Geography Topic Interest Enjoy Aspirations Usefulness Aptitude

6 Examination entry and overall student’ performance


8 Whole school factors ‘Type’ of school (student intake) –categories

9 Type of School: Student Intake Type of School Definition based on student intake 1 SelectiveMost students from the top 20-30% of national performance 2 Comprehensive plus All attainments, but more students within the top 50% of national performance. 3 ComprehensiveAll attainments, more or less even mix across the performance range. 4 Comprehensive minus All attainments, but very few from the top 25% of national performance 5 Comprehensive ‘modern’ Few students from the top 50% of national performance, most in bottom 50%.

10 Type of school: Area Student Intake% of Number on roll Big CityNew TownRural CountyAll areas 1 Selective 48%47%57%49% 2 Comprehensive ‘plus’ 33%47%44%39% 3 Comprehensive 30%35%45%36% 4 Comprehensive ‘minus’ 27%30%43%28% 5 Comprehensive ‘modern’ 20% Comprehensive Total 27%38%45%32% Overall Total 29%37%45%33%

11 Entry by intake High, 79% High, 64% High, 100% High, 66% High, 41% Mean, 50% Mean, 39% Mean, 36% Mean, 28% Mean, 20%Low, 20% Low, 10% Low, 14% Low, 0% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% selectiveComprehensive plus comprehensive 'modern‘ comprehensive Type of School % of number on roll comprehensive minus

12 Whole school factors ‘Type’ of school (student intake) –categories Option choice system –Free choice; blocks; differentiated Range of subjects –Varies with LEA; type of school; specialism Influences –Government priorities; vocational; parental; SMT; staffing

13 Whole School Factors Student Personality Motivation Life Experiences Individual Interest Geography Curriculum Pedagogy Teachers Situational Interest Perceptions of Geography External Influences Policies Community Funding Whole School Factors Type of School (student intake) Option choice System (Free/Blocks/Sets) Range of subjects

14 Departments and teachers National influences –GNC; Secondary strategies; subject associations Teachers –Age; responsibilities; life history Quality of teaching and learning –Subject leadership; resources; departmental ‘coherence’; teacher

15 Geography department influence Student Personality Motivation Life Experiences Individual Interest Perceptions of Geography Whole School Factors Type of School (student intake) Option choice System (Free/Blocks/Sets) Range of subjects External Influences GNC Strategies GA (RGS) Universities Geography Curriculum resources Department Subject leadership; coherence Teachers Age; Responsibility; Life History Pedagogy Situational Interest

16 Subjects Core KS3 subjects ‘New’ subjects Curriculum; department; Pedagogy; teachers Other departments Student Personality Motivation Life Experiences Individual Interest Geography Curriculum Department Teachers Pedagogy Perceptions of Geography Whole School Factors Type of School (student intake) Option choice System (Free/Blocks/Sets) Range of subjects Perceptions Of other Subjects

17 Decision Making Outcomes CoreOptions Decision Making Aspirations; Usefulness Liking; Aptitude; Advice Subjects Core KS3 subjects ‘New’ subjects Student Personality Motivation Life Experiences Individual Interest Geography Curriculum Department Teachers Pedagogy Perceptions of Geography Whole School Factors Type of School (student intake) Option choice System (Free/Blocks/Sets) Range of subjects Perceptions of other Subjects

18 Case Study 1: Rural comprehensive Successful department –Above average grades at GCSE and A-level Specialist Technology College (2001) SMT change option structures –HoD accepts changes Numbers drop catastrophically In fewer option blocks Results outstanding

19 Case study 2 Inner city: ‘Modern’ Comprehensive School performance: 10-20% A-C 4 option bands 1.Core + 4 GCSEs 2.Core + 2 GCSEs + 1 vocational double award 3.Core + 2 vocational double awards 4.Basic skills curriculum Geography popular and successful –Y–Young enthusiastic department –C–Controlled environment –G–Geography results improve (67% - A*-C)

20 Whole School Moderating Variables Type of School;School location; Specialist Status; School leadership; Policies and practice; Option choice system Student Intake Outcome Student Subject Choice Student Personality Aptitude Motivation Aspirations Perceptions Influences on student subject choice Adapted from Leithwood and Levin (2005) Decision making Departmental Mediating Variables Subject Leaders; Teachers; Curriculum; Pedagogy Core M; E; Sc Options MFL; DT; IT; RE; PE H; Mu; A; New Subjects 10-20 GCSEs and Vocational Qualifications G

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