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$100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $200 $300 $400 $500 Area of Parallelograms Areas of Triangles, trapezoids and Rhombi Geometric Probability Area of regular.

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Presentation on theme: "$100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $200 $300 $400 $500 Area of Parallelograms Areas of Triangles, trapezoids and Rhombi Geometric Probability Area of regular."— Presentation transcript:



3 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $200 $300 $400 $500 Area of Parallelograms Areas of Triangles, trapezoids and Rhombi Geometric Probability Area of regular polygons and circles Area of Irregular Figures

4 Area of Parallelograms for $100 Write the formula for the area of a parallelogram

5 Answer Back Area of a parallelogram: A = bh Where, b = the base of the parallelogram h = the height of the parallelogram

6 Area of Parallelograms for $200 Find the area of the following parallelogram:

7 Answer Back A = bh b = 3.7cm; h = 7.6cm A = 3.7cm*7.6cm A = 28.12 cm 2

8 Area of Parallelograms for $300 Find the area of a parallelogram with base length 10cm, slant height 12 cm and height 8cm

9 Answer A = bh b = 8cm; h = 10cm A = 8cm * 10cm A = 80cm 2 Back

10 Area of Parallelograms for $400 Find x if the area of a parallelogram equals 60, the base = 5 and height = x+7

11 A = bh 60 = 5*(x+7) = 5x + 35 25 = 5x x = 5 Answer Back

12 Area of Parallelograms for $500 Find the area of parallelogram ABCD if A(1,3); B(3,3); C(7,8); D(9,8)

13 Answer Base length = 3-1 = 2 Height = 8-3 = 5 A = bh A = 2*5 A = 10u 2 Back

14 Area of Triangles, Trapezoids and Rhombi for $100 Find the area of the following triangle: 4m 3m 5m

15 Area of a triangle = (1/2)b*h b = 4m; h = 3m A = (1/2)*4m*3m A = 6m 2 Answer Back

16 Area of Triangles, Trapezoids and Rhombi for $200 Find the area of the following Trapezoid:

17 Answer Area = (1/2)h(b 1 + b 2 ) Area = (1/2)(7in)(8in + 12in) Area = 70in 2 Back

18 Area of Triangles, Trapezoids and Rhombi for $300 Find the area of the following Rhombus:

19 Answer Area = (1/2)d 1 *d 2 Area = (1/2)*16*16 Area = 128m 2 Back

20 Area of Triangles, Trapezoids and Rhombi for $400 Find the area of the following figure: 12m 18m 13m 6m

21 Area of a trapezoid = (1/2)h(b 1 +b 2 ) h = 13m; b 1 = 6m; b 2 = 12m A = (1/2)(13)(6+12) A = 9*13 = 117m 2 Answer Back

22 Area of Triangles, Trapezoids and Rhombi for $500 Find the area of a rhombus with vertices at A(3,6); B(3,-2); C(0,2); and D(6,2)

23 Answer Area of a rhombus = (1/2)d 1 *d 2 d 1 = 6 - -2 = 8 d 2 = 6 – 0 = 6 A = (1/2)*6*8 A = (1/2) * 48 A = 24u 2 Back

24 Area of Regular Polygons and Circles for $100 Find the circumference of the following circle. Leave your answer in exact terms

25 Answer Cirfcumference = Π*d C = 5.7Πcm Back

26 Area of Regular Polygons and Circles $200 What is the formula for the area of a regular polygon?

27 Answer Back Area of a regular polygon: A = (1/2)P*a P = perimeter a = apothem

28 Area of Regular Polygons and Circles for $300 Find the area of a circle with diameter 10ft

29 A = Π*r 2 r = (1/2) d = (1/2)*10ft = 5ft A = Π * 5 2 A = 25 Π ft 2 Answer Back

30 Area of Regular Polygons and Circles for $400 Find the area of a regular pentagon that has been inscribed in a circle with radius 8.

31 Answer A = (1/2)P*a P = 5(1.18*8) = 47.2 a = 0.81r = 0.81(8) = 6.4 A = (1/2)*47.2*6.4 = 152.928u 2 See Page 611 Back

32 Area of Regular Polygons and Circles for $500 Find the area of a regular octagon that has been inscribed in a circle with radius 10.

33 Answer A = (1/2)P*a P = 8(0.77*10) = 61.6 a = 0.92r = 0.92(10) = 9.2 A = (1/2)*61.6*9.2 = 283.36u 2 See Page 611 Back

34 Area of Irregular Polygons for $100 How do you find the area of irregular polygons?

35 Answer Break them up into smaller figures of known area. Back

36 Area of Irregular Polygons for $200 Find the area of the following figure:

37 Area = Area of square + area of triangle Area = 13cm * 9cm + (1/2)11*5 Area = 144.5cm 2 Answer Back

38 Area of Irregular Polygons for $300 Find the area of the following figure:

39 Area = 25ft*12.9ft + (1/2)25ft*7.2ft Area = 412.5 ft 2 Answer Back

40 Area of Irregular Polygons for $400 Find the area of the following figure. Assume that the ice cream is a perfect circle of diameter 6cm and the cone is a triangle and there is no overlap in areas: 10cm5cm

41 Answer Area = pi*r 2 + (1/2)Bh Area = pi*9 + (1/2)(5)(10) Area = 53.27cm 2 Back

42 Area of Irregular Polygons for $500 Find the area of the following figure if one side of the square in the middle is 10cm and is the diameter of the semi circle:

43 Answer Area = 10cm * 10cm + 2*((pi)(5) 2 ) Area = 257.08cm 2 Back

44 Geometric Probability for $100 What is the formula for geometric probability? Draw a picture to demonstrate the regions.

45 Answer (Area of B)/(Area of A) Back A B

46 Geometric Probability for $200 What is the area of a sector of a circle if the central angle is 25 degrees and the radius is 5cm?

47 Answer A = (N/360)(pi)r 2 A = (25/360)(pi)(25) A = 5.45cm 2 Back

48 Geometric Probability for $300 What is the area of a sector of a circle if the central angle is 31 degrees and the diameter is 7cm?

49 Answer A = (N/360)(pi)r 2 A = (31/360)(pi)(12.25) A = 3.31cm 2 Back

50 Geometric Probability for $400 Given the following regular trapezoid, find the probability of a chosen point lying in the rectangle in the middle:

51 Answer Back P = Area of rectangle/ Area of trapezoid P = (8*7)/(0.5*7*(14+8)) P = 56/77 = 73%

52 Geometric Probability for $500 Given the following circle with diameter 10, find the probability of a chosen point lying inside the region bounded by arc AB with central angle 115

53 Answer Back P = Area of sector/ Area of circle P = (115/360)(pi*25)/(25pi) P = 32%

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