Anglo Coal Australia. Group Structure Anglo Coal Australia Australia’s third largest coal producer Investment in Australia totals USD 1.3bn Plans to.

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Presentation on theme: "Anglo Coal Australia. Group Structure Anglo Coal Australia Australia’s third largest coal producer Investment in Australia totals USD 1.3bn Plans to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Anglo Coal Australia

2 Group Structure

3 Anglo Coal Australia Australia’s third largest coal producer Investment in Australia totals USD 1.3bn Plans to invest a further USD 400m on Australian mine development over the next 5years Australia is essential to Anglo Coal’s long-term growth

4 Major Australian Producers

5 2001 Performance – On Target Overall stretch target achieved in first full year All business units “On Target” or better Operating profit USD 173m and above plan, ROCE 19% Strong cash flow Unit cost and production on target Achieved sustainable cost savings of USD 12m in 2001

6 Products & Markets Sold over 29 Mt of coal in 2001 Diverse product range Strategy is to double managed production by 2007

7 Thermal Coal Demand Pacific EC South Asia Other Europe Americas

8 Metallurgical Coal Demand Pacific EC South Asia Other Europe Americas

9 Anglo Coal Australia – Core Strategies One Team – One Business Skilled workforce Continuous improvement Growth Australian opportunities Indo-Pacific expansion

10 In the Community Responsible corporate citizen Sponsor of Queensland Community Fund Sponsor of Camp Quality Providing scholarships & training Industry leader in safety

11 Leader in Safety Industry Comparison – LTIFR 2000/2001 (per million hours)

12 LTIFR – Qld & NSW Underground Mines 2000-2001

13 LTIFR – Qld & NSW Open Cut Mines 2000-2001

14 Callide

15 Capcoal (German Creek)

16 Capcoal (cont’d) Produces 5 Mtpa hard coking coal Two underground mines and one open cut mine German Creek employs 758 people All coal is exported to steel companies The new Grasstree Mine to extend mining life

17 Moranbah

18 Moranbah (cont’d) Produces 5 Mtpa hard coking coal Coal is exported to various steel manufacturers in Asia One of Australia’s most productive underground longwall mines Moranbah employs 448 people

19 Jellinbah

20 Moura

21 Dartbrook

22 Dartbrook (cont’d) Produces approx 3.4 Mtpa of thermal coal All coal is exported to Asia Low sulphur product Dartbrook employs 293 people Kayuga seam project extends mine life

23 Drayton

24 Drayton (cont’d) Mine produces approx 5 Mtpa of thermal coal Dragline and truck & shovel mining Export – approx 3 Mtpa Domestic – approx 2 Mtpa Drayton employs 264 people Saddlers Creek identified as replacement reserve

25 Forecast Production - 2002 23%PCI3.7Jellinbah 51%Thermal & Met6.0Moura 39.0 TOTAL 88%Metallurgical5.1Moranbah 77%Thermal3.2Dartbrook 88%Thermal5.0Drayton 70%Metallurgical5.3Capcoal 100% Thermal 10.7 Callide Anglo Share Type Saleable Production (100% Mt) Mine

26 Improving our Competitiveness Competitive position is a key success factor Continuous improvement philosophy Internal and external benchmarking studies External learning Acquire long life operations with low cost structures

27 Dragline Benchmarking Detailed comparative data analysis prepared with external consultants Analysis highlighted large potential for improvement in dragline productivity Target improvement areas identified for each dragline

28 Dragline Productivity Improving

29 Longwall Production - 2001 Moranbah Dartbrook GC Central GC Southern

30 Coal Reserves and Development ACA has mining plans across reserves totalling almost 800 Mt Many sites still have extensive areas that have not been fully explored Confident that reserves will grow significantly as the exploration program is intensified

31 Qld Reserve Areas – Northern Bowen Basin

32 Qld Reserve Areas – Southern Bowen Basin

33 New South Wales Coal Reserve Areas

34 Future Directions ACA and Mitsui joint ventures Dawson Valley projects China Indonesia

35 Conclusion Anglo Coal is committed to achieving its key strategic goals of: Growth Continuous, sustainable improvement Maintaining its leading position in safety Investment in Indo-Pacific

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