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The Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation & Resettlement Act 2013

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1 The Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation & Resettlement Act 2013

2 Objectives Just & Fair Compensation Transparent process of Land Acquisitions Informed Consultation & Participative approach Least Disturbance Rehabilitation & Resettlement

3 Chapter Scheme of New Act Chapter No. Contents of Chapter Sections/ Provisions IPreliminary 1 to 3 II Determination of Social Impact and Public Purpose 4 to 9 III Special Provision to Safeguard Food Security 10 IV Notification and Acquisition 11 to 30 V Rehabilitation and Settlement Award 31 to 42 VI Procedure & Manner of Rehabilitation and Resettlement 43 to 47 VII National Monitoring Committee for Rehabilitation and Resettlement 48 to 50 VIII Establishment of Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement 51 to 74 IX Apportionment of Compensation 75 to 76 X Payment 77 to 80

4 Chapter Scheme of New Act Chapter No. Contents of Chapter Sections/ Provisions XIPreliminary 81 to 83 XII Offences and Penalties 84 to 90 XIII Miscellaneous 91 to 114 Schedules First Compensation for Land Owners As per Sec-30(2) Second Element of Rehabilitation and Resettlement Entitlements for all the affected families (Both land owners and the family whose livelihood is primarily dependent on land acquired) in addition to those provided in the First Schedule As per Section 31(1), 38(1) & 105(3) Third Provision for infrastructure amenities 32, 38(1) & 105(3) Fourth List of enactments regulating land acquisition and rehabilitation amd resettlement. 105

5 Eco System of RTI in Maharashtra Appropriate Government Commissioner for Rehabilitation & Resettlement Land Acquisition & Rehabilitation & Resettlement Authority Eco System of Land Acquisition GRAMSABHAGRAMSABHA EXPERTGROUPEXPERTGROUP Collector Officer Designated by Collector Administrator Requiring AuthorityR & R Committee

6 Institutional Structure 6 National Monitoring Committee Oversight at Central Level for all projects State LA & RR Authority Dispute Resolution for State Projects Committee constituted by Appropriate Government Whether projects are for public purpose? Commissioner, RR Overall Admin for LA & RR In State State Govt. Level Central Govt. Level

7 Institutional Structure 7 District Collector through officer designated Overall coordination and implementation Administrator, RR Admin Project-level RR Commissioner, RR Oversight (Elected Reps, civil society, Line agencies) Project Level

8 Important Concepts Cost of acquisition Administrative cost Cost of acquisition Administrative cost Resettlement area Small Farmer Displaced Family Marginal Farmer Landless Land Owner Land Owner Affected area Affected family Affected family JUST & FAIR C O M P E N S A T I O N CONSULTATIONCONSULTATION

9 Public Purpose 80% consent for Administrative cost 80% consent for Administrative cost Project for project affected families Project for planned development Project for housing for such income groups Project for project affected families Provision to apply to PPP Private companies acquiring land for public purposes Affected area Strategic purposes, defense related JUST & FAIR C O M P E N S A T I O N CONSULTATIONCONSULTATION

10 Comparative Provisions of old Act and new Act. Sr. No. Process Old Act Section New Act Section 1 Preliminary notification 411 2 5 A Hearing5A15 3 Declaration of Resettlement Area & Public Purpose ( by Secretary or Officer Authorized) 619 4 Award1123/30/31 5 Correction of clerical errors. etc.13A33 6 Possession1638 7 Urgency Clause1740 8 Ref. to Court / Authority 1864 9 Matters to be considered2327

11 Comparative Provisions of old Act and new Act. Sr. No. Process Old Act Section New Act Section 10 Matters to be ignored2428 11 Interest on excess compensation2872 12 Re-determination of compensation28A73 13 Apportionment of compensation2975 14 Payment of deposit in court/Authority3177 15 Interest 3480 16 Temporary Occupation3581 17 Enforcing possession when opposed4791 18 Withdrawal from acquisition4893 19 Exemption from stamp-duty and fees5196

12 Paradigm shifts from the Land Acquisition Act, 1894 to the LARR Act, 2013 Shift1894 Act 2013 LARR Act Public Purpose Includes several uses such as infrastructure, development and housing projects. Also includes use by companies under certain conditions. No significant change except private companies for PPP. Social Impact Assessment (SIA) No provision SIA has to be undertaken in case of every acquisition (Subject to pending Amendment Bill 2015)

13 Paradigm shifts from the Land Acquisition Act, 1894 to the LARR Act, 2013 Shift1894 Act 2013 LARR Act Consent from affected people No generic mandatory provision. Consented Awards provided Consent of 80 per cent of land owners is obtained when land is acquired for private projects Consent of 70 per cent of land owners is obtained when land is acquired for public-private partnership projects. No consent required for infrastructure work of Govt. Consent from affected persons in addition to land owners.

14 Paradigm shifts from the Land Acquisition Act, 1894 to the LARR Act, 2013 Shift1894 Act 2013 LARR Act Compensation Based on the market value. Market value doubled in rural areas and not in urban area Market Value Based on the current use of land. Explicitly prohibits using the intended use of land while computing market value Whichever is higher of: (a)value specified for stamp duty, and - Ready Reckoner (b)average of the top 50% by recorded price of sale of land in the vicinity (c)Consented amount u/s 2(2) Solatium30 % 100 %

15 Paradigm shifts from the Land Acquisition Act, 1894 to the LARR Act, 2013 Shift1894 Act 2013 LARR Act Return of land to land owner No provisionAcquired land if not used within 5 years, it will be returned to Land Bank or land owners. Sharing of profit / appreciation No provision. If the acquired land is unused and is transferred, 20% of the profits shall be shared with the original land owners. R&R No provision for R&R. R&R necessary for all affected families. Minimum R&R entitlements to be provided to each affected family specified.

16 Maharashtra Policy on Land Acquisition Act, 1894 to the LARR Act, 2013 Sr. No Prticulars 2013 LARR Act 1Market Value of Land To be determined by ready reckoner value fixed under the Maharashtra Stamp Act (59 of 1958) and the Maharashtra Stamp (Determination of True Market Value of Property) Rules, 19 9 2 Multiplication Factor Land Compensation 1. Metropolitan Areas, A, B, C, Class Municipal Areas, Special Planning Authorities, Area Dev. Authorities, & New Townships (market value x 1 ) plus value of assets attached to land or building)plus( 100% solatium) 2. Areas covered by Regional Plans & Development Plans (excluding above areas) (market value x 1.5 ) plus value of assets attached to land or building)plus( 100% solatium) 3. Urban Areas(market value x 2) plus value of assets attached to land or building) plus( 100% solatium)

17 Rehabilitation and Resettlement Components Sr. No Prticulars 2013 LARR Act 1 House is lost in rural area A constructed house shall be provided as per the specifications of Indira Aawas Yojana ( a house of 25 sq.mtrs.) or Rs. 1.65 lacs in lieu of house. The construction cost will be minimum Rs. 600 per sq.ft.which gives Rs. 1,61,400 excluding the cost of the developed land. 2 House is lost in rural area A constructed house shall be provided of 50 sq. mtrs. plinth area as per Public Works Department norms or Rs. 5.5 lacs in lieu of house. Explanation.—Considering the construction cost of Rs. 1000 per sq.ft., the cost of house will be Rs. 5,38,000 excluding the cost of the developed land.

18 Rehabilitation and Resettlement Components Sr. No Prticulars 2013 LARR Act 3 One time payment One time payment of Rs. 5 lacs to each affected family to those who have eligible candidate for employment. 4 Subsistence allowance to the affected displaced families Rs. 3000 per month for a year after displacement date. For the families belonging to Scheduled Castes or Scheduled Tribes such families will get additional Rs. 50,000..

19 Rehabilitation and Resettlement Components Sr. No Prticulars 2013 LARR Act 5 Transportation costRs. 50,000 per affected displaced families.. 6 One time financial assistance. Those families having cattle shed or petty shops will get Rs. 25,000 one time financial assistance. 7 One time grantOne time grant for artisans, small traders of Rs. 50,000. 8 One time resettlement allowance One time resettlement allowance of Rs. 50,000 after shifting of house.

20 Rehabilitation and Resettlement Components Sr. No Prticulars 2013 LARR Act 9 Stamp duty and registration charges Stamp duty and registration charges will be borne by Requiring Body for the first transaction of the rehabilitated person only. 10 Requiring Body to provide infrastructure in Rehabilitation and Resettlement area. which includes the roads, drainage, Panchayatghar, post office, Samaj Mandir and other facilities as mentioned in the THIRD SCHEDULE 11 Provision of monetization ( on written consent) 10% plus the total per family cost of all the amenities to be provided under the THIRD SCHEDULE of the said Act—5% increase in inflation index increases on 1 st Jan

21 Rehabilitation and Resettlement Components Sr. No Prticulars 2013 LARR Act 5 Transportation costRs. 50,000 per affected displaced families.. 6 One time financial assistance. Those families having cattle shed or petty shops will get Rs. 25,000 one time financial assistance. 7 One time grantOne time grant for artisans, small traders of Rs. 50,000. 8 One time resettlement allowance One time resettlement allowance of Rs. 50,000 after shifting of house.

22 Rehabilitation and Resettlement Components Sr. No Prticulars 2013 LARR Act 9 Stamp duty and registration charges Stamp duty and registration charges will be borne by Requiring Body for the first transaction of the rehabilitated person only. 10 Requiring Body to provide infrastructure in Rehabilitation and Resettlement area. which includes the roads, drainage, Panchayatghar, post office, Samaj Mandir and other facilities as mentioned in the THIRD SCHEDULE 11 Provision of monetization ( on written consent) 10% plus the total per family cost of all the amenities to be provided under the THIRD SCHEDULE of the said Act—5% increase in inflation index increases on 1 st Jan

23 The Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation & Resettlement Act 2013 Process Flow

24 Proposal is Received by the Appropriate Government Social Impact Assessment (SIA) Conducted by Appropriate Government ( Sec 4-6 ) SIA report examined by Independent Expert Group ( Sec 7) Legitimacy of ‘Public Purpose’ and SIA to be examined and approved by Appropirate Govt ( Sec 8) 1.Collector submits report on status of alternative sites 2.Consent of affected sought in projects falling under Sec 2(b ) 1. Pre Notification 24

25 Origin and emergence of SIA SIA concept can be traced to the 17th century in western societies……. United States National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) in 1969 considered landmark legislation. Developed countries have integrated SIA in their planning process----making planning a participatory process….. International learning is …….. Failure to integrate SIA into the planning process diminishes the significance of rational planning and weakens the quality of its ultimate decisions.

26 Objectives of SIA Cost benefit Analysis & verifying no alternate location feasible. Whether acquisition serves public Purpose… Ensuring social equity by identifying potential affected & displaced families Mitigating negative social effect..whether land requirement absolutely bare minimum Enhancing Social inclusion in deciding actual extent of impact/effect. SIA Plan after public hearings

27 Social Impact Assessment Cycle Social Impact Assessment 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 Analyze Project Context Identify & analyze Stakeholder Identify social factors/ variables Analyze data and assess priorities Consult stakeholders & develop mitigative plans Implement mitigation plan & public participation Ensure monitoring with active stakeholder involvement & modify it.

28 28 Notification Publication of Preliminary Notification to acquire ( Sec 11 ) Public Hearing; disposal of Objections( Sec 15) by Collector & report to Appropriate Govt. Finalization of R&R Scheme, Prepare & Review ( within 6 months of PN) ( Sec 16-17) Draft declaration & R & R Scheme published ( Sec 19 ) Award for Compensation Sec-23 Solatiutm Sec- 30 & for R&R (Sec 31) Right to enter lands, carry our survey & markings S-1 2 Any damage caused during survey to be paid for S.13

29 Every notification & Declaration shall be mandatorily published in The Official Gazette Two widely cirulated daily news papers ( one in local language) Office of Panchayat, local bodies, collector, Sub divisional Officer & tahsil Uploaded on the website of the Appropriate government In the affected areas. pkachare@gmail.com29

30 continued Publication of Preliminary notification. Sec.11 Preliminary survey of land. Draft RR scheme to be prepared by Administrator.(DRO,SLAO) Publish draft scheme as per sec 16. Public Hearing by Administrator in Gram P. Commissioner –Approve the draft scheme. Declaration of final RR scheme by the Commissioner.------sec.19 = sec 6.

31 Pre Notification Stage Sr. No. Process Time Frame 1 SIA Study (Sec-4(2) 2 nd proviso) 6 Months 2Appraisal by expert group –for reasoned recommendation (Sec-7(4) (b) ) 2 Months 3 Examination by appropriate Govt & issuance of Pre Notification (Sec-14) (From The date of appraisal by Expert Group) 12 months from SAI Report pkachare@gmail.com31

32 Sr. No. Process Time Frame 1 Record updation & corrections (Section 11(5)) 2 Months 2Public hearing / Preparation of R&R schemes / declaration of R&R 2 Months pkachare@gmail.com32 Notification Stage

33 Sr.No. Process Time Frame 1 Declaration of “Resettlement Area” (Sec 19(2) -3 rd proviso & 19(7)) by Secretary or officer authorized. 12 Months from Sec-11 notification 2Land Acquisition Award u/s 23, 25 & 30 12 Months from Sec-19 declaration 2 Payment of compensation 3 Months 3 R & R award u/s 31 6 Months Note: 1. Only after that we can get Possession of land. 2. Infrastructural facilities under R&R- 18months pkachare@gmail.com33 Post Notification Stage

34 Sr. No. Process Time Frame 1 Reference to be made by aggrieved being a person who represented before Collector. Within 6 weeks of Award 2 In other cases Reference to be made by aggrieved being a person. Within 6 weeks of receipt of notice u/s 21 or within 6 months of Award 3Sending Reference to Authority 30 days of receipt 4If not sent….Applicant to approach Authority Within 30 days pkachare@gmail.com34 Post Award Stage

35 Compensation for Land Market Value of Land [ MV] as determined under Sec 26-28 Value of Assets [VA] attached to the property being acquired such as trees, plants, wells and the like (Sec 29) Final Award= MV * Factor + VA + Solatium where, Solatium = MV* Factor + VA [ Sec 30] & Factor could range from 1 for Urban areas up to a max of 2 for Rural areas {see Schedule I} (To be decided by Appropriate Government) pkachare@gmail.com35

36 Awards Award for Land Acquisition Award made in respect of every affected family whose land is being acquired (this will include landless tenants as well) and containing details of LA compensation as listed in the First Schedule; ( Sec-23 r/w 30(2) Award for R&R Award made in respect of every affected family, regardless of whether they may be losing land or not, containing details of R&R entitlements as listed in the Second Schedule. ( Sec-31 ) pkachare@gmail.com36

37 Urgency Clause (SEC-40 ) The Urgency Clause can only be invoked in the following cases: National defence and security purposes Resettlement & Rehabilitation needs in the event of natural calamities such as floods or earthquakes or any other emergency with the approval of the Parliament. pkachare@gmail.com37

38 R&R Applicability in certain persons other than specified persons- (sec 46) Any person other than specified person is purchasing land through private negotiation has to file an application before the Collector, notifying him of intent to purchase, purpose and particulars of land; (limit notified by AG) “Specified persons” includes any person other than- - – Appropriate Government; - – Government company; – -Association of persons or trust or registered society. pkachare@gmail.com38


40 S.I.A.( mandatory in all cases except acq. by urgency clause. ) (u/sec.4) AGENCY----- State SIA unit. SIA Notification within 30 days after depositing processing fee. SIA shall be conducted in consultation with Panchayat, M.C.,or Mun. Corp. followed by Public Hearing. SIA Report in Form 1 to state Govt. in 6 months SIA REPORT---Project Feasibility Report. Project Impact Report. Social Impact Management Plan.(Form 2) Publication of SIA study Report. Public hearing by appropriate govt. Expert group for evaluation of SIA report.

41 R&R Applicability in certain persons other than specified persons- (sec 46) Any purchase of land by a person other than specified person without complying with the provision of R&R Scheme shall be void ab initio. Collector shall pass individual award covering R&R provision based upon the R&R scheme approved by Commissioner. Appropriate Government may notify area for such limits on sale and purchase. Any land purchased through negotiations on or after 5th Sept. 2011 and acquired within three years from the date of commencement of this Act,then,40% compensation shall be shared with original land owners. pkachare@gmail.com41

42 Infrastructural Amenities under R& R (3 rd Schedule) 25 infrastructural amenities to be provided in the Resettlement area, including: Schools and playgrounds; Health Centres; Roads and electric connections; Assured sources of safe drinking water for each family as per Govt. norms; Panchayat Ghars as appropriate; Anganwadi’s providing child and mother supplemental nutritional services as per Govt norms; Places of worship and burial and/or cremation ground depending on the caste-communities at the site and their practices; Village level Post Offices, as appropriate, with facilities for opening saving accounts; Fair price shops and seed-cum-fertilizer storage facilities if needed pkachare@gmail.com42

43 Sec-24 -Retrospective Effect Clause Clarification issued in respect of retrospective operation of the Act as prescribed u/s 24 of the New LA Act 2013- Where the notification of Sec-4 [under the Old LA Act 1894] has been issued prior to 31.12.2013 and award (u/s 11 of the said Act) has not been made, the procedure will continue as per the old Act subject to the condition that the new act will apply for determination of compensation pkachare@gmail.com43

44 Sec-24 -Retrospective Effect Clause Where notification u/s 4 of the Old LA Act has not been published by the said date, all the earlier proceedings will lapse and the acquisition can proceed under the provisions of the New Act 2013. Where an award has been made before 1.1.2009, but the possession of land has not been taken OR compensation has not been paid, the acquisition proceedings would be deemed to have lapsed. pkachare@gmail.com44

45 Reference provisions (sec- 64,65,72, 73 & 76) Any person interested who has not accepted the award may, by written application to the Collector requires that the matter be referred to the Appropriate Authority. The “Appropriate Authority ”means the Land Acquisition and Resettlement Authority established under section 51 of the Act. pkachare@gmail.com45

46 Reference provisions (sec- 64,65,72, 73 & 76 Reference shall be made within a period of thirty days of receipt of application. In making the reference, Collector’s statement shall be forward in writing. Collector may be directed to pay interest on excess compensation or re-determination of amount of compensation by the Authority. Disputes as the apportionment of the compensation may be referred by the Collector to the Authority. pkachare@gmail.com46

47 Transparency Provisions Social Impact Assessment – Gram Sabha to be consulted (Sec-4) – Summary of SIA notified along with Draft Notification (Sec-6) – SIA document made available for public scrutiny R&R Scheme (Sec-16) – Summary notified along with Draft declaration Made available for public scrutiny. Individual Awards declaration (Sec-30(2)) Public Disclosure – All documents mandatorily to be made available in the public domain and on the website pkachare@gmail.com47

48 Important Changes pkachare@gmail.com48 Section-99 No Change of Purpose Section-101 Land not Used within 5 years to be returned to Land Bank/ Land Owner Section 100 No Change of Ownership Section 46(6) Sharing appreciated value

49 Important Features 1Safeguardi ng Food Security Multi crop area to be avoided As last demonstrable resort, if needed as per limit fixed for all projects in a district by AG except Road, Railway etc. equivalent area of cultural wasteland shall be developed or an amount equivalent to value of land acquired to be deposited with AG for food security 2 Special Provisions for SC/ST SC/ST PAP in addition to R&R package Land to each family in irrigation project One time financial assistance of Rs.50,000 Families settled out of district to get 25% of RR package extra 1/3 rd comp advance, DP to be prepared Reservation to be continued….

50 Important Features 3 Special provision for Farmers Acquisition only if necessary. Enhanced compensation (as per schedule 1) Strict restrictions on multi crop acquisition. Consent … a)70 % consent for acquisition of public private partnership projects. b)80 % consent for acquisition of private companies. c)Return of unutilized land (Sec. 101) d)Share in sale of acquired land increased value if sold to another without development. (Sec- 102) e)Income Tax Exemption / Stamp Duty Exemption (Sec-96)

51 Benefits for agricultural laborers, Tenants & Share-croppers & Share-croppers 4 Tenants who may not own any land but are engaged in any form of tenancy or holding a usufruct right are covered under this Act. Share-croppers, Artisans who have been working in the affected area for 3 years prior to the acquisition and whose primary source of livelihood stands affected by the acquisition of land. They will receive not just the R & R benefits but also a share in the compensation to be provided.

52 Definition of “Affected families” Land Owners 1.Family or Company whose land /other immovable properties has been acquired. 2. Those who are assigned land by the Govt. under various schemes 3. Right holders under the Forest Rights Act.2006 Livelihood Losers 1.Over the last three years, a family whose livelihood is primarily dependent on the land being acquired, including agriculture laborers, tenants or sharecroppers.

53 Retrospective operation: (section 24) Where no award under section 11 of the 1894 Act has been made, the new law will apply with regard to compensation.(sec.24/a ) Where award has been made then proceedings shall continue under L A Act as if Act not been repealed. (sec.24/b) When an award has been made but the affected individuals have not accepted compensation or have not yet given up possession, and the proceedings have been pending for 5 years or more, provisions of the new law will apply. (sec 24/2 Provided when a majority of individuals in an affected area have not received compensation then the new law will apply.

54 Transparency Provisions S.I.A. -Gram Sabah to be consulted. -Summary of SIA notified along with draft notification. -SIA document made available for public scrutiny. R & R Scheme -Summary notified along with draft declaration made available for public scrutiny. Individual Awards passed Public Disclosure - All documents mandatorily to be made available in the public domain and on the website.

55 Timelines 1.Compensation will be given within a period of 3 months from the date of the award. 2.Monitory R & R entitlements will be provided within a period of 6 months from the date of the award. 3.Infrastructure R & R entitlements will be provide within a period of 18 months from the date of the award. 4.No involuntary displacement will take place without completion of R & R 5.In irrigation or hydel projects, R & R shall be completed 6 months prior to submergence.

56 Safeguards against indiscriminate acquisition SIA made mandatory except for irrigation projects, where EIA has obtained. (section 6/2 )To be concluded in 6 months Draft notification to include : - Summary of SIA - Particulars of Administrator for R & R who prepares R & R Scheme. Draft Declaration to include : - Summary of R & R package No Change of Purpose: - No Change from the purposes specified in the land use plan submitted at the time of land acquisition will be allowed.

57 Safeguards against indiscriminate acquisition Change of ownership : - No change of ownership without specific permission of Appropriate Govt. is allowed. Land not Used : - Land that is not used within 5 years in accordance with the purposes for which it was acquired at the time of acquisition, shall be transferred to the State Governments Land Bank or to the original land owner. Sharing Appreciated Value : - Upon every transfer of land without development, 40% of the appreciated land value shall be mandatorily shared with the original owner whose land has been acquired.

58 Important Provisions For urgency clause – Gove. sanction is necessary Powers of Declaration / Previous approval of Award Compensation amount Up to 4 cr. -- S.L.A.O/ S.D.O 4 cr. to 10 cr. -- Collector Above 10 cr. -- Divisional Commissioner If Land is to be acquired for urbanization 20 % of develop land to be kept reserve and allot to affected persons with the cost of land + development

59 Important Provisions If land is acquired /purchase by private company from private land owner admeasuring more than 1000 ha then provisions of R &R will be applicable. (section 46 ) R& R authority shall dispose of reference u/s 64 within 6 months

60 If land is acquired /purchase by private company from private land owner admeasuring more than 1000 ha then provisions of R &R will be applicable. (section 46 ) R& R authority shall dispose of reference u/s 64 within 6 months.

61 Amendment Bill 2015 LA provisions to 13 Acts Land Return provision relaxed Retrospective application of new LA Act..calculation of period Not Private Companies but ‘ Private Entities ’ AG may specify limit for acquiring Multicrop irrigated lands Prior sanction for prosecution


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