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2 Geography After the Han Dynasty collapsed, China split into several rival kingdoms. This led to: nomadic people settling in Northern China. Because of this settlement, the culture of the nomads and the traditional Chinese mixed. Some northern Chinese did not like the nomads and moved south. This led to a blending in the south of northern Chinese and southern Chinese cultures. A change in culture – new types of art and music, new foods and clothing styles. This new blended culture spread over a wider geographic area than ever before, and more people became Chinese.

3 Changes in Agriculture
Movement of farmers to the fertile basins of the Chang Jiang river in southern China (from NORTH TO SOUTH) Attacks by the Mongols drove many landowners from the north to the south. Reasons for Agricultural Changes:

4 The move south changed what was grown. It was wetter and warmer
Reasons for Agricultural Changes con’t: The move south changed what was grown. It was wetter and warmer RICE A new kind of rice is brought to china during the 11th century: Drought resistant Matured in 2 months instead of 5

5 AMOUNT OF CROPS GO UP!!!! Reasons for
Agricultural Changes con’t: New and better farming techniques and tools: Plow and harrow Fertilizer used to produce larger crops Chain pump Terraces All of these improvements led to increased crop yield. AMOUNT OF CROPS GO UP!!!!

6 Characteristics of the New Agriculture: Terraced hillsides Rice paddies where rice is planted by hand Rice harvested by hand Irrigation – dams, dikes, gated channels and chain pumps Also grew tea, cotton and sugar.


8 Population goes up Food production was increased!! Results of
This helped to support a larger population and China’s population grew to more than 100 million people. Peasants could take time away from farming to make silk, cotton, cloth and other products to sell or trade. Farmers could market surplus rice Landowners could buy luxury items All led to the growth of trade and commerce. Results of Agricultural Changes: Population goes up

9 The Growth of Trade and Commerce
Reasons for Growth in Trade and Commerce: Imports – foods, plants, wool, glass, gold, silver Exports – teas, rice, spices, jade, silk, porcelain Wealthy landowners were eager to buy luxuries Water transportation Rivers Grand Canal Improvements in navigation Magnetic compass Paper money (currency)


11 Canals crowded with barges carrying goods
Characteristics Of China’s Commercial Growth: Canals crowded with barges carrying goods Peasants come to town to sell their surplus Merchants have set up shops “Deposit shops” – where copper coins are traded for paper money Paper money has no value itself. If there is too much in circulation it loses its value.

12 Results of Growth in Trade and Commerce: Resulted in the growth of the merchant class Business activity brought increased prosperity – giving China the highest standard of living Commercial centers grew into big cities - URBANIZATION

13 Urbanization Reasons for the growth of cities:
The growth of commerce encouraged people to move to cities and towns Wealthy landowners left their farms because they liked the shops and social life of the cities. Chang’an was China’s capital during the Tang Dynasty and was a trade center. It was the largest city in the world at that time.

14 Streets filled with shops, merchants, moneylenders, and traders
Characteristics of Cities: Crowded and exciting Streets filled with shops, merchants, moneylenders, and traders Entertainment Musicians Jugglers Acrobats Puppeteers Theaters, restaurants, teahouses Food vendors

15 Changed the way ordinary Chinese lived
Results of Urbanization: Changed the way ordinary Chinese lived Public works projects employed many city dwellers Stimulated culture Art

16 The Political Development of Imperial China
Confucius – Confucius laid down a pattern of thinking followed by more people for more generations than any other human being on the face of the earth. No matter what religion, no matter what form of government, the Chinese (and most other East Asian civilizations) and their way of thinking can in some way be shown to have Confucian elements about them. But Confucius was no religious leader nor did he claim any special divine status (nor was any divine status claimed for him). He was, in fact, a relatively ordinary person.  Confucius believed that society functioned best if everyone respected laws and behaved according to their positions. He taught that parents were superior to children, men superior to women, and rulers superior to subjects. He believed that society functioned best if every person respected laws and behaved according to his or her position. Confucius said, "Let the ruler rule as he should and the minister be a minister as he should. Let the father act as the father should and the son act as the son should." Great Wall -    The nomadic people to the north of China were known as Mongols. Their raids into China caused a great deal of destruction. In 214BC, Shih Haung-ti connected a number of existing defensive walls into a single system fortified by watchtowers in order to keep out the Mongols. Gates through the wall became centers of trade and contact with the northern nomads. Ironically, the Ming Dynasty fell to Manchu invaders from northeast China when a traitor opened a gate in the wall.  Later rulers made the wall stronger and longer. Today the Great Wall of China stretches more than 1,500 miles. The wall is generally twenty-five feet high with forty-foot towers. It is wide enough for wagons to pass each other in opposite directions. If the wall began in Miami, Florida, it might end in Boston, Massachusetts, Des Moines, Iowa, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, or San Antonio, Texas.

17 Imperial China Historians divide Chinese history into periods ruled by dynasties Dynasties are ruling families Mandate of Heaven Chinese believed that Heaven supported the dynasty for as long as the emperor ruled well. Natural disasters were taken as signs that Heaven was displeased.

18 Qin Dynasty B.C.E. Known for unification of China under an emperor The Legalists strengthened state power and control over the people. The Chinese writing system were unified. Chinese defenses were strengthened by creating the Great Wall.

19 The Qin are also famous for the terra cotta army that was found at the burial site for Shi huangdi. The army consisted of 6,000 pottery soldiers that protected the tomb. They may be a replacement for the actual people who had previously been buried with the rulers.

20 Han Dynasty 206 B.C.E. – 220 C.E. Known as a golden age and a united China The Han Dynasty is often compared to the Roman Empire. It is considered the "Golden Age of Chinese History." Today the Chinese word for Chinese person means "a man of Han."

21 Fall of the Han Dynasty Corrupt relatives of the emperor seized control High taxes ruined families Workers were forced to labor on public projects Bandits attacked the countryside The government could not protect the farmers. The farmers rebelled The Han dynasty lost the Mandate of Heaven

22 Period of Disunion 220 – 589 This is the period of time following the fall of the Han Dynasty. China was split into several rival kingdoms each ruled by military leaders. Because of this disunion and the movement of people throughout China, a cultural blending took place.

23 Sui (Sway) Dynasty 589-618 C.E. Period of Disunion ends in 589
Yang Jian (Yang Jee-en) conquered the south and unified China. Yang Jian later named Wen Di which means “civic” or “polished” emperor The Sui Dynasty lasted from A.D. The Sui once again united China. Despite having a short lifetime, the Sui Dynasty accomplished many things: The Grand Canal was extended north from Hangzhou across the Yangzi to Yangzhou and then northwest to the region of Louyang. The internal administration also improved during this time, which is evident by several things; the building of granaries around the capitals, the fortification of the Great Wall along the northern borders, the reconstruction of the two capitals near the Yellow River, building of another capital in Yangchow. Confucianism also began to regain popularity, as the nobles gained importance.

24 Sui Dynasty Actions: Started the Grand Canal which links northern and southern China. Made improvements to the Great Wall Wen Di was Buddhist, but he supported Buddhism, Confucianism, and Daoism in order to unite people. Civic projects helped unite people. However, Wen Di and his son were harsh and forced peasants who could not pay taxes to fight in the army or work on civic projects – one project was to increase the size of the palace. However over 1 million workers were needed and 40% died on the project!

25 The Tang Dynasty The Tang Dynasty 618-907 C.E.
Known for economic development and growth – many inventions and discoveries

26 The Tang Dynasty Sui official overthrew the government and started the Tang Dynasty. Expanded China’s land Considered the golden age of China for art and culture. Empress Wu China’s only woman ruler – her husband was sick and eventually died – she decided her sons were not worthy to rule. She ruled with an “iron fist” - if people opposed her then they faced death She chose advisors based on ability rather than their rank!

27 Used civil service exams to fill some positions
Aristocracy Relied on a large bureaucracy – so big government had the power and not the locals Used civil service exams to fill some positions CHOSE ARISTOCRATS FOR MOST HIGH-LEVEL JOBS. *Even the civil service exams favored aristocrats. The test were supposedly open to all except certain groups such as merchants, actors and beggars. In theory, any man could attend the university where students prepared for the exams. In reality, only the wealthy could afford tutors, books, and time to study. As a result, aristocrats held almost all offices in the early part of the dynasty.

28 Calligraphy - Tang Dynasty Poem
Divinity: Buddha from Tang Dynasty Tang Dynasty Bronze Dragon

29 The Song Dynasty The Song Dynasty
C.E. – reunified China again after 50 years of civil war Known for economic development and growth; many inventions and discoveries

30 Meritocracy MEANS RULE BY OFFICIAL CHOSEN FOR THEIR MERIT. The Song relied on civil service exams and opened them up to more candidates. People from LOWER CLASSES gained the ability to become scholar-officials

31 Gate Scene – Song Dynasty

32 Mongol Empire Yuan Dynasty
C.E. Control of China by foreigners

33 Mongol Invasion Led by Genghis Khan in 1206
Brutal ruler (killed men, women, children) Ruled most of Asia, and then conquered northern China by his death in 1227

34 Kublai Khan Grandson Kublai Khan takes over after 40 years of fighting (only non-Chinese Dynasty) *PG. 187 (Yuan Dynasty )* Completes Chinese conquest Emperor in 1279 Seen as rude and uncivilized (different language, customs, gods)

35 Kublai Kahn Genghis Kahn’s grandson, Kublai Khan, conquered China. Kublai Khan moved his capital to the city now known as Beijing in He probably did not know how to speak Chinese, but he took the Chinese name Yuan for his dynasty. The Yuan was the only foreign dynasty to rule all of China. At its height, the Mongol empire stretched from Korea to Hungary and as far south as Vietnam. It was the largest empire the world has ever known. The Mongols are remembered mostly for their ferocious military force, but they improved the road system linking China with Russia and promoted trade throughout the empire and with Europe.  After Kublai Khan died in 1294, the Mongols became less warlike. They were resented as an elite, privileged class exempt from taxation. Several natural disasters and a peasant rebellion caused the Mandate of Heaven to shift to a Buddhist peasant, Hung-wu. Hung-wu expelled over 60,000 Mongols and began the Ming Dynasty.

36 Life under Yuan Khan did not force ideas on Chinese, but did force high taxes (public works projects completed by Chinese workers) Social Classes were very important: 1st class: tax-free Mongols 2nd class: non-Chinese civil servants 3rd class: Northern Chinese 4th class: Southern Chinese

37 Life under Yuan Khan believed in traditional shamanism (good and evil spirits heard through priests), but allowed Chinese people to keep their beliefs Marco Polo (Italian trader who served on Khan’s court and wrote about Khan’s trade) Invaded Japan 1274 and 1281-weather caused failure…remember this for Japan! Mongols were weak (battles destroyed farmland and people) and Chinese rebelled and regained control in 1300s

38 Society and Culture Society and culture varied by dynasty
Men were in power except for Empress Wu There was a focus on agriculture and trade Social conventions – foot binding

39 Foot Binding Began late in the Tang Dynasty and continued for the next thousand years. An attempt to stop the growth of the feet. Began somewhere between the ages of four and seven. "If you love your daughter, bind her feet; if you love your son, let him study," or so goes the old Chinese saying. A bandage ten feet long and two inches wide was wrapped tightly around the foot, forcing the four small toes under the sole of the foot. This made the feet narrower but at the same time it made the feet shorter because it forced the big toe and the heal closer together by bowing the arch of the foot. The bandage was tightened each day and the girl was put into progressively smaller and smaller sized shoes. The entire process usually took about two years.

40 Foot Binding



43 Arts and Inventions Most advancements under the Tang and Song dynasties Art Painted murals that celebrated Buddhism and nature Poems Made clay sculptures Made porcelain items covered in a pale green glaze - celadon

44 Arts and Inventions Some of the most important in human history under the Tang and Song. Paper Porcelain Woodblock printing Gunpowder Movable type Magnetic compass Paper money

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