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Our Australian ABC Book Mrs. Poma’s Class March 10, 2006.

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2 Our Australian ABC Book Mrs. Poma’s Class March 10, 2006

3 A is for Aborigine. The Aborigines are the native Australians.

4 B is for Boomerang. Boomerangs are used by Aborigines for hunting and as weapons.

5 C is for Crocodile. The crocodile lives in the swamps and attacks large animals and human beings.

6 D is for Dingo. A dingo is a wild dog in Australia.

7 E is for Emu. The emu is a large bird that does not fly. It eats fruit and roots.

8 F is for Farm. The farms in Australia raise cattle for beef.

9 G is for Great Barrier Reef. The Great Barrier Reef is the largest coral reef in the world.

10 H is for Hat. The corks swing from the strings on the hat to keep the bugs away.

11 I is for Instrument. The Aborigines blow on the didgeridoo and make a beautiful sound.

12 J is for Joey. A joey is a baby kangaroo.

13 K is for Koala. A koala lives in the trees and eats leaves.

14 K is for Kookaburra. A kookaburra is a bird that makes a laughing sound.

15 L is for Lizard. The Australian Frilled Lizard hisses to scare away other animals.

16 M is for Marsupial. Marsupials are mammals with pouches. They carry their babies in their pouch. kangaroo quoll koala

17 N is for Numbat. A numbat is a small marsupial that eats termites with its long, sticky tongue.

18 O is for Outback. The outback is very hot because it is a desert.

19 P is for Platypus. The platypus is a mammal that lays eggs.

20 Q is for Quick. A kangaroo moves quickly with his huge hind legs.

21 Q is for Quoll. A quoll is a marsupial that lives in rock piles or in hollow logs and hunts at night.

22 R is for Ringed-tail Possum. This possum has a long tail and lives in the trees.

23 S is for Sheep Station. Sheep stations or ranches are found in Australia. Sheep are raised for wool and food.

24 T is for Tasmanian Devil. It is a fierce animal that can hunt and kill a sheep all by itself.

25 U is for Under. Australia is called the “land down under” because it is below the equator.

26 V is for Veranda. Many houses in Australia have covered porches or verandas.

27 W is for Wombat. A wombat is a small animal that eats bugs.

28 X is for X-ray Art. The Aborigines made the x-ray art on the cave walls thousands of years ago.

29 Y is for Yard. People have swimming pools in their back yards.

30 Z is for Zoo. There are zoos in Australia which have many special animals.

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