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Renewable Energy “The use of solar energy has not been opened up because the oil industry does not own the sun.” - Ralph Nader.

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Presentation on theme: "Renewable Energy “The use of solar energy has not been opened up because the oil industry does not own the sun.” - Ralph Nader."— Presentation transcript:

1 Renewable Energy “The use of solar energy has not been opened up because the oil industry does not own the sun.” - Ralph Nader

2 Nonrenewable Energy Nonrenewable energy, including fossil fuels and nuclear power, make up the vast majority of the U.S. energy portfolio. In the long-term, there are two major issues with this reliance on nonrenewable energy: Dwindling supplies. Environmental pollution.

3 Dwindling Supplies Nonrenewable resources, by definition, are finite and will eventually be used up. Most of the easily recoverable sources of coal, oil, and natural gas have already been tapped. As supplies of these resources tighten, or they become more expensive to extract, price will increase.

4 Deep-ocean drilling of oil and hydraulic fracturing of natural gas are examples of resource extraction that would not have been economically viable in the past.

5 Pollution The extraction, transport, and burning of fossil fuels is also a highly polluting process.

6 Fossil fuels have a lot of modern applications.
Electricity Fuel for transportation Heat The strategies for replacing them is going to vary for each.

7 Electricity Electricity works by passing electrons from a power source through a series of wires, called a circuit. Within the circuit there are devices that use the energy released by the electrons to do work (as light, heat, etc)

8 Electric power is measured in watts, the rate at which electrons moving through a circuit are doing work. A standard incandescent light bulb consumes 60W of power. A medium-sized car will consume about 100,000W.

9 Electricity consumption is measured in kilowatt-hours.
This includes both power and running-time. The charge per kilowatt-hour in this bill is 10.7 cents.

10 At the rate shown in this bill, running a 60-watt light bulb for an hour would cost…
60watts x 1 kilowatt/ 1000 watts = 0.06 kilowatts 0.06 kilowatt-hours x $0.107/kwh = $ or cents.

11 Renewable Electricity
The greatest renewable source of electricity production currently in use is hydroelectricity.

12 Hydropower Hydroelectric power plants use running water to spin a turbine and generate electricity. Hydroelectricity is very economical, with costs per kilowatt-hour similar to coal. No pollution is produced.

13 Trade-Offs: Large-Scale Hydropower, Advantages and Disadvantages

14 The construction of the dam has major ecological impacts.
Regular flooding downstream stops, preventing deposition of silt and nutrients. The reservoir can experience sedimentation, where particles of soil in the river settle to the bottom of the reservoir. The ecosystem immediately behind the dam becomes flooded. River water, when stopped, warms faster and begins to evaporate. Fish and other organisms can no longer move upstream.

15 Any cities or villages in the area of the reservoir will have to be abandoned.
The Three Gorges Dam in China, completed in 2008, displaced 1.13 million people from the Yangtze River region.

16 Another issue with dams is that they produce a constant, steady stream of electricity that cannot be easily adjusted to meet demand. Some dams have pumped storage, where water will be sent and stored during low-demand times, then returned back through the dam’s turbines when demand is higher. Kinzua Dam and Seneca pumped storage generating station, Mead, PA

17 Wind Energy Wind energy is similar to hydroelectricity, except that moving air provides the force to spin the generator.

18 Wind turbines are able to orient themselves to face the oncoming wind.
As the air passes through, the blades rotate. These are attached to a shaft, which connects to the turbine.

19 Solutions: Wind Turbine and Wind Farms on Land and Offshore

20 A single wind turbine can generate 1-7 megawatts of energy per year, not enough for a large population. Wind farms are large numbers of wind turbines clustered together. The Gansu Wind Farm in China produces 6 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity per year.

21 Wind power is comparable in cost to coal.
Possible negative impacts of wind turbines include: Disruption of bird and bat migration pathways. Noise. Disruption of scenery.

22 TRADE-OFFS Wind Power Advantages Disadvantages
Moderate to high net energy yield Steady winds needed Backup systems needed when winds are low High efficiency Moderate capital cost Plastic components produced from oil Low electricity cost (and falling) Environmental costs not included in market price Very low environmental impact High land use for wind farm No CO2 emissions Figure 16.23 Advantages and disadvantages of using wind to produce electricity (Concepts 16-5). With sufficient and consistent incentives, wind power could supply more than 10% of the world’s electricity and 10–25% of the electricity used in the United States by Question: Which single advantage and which single disadvantage do you think are the most important? Why? Quick construction Visual pollution Easily expanded Noise when located near populated areas Can be located at sea Land below turbines can be used to grow crops or graze livestock Can kill birds and interfere with flights of migratory birds Fig , p. 421


24 Geothermal Energy Geothermal power, like nuclear and coal, works by boiling water to steam. Naturally-occurring heat from the Earth is used in place of fuel. At a geothermal plant, two wells are drilled. One injects cold water towards the underground heat. The second directs steam to the turbine.

25 Solar Energy An enormous amount of energy (over 1,000 watts per square meter) hits the Earth every day. This energy is very diffuse, spread out across the entire surface area of the planet. Two separate technologies have been developed to convert solar energy into electricity.

26 Parabolic solar collection involves using curved reflective surfaces that collect light and focus it onto a concentrated point. The heat is absorbed and used to boil water into steam, which spins a turbine.

27 Photovoltaic cells capture solar energy and convert it directly to electrical current.
Solar electricity tends to be times the cost of electricity from coal or other renewable sources. Not available on overcast days or at night.

28 TRADE-OFFS Passive or Active Solar Heating Advantages Disadvantages
Energy is free Need access to sun 60% of time Net energy is moderate (active) to high (passive) Sun can be blocked by trees and other structures Quick installation Environmental costs not included in market price No CO2 emissions Very low air and water pollution Figure 16.11 Advantages and disadvantages of heating a house with passive or active solar energy (Concept 16-3). Question: Which single advantage and which single disadvantage do you think are the most important? Why? Need heat storage system Very low land disturbance (built into roof or windows) High cost (active) Active system needs maintenance and repair Moderate cost (passive) Active collectors unattractive Fig , p. 412

29 Trade-Offs: Solar Energy for High-Temperature Heat and Electricity

30 TRADE-OFFS Solar Cells Advantages Disadvantages Need access to sun
Fairly high net energy yield Low efficiency Work on cloudy days Need electricity storage system or backup Quick installation Easily expanded or moved Environmental costs not included in market price No CO2 emissions High costs (but should be competitive in 5–15 years) Low environmental impact Figure 16.20 Advantages and disadvantages of using solar cells to produce electricity (Concept 16-3). Question: Which single advantage and which single disadvantage do you think are the most important? Why? Last 20–40 years High land use (solar-cell power plants) could disrupt desert areas Low land use (if on roof or built into walls or windows) Reduces dependence on fossil fuels DC current must be converted to AC Fig , p. 417

31 Geography Electricity generation by solar, wind, hydrokinetic, or geothermal plants is restricted by the natural geography of the United States.

32 The Great Plains have the highest average wind speeds and the greatest potential for wind power.

33 Areas with significant elevation differences and river courses are ideal for hydroelectricity generation.

34 The western states are the most favorable for geothermal energy production.

35 The deserts of the southwest are ideal for solar electricity generation.

36 Heat Besides electricity, significant amounts of fossil fuels are burned for heat, especially natural gas.

37 Biomass Traditionally, humans have relied on burning biomass, such as wood, charcoal, and dung as a source of heat. These fuels will replenish, but produce similar levels of pollution to fossil fuels. Excess demand can also lead to deforestation.

38 TRADE-OFFS Solid Biomass Advantages Disadvantages
Large potential supply in some areas Nonrenewable if harvested unsustainably Moderate to high environmental impact Moderate costs Environmental costs not included in market price No net CO2 increase if harvested, burned, and replanted sustainably Increases CO2 emissions if harvested and burned unsustainably Plantation can be located on semiarid land not needed for crops Low photosynthetic efficiency Figure 16.24 General advantages and disadvantages of burning solid biomass as a fuel (Concept 16-6A). Question: Which single advantage and which single disadvantage do you think are the most important? Why? Soil erosion, water pollution, and loss of wildlife habitat Plantation can help restore degraded lands Plantations could compete with cropland Can make use of agricultural, timber, and urban wastes Often burned in inefficient and polluting open fires and stoves Fig , p. 422

39 TRADE-OFFS Biodiesel Advantages Disadvantages Reduced CO emissions
Increased NOx emissions and more smog Reduced CO2 emissions (78%) Higher cost than regular diesel High net energy yield for oil palm crops Environmental costs not included in market price Low net energy yield for soybean crops Moderate net energy yield for rapeseed crops May compete with growing food on cropland and raise food prices Figure 16.25 General advantages and disadvantages of using biodiesel as a vehicle fuel, compared to gasoline. Question: Which single advantage and which single disadvantage do you think are the most important? Why? Reduced hydrocarbon emissions Loss and degradation of biodiversity from crop plantations Better gas mileage (40%) Can make engines hard to start in cold weather Potentially renewable Fig , p. 424

40 Solar Heating Energy from the sun can also be gathered to use as a source of heat. Passive solar heat structures have no moving parts, but use south-facing windows to gather and absorb as much solar heat as possible.

41 Active solar heat structures pump water or another liquid through a collector.
Can be used for household radiant heating, or as a source of hot water for showers and cooking. Image source:

42 Transportation The third major energy need is fuel for transportation.
Most of the cars, planes, and ships of the world run on petroleum products – gasoline, diesel, etc.

43 Alternative Fuels Vehicles can be run on other fuels besides petroleum- based ones. Biofuels, like ethanol, are generated from using bacteria or yeast to ferment plant matter. Currently, the biggest source of this plant matter is corn. This can influence food prices.

44 TRADE-OFFS Ethanol Fuel Advantages Disadvantages High octane
Lower driving range Low net energy yield (corn) Some reduction in CO2 emissions (sugarcane bagasse) Higher CO2 emissions (corn) Much higher cost High net energy yield (bagasse and switchgrass) Environmental costs not included in market price Figure 16.27 General advantages and disadvantages of using ethanol as a vehicle fuel, compared to gasoline. (Concept 16-6B). Question: Which single advantage and which single disadvantage do you think are the most important? Why? May compete with growing food and raise food prices Reduced CO emissions Can be sold as E85 or pure ethanol Higher NOx emissions and more smog Corrosive Potentially renewable Can make engines hard to start in cold weather Fig , p. 426

45 Hydrogen fuel cells use a chemical reaction between hydrogen and oxygen gas to generate an electric current. H2 + O2 → H2O Refueling is difficult, as pure hydrogen is a gas and difficult to store and transport safely. No waste products are produced, except for water vapor.

46 TRADE-OFFS Hydrogen Advantages Disadvantages Fuel cell
Can be produced from plentiful water Not found as H2 in nature Energy is needed to produce fuel Low environmental impact Negative net energy Renewable if produced from renewable energy resources CO2 emissions if produced from carbon-containing compounds No CO2 emissions if produced from water Environmental costs not included in market price Good substitute for oil Nonrenewable if generated by fossil fuels or nuclear power Competitive price if environmental and social costs are included in cost comparisons High costs (that may eventually come down) Figure 16.31 Advantages and disadvantages of using hydrogen as a fuel for vehicles and for providing heat and electricity (Concept 16-8). Question: Which single advantage and which single disadvantage do you think are the most important? Why? Will take 25 to 50 years to phase in Easier to store than electricity Short driving range for current fuel-cell cars Safer than gasoline and natural gas No fuel distribution system in place Nontoxic Excessive H2 leaks may deplete ozone in the atmosphere High efficiency (45–65%) in fuel cells Fig , p. 430

47 Cars could be indirectly run on renewable energy if they had powerful enough batteries to store a charge needed to run the car for long periods of time. Lead-acid batteries, currently in use, are too large and do not hold enough energy. Nickel-Metal Hydride batteries, used in early generation hybrid cars, have a higher storage capacity, but will quickly lose a stored charge when not in use. Lithium-ion batteries are the smallest and have the best storage capacity, but are also expensive to produce. The Tesla Model S runs on lithium-ion batteries, with a range of 265 miles.

48 Getting Energy from the Earth’s Internal Heat
Geothermal energy: heat stored in Soil Underground rocks Fluids in the earth’s mantle Geothermal heat pump system Energy efficient and reliable Environmentally clean Cost effective to heat or cool a space

49 Basement heat pump Figure 16.28
Natural capital: a geothermal heat pump system can heat or cool a house almost anywhere. It heats the house in winter by transferring heat from the ground into the house (shown here). In the summer, it cools the house by transferring heat from the house to the ground. Fig , p. 427

50 TRADE-OFFS Geothermal Energy Advantages Disadvantages
Very high efficiency Scarcity of suitable sites Can be depleted if used too rapidly Moderate net energy at accessible sites Environmental costs not included in market price Lower CO2 emissions than fossil fuels CO2 emissions Low cost at favorable sites Figure 16.29 Advantages and disadvantages of using geothermal energy for space heating and for producing electricity or high-temperature heat for industrial processes (Concept 16-7). Question: Which single advantage and which single disadvantage do you think are the most important? Why? Moderate to high local air pollution Low land use and disturbance Noise and odor (H2S) High cost except at the most concentrated and accessible sources Moderate environmental impact Fig , p. 428

51 Energy Conversion Efficiencies
In addition to finding alternative, renewable energy sources, it is also important to reduce energy consumption. Energy Efficiency is a measure of the percentage of energy consumed that actually performs the desired work. Incandescent light bulbs: 5-10% efficient Compact fluorescent: 20-33% efficient LED: % efficient

52 Promoting Renewable Energy
Distributional surcharges are small charges levied on all utility customers to help finance research and development of renewable energy. A renewable portfolio is a state mandated minimum percentage of energy that utilities must get from renewable sources. Green pricing is the practice of some electricity suppliers offering plans (at a premium) that only use renewable sources for electricity. California has enacted a 33 percent renewable portfolio standard set for 2020.

53 Promoting Renewable Energy
The energy star program is a federal initiative to promote and provide incentives for purchasing more efficient devices and appliances.

54 SOLUTIONS Making the Transition to a More Sustainable Energy Future
More Renewable Energy Improve Energy Efficiency Greatly increase use of renewable energy Increase fuel-efficiency standards for vehicles, buildings, and appliances Provide large subsidies and tax credits for use of renewable energy Include environmental costs in prices for all energy resources Mandate government purchases of efficient vehicles and other devices Encourage government purchase of renewable energy devices Greatly increase renewable energy research and development Provide large tax credits or feebates for buying efficient cars, houses, and appliances Reduce Pollution and Health Risk Offer large tax credits for investments in energy efficiency Figure 16.33 Suggestions of various energy analysts for helping us to make the transition to a more sustainable energy future (Concept 16-9). Question: Which five of these solutions do you think are the most important? Why? Cut coal use 50% by 2020 Phase out coal subsidies Reward utilities for reducing demand for electricity Levy taxes on coal and oil use Greatly increase energy efficiency research and development Phase out nuclear power subsidies, tax breaks, and loan guarantees Fig , p. 432

55 Energy conservation tends to be highly tied to consumer prices.
In response to 1970’s oil prices, average U.S. automobile gas-mileage increased from 13 mpg in 1975 to 28.8 mpg in

56 Falling fuel prices in the 1980s-early 2000s discouraged further improvements in fuel economy.
The recent popularity of smaller cars, hybrid cars, and electric cars has improved average MPG again.

57 Total Costs of Electricity from Different Sources in 2004

58 What Can you Do? Shifting to Sustainable Energy Use

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