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The Design of System Architecture

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1 The Design of System Architecture

2 System Architecture System architecture translates the logical design of an information system onto a physical structure includes hardware, software, network support, processing methods, and security.


4 Deployment Environment
Deployment environment definition bridges analysis and design Hardware System software Networking Common deployment environments in which system will operate Related design patterns and architectures for application software

5 Single-Computer and Multitier Architecture
Single-computer architecture Mainframe-based Limited by single machine capacity Clustered and multi-computer architecture Group of computers to provide processing and data storage capacity Cluster acts as a single system Multicomputer hardware/OS can be less similar than clustered

6 Single-, Clustered, and Multicomputer Architectures

7 Centralized and Distributed Architecture
Distributes system across several computers and locations Relies on communication networks for geographic connectivity Client/server architecture dominant model for distributed computing

8 Application Architecture
Complex hardware/networks require more complex software architectures There are commonly used approaches (patterns) for application architecture Client/server architecture Three-layer client/server architecture Web services architecture Internet and Web-based application architecture

9 Client/Server Computing
Information processing is distributed among several workstations and servers on a network, with each function being assigned to the environment that is best suited to perform it. The client initiates the requests and the server responds. Consolidate the virtues of traditional time-shared mainframe and mini-computer paradigms with the advantages of personal computers, workstations, and local area networks

10 Components of Client/Server Computing
Three interrelated components Client - the front-end Server - the back-end Network - the middle ware Many to many relationship between clients and servers.

11 Client/Server Architecture
Client/server divides programs into two types Server – manages information system resources or provides well-defined services for client Client – communicates with server to request resources or services Advantage – deployment flexibility Location, scalability, maintainability Disadvantage – complexity Performance, security, and reliability



14 Interaction Among Multiple Clients and a Single Server

15 Client/Server Architectural Process
Decompose application into client and server programs, modules, or objects Identify resources or services that can be centrally managed by independent software units Determine which clients and servers will execute on which computer systems Describe communication protocols and networks that connect clients and servers

16 Three-Layer Client/Server Architecture
Layers can reside on one processor or be distributed to multiple processors View layer – accepts user input and formats and displays processing results Business logic layer – implements rules and procedures of business processing Data layer – manages access to stored data in databases

17 Three-Layer Architecture





22 Client/Server Tiers and Middleware
Two-tier design: client - server Three-tier design: client – application server – data server Middleware Special utility software that enables the tiers to communicate and pass data back and forth. A transparent interface that enables system designers to integrate dissimilar software and hardware.


24 Three-tier Client/Server System
Figure 1. Three-tiered client/server architecture Three-tier Client/Server System

25 Client/Server Advantages
Provide scalability, portability, and interoperability through standard-based openness Respond to the organization’s need for easy information access, flexibility, smooth administration, reliability, security and proficient application development Mix, match, and combine diverse data elements located in different, often incompatible systems

26 Client/Server Disadvantages
Acceleration of complexity High hidden costs Technical support cost End-user operations cost Administration cost

27 Web Services Architecture
A client/server architecture Packages software functionality into server processes (“services”) Makes services available to applications via Web protocols Web services are available to internal and external applications Developers can assemble an application using existing Web services

28 Web Services Architecture
WSDL: Web Service Description Language UDDI: Universal Description, Discovery and Integration SOAP: 'Simple Object Access Protocol XML: Extensible Markup Language

29 Internet and Web-Based Application Architecture
Web is complex example of client/server architecture Can use Web protocols and browsers as application interfaces Benefits Accessibility Low-cost communication Widely implemented standards


31 Multi-tiered Web Service System

32 Negative Aspects of Internet Application Delivery
Breaches of security Fluctuating reliability of network throughput Throughput can be limited Volatile, changing standards

33 The Design of Communication Networks

34 Networks Network - A set of interconnected devices that share a directory and can thus access each other The directory provides an address for each component of the network If the device is not included in the directory, it is not part of the network

35 Components of a Network
Terminals and workstations Transmission links Transmission methods Nodes and switches Network architecture and standards


37 The layered protocol system concept
receive a letter send a letter Application Application logical link mail sorting mail sorting Network Network mail unpacking and checking mail packaging Data link Data link physical link Physical Physical transportation

38 Layered Architecture Clear division of functionality gives modular approach to development and ease of standardization. Application independence - software assumes that services are available - no need to know about implementation details. Facilitates maintenance - can replace/omit or nominally implement a layer

39 Classification of Networks
By technology used: cable, wireless, … By topology: ring, bus, star By geographic scope: LAN, WAN, MAN By type of ownership: Public, Private, VPN

40 Computer Network Set of transmission lines, specialized hardware, and communication protocols Enables communication among different users and computer systems Local area network (LAN) less than one kilometer long – connects computers within single building Wide area network (WAN) over one kilometer long – implies much greater, global, distances Router – directs information within network

41 A Possible Network Configuration for RMO


43 McMaster Campus Networks

44 The Internet, Intranets, and Extranets
Internet – global collection of networks that use TCP/IP networking protocols Intranets Private networks using same TCP/IP protocols as the Internet Limited to internal users Extranets Intranets that have been extended outside the organization

45 Identify the business criteria for the telecommunications platform
Translate business to technology along three dimensions of business functionality Reach: the locations/people/organizations to which we must link Range: the variety of information and transactions we must be able to share Responsiveness: the level of service we guarantees, in terms of speed, reliability, and security


47 Reach Levels of Reach Connection is not communication
Within a single location Across a firm’s domestic locations Across international locations To customers and supplies with the same technology base as the firm’s To all customers and suppliers To anyone, anywhere Connection is not communication

48 Range Range involves the information and transactions that must be shared across business functions and processes Levels of Range Simple messages Access to separate data stores Independent transactions Cooperative transactions Object-oriented thinking

49 Responsiveness Refers to the level of service we must guarantee, in terms of speed, reliability, and security Levels of responsiveness Non-immediate response - need not be on-line Immediate response - on-line during office hours - airline On-demand service - 24 hours a day - police Perfect service - always work with high security - defense

50 Network Design Integrate network needs of new system into existing network infrastructure Describe processing activity and network connectivity at each system location Describe communications protocols and middleware that connects layers Ensure that network capacity is sufficient Data size per access type and average Peak number of access per minute or hour

51 Network Diagram for RMO Customer Support System

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