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Works Progress Administration Created in 1935 Headed by Harry Hopkins Focused on public works such as bridges, roads, runways Also included arts projects.

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Presentation on theme: "Works Progress Administration Created in 1935 Headed by Harry Hopkins Focused on public works such as bridges, roads, runways Also included arts projects."— Presentation transcript:

1 Works Progress Administration Created in 1935 Headed by Harry Hopkins Focused on public works such as bridges, roads, runways Also included arts projects Some projects famous (Camp David, Dealey Plaza) Signs similar to this one alerted the public that a site was a WPA works project

2 In addition to public works projects, the WPA also provided adults with job training as well as enrichment opportunities

3 WPA: Supporting the Arts WPA also provided funding for various arts programs Writing, theater, photography, and painting programs

4 Federal Theater Project Part of the “Federal One” project Headed by Hallie Flanagan “Living Newspapers” Included Orson Welles, John Houseman, and Arthur Miller Ran into several controversies

5 Federal Art Project Specialized in visual arts Created more than 200,000 works Included art production, art instruction, and art research

6 Federal Writers Project Allowed writers to work directly for the government Writers paid a “subsistence” wage Several famous writers participated

7 National Industrial Recovery Act Centerpiece of New Deal recovery program Sought to promote fair competition, raise wages and prices, and institute collective bargaining Created “codes of fair competition” Enforced by the NRA

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