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Elshami M.Elamin, MD Medical Oncologist Central Care Cancer Center Wichita, KS, USA

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2 Elshami M.Elamin, MD Medical Oncologist Central Care Cancer Center Wichita, KS, USA

3 LCIS Clusters of ductules or acini filled, distorted and distended by proliferating epithelial cells. Normal mammogram Non palpable, incidental finding at biopsy Multifocal, multicentric, bilateral 3

4 LCIS Associated with lobular and tubular carcinomas Decrease after menopause Risk of invasive cancer is low 21% in 15yrs 4

5 Treatment  Surgery:  Excision with close observation  Ipsilateral mastectomy without LN dissection + biopsy of contralateral breast  Bilateral mastectomy  Especially if BRCA mutation or strong FH  Observation  Tamoxifen or Raloxifene  No role for RT 5

6 Pleomorphic LCIS  Pleomorphic LCIS is aggressive variant  May behave as DCIS  Consider complete excision with negative margins 8/25/2015 6

7 DCIS  Presents as palpable mass  Abnormal mammogram  72% = microcalcifications  10% = tissue density, 12% both  Peak incidence: 51 - 59 yrs  > 4.5 cm DCIS has 42% incidence of invasion 7

8 Histologic subtypes of DCIS High N G Microinvasion  Micropapillary20%30%  Papillary7%7%  Comedo (Her2/neu +) 89%63%  Solid, Cripriform0%0% 8

9 Multicentricity/Multifocality  Multicentricity:  Second separate DCIS at least 5 cm from primary site  25% in microscopic, 37% in palpable DCIS  More common in micropapillary  Multifocality:  Within same quadrant or within 5 cm of primary site 9

10 Diagnosis of DCIS  Multiview mammography + US  Characteristic mammographic findings  Diffuse, Linear, extensive pleomorphic calcifications  FNA is not ideal  Needle localization biopsy +/- specimen radiography 10


12 Before starting treatment Careful pathologic evaluation for: Negative margins Type and size Multifocality and microinvasion All suspicious areas Consider specimen radiography Post-Excision mammography Whenever uncertainty about adequacy of excision 8/25/2015 12

13 SLND and DCIS  Complete ALND is not required in the absence of invasive component or proven mets  Consider SLND if:  The pt is to be treated with mastectomy or excision in anatomic location compromising the performance of future SLND 8/25/2015 13

14 Lumpectomy  Wide excision + RT  5-20% local failure  50% of recurrences are invasive  Patients with low risk could be treated with lumpectomy alone  Wide excision alone for favorable histology  10-22% local failure rate Schmitt NEJM 1988, Lagios Cancer 1989 14

15  Re-resection to obtain a negative margins  Mastectomy if negative margins are not feasible 8/25/2015 15

16 Mastectomy  Mastectomy +/- SLND +/- Reconstruction  Non-palpable DCIS:  Mastectomy without axillary dissection  100% long term survival 16

17  Patients found to have invasive disease at mastectomy or re-excision:  Should be managed as stage I or II  LN staging 8/25/2015 17

18 DCIS surgical margins  Margins >10 mm  Widely accepted as negative  May cause less cosmetic outcome  Margins < 1 mm is considered inadequate  At chest wall or skin do not mandate re-excision  May treat with higher boast dose of RT  Margins 1-10 mm  The wider the margins associated with lower local recurrence 8/25/2015 18

19 Risk of recurrence of DCIS  Palpable mass  Larger size  Higher Grade  Close or involved margins  Age <50 8/25/2015 19

20 DCIS post-surgical treatment  Ipsilateral breast:  Tamoxifen X 5yrs  Following L/RT especially if ER +ve  Benefit for ER negative is uncertain 8/25/2015 20

21 Lumpectomy  Excision + RT  NSABP-B-17 (Lumpectomy + RT)  5Y EFS: 84.4% vs 75.8% (P 0.001)  No change in OS 21

22 DCIS: Recurrence Rate Noninv %Inv %  Excision alone1114  Excision + RT45 Surg Oncol Clin North Am 2:75,1993 22

23 NSABP B-24  Tamoxifen followin L/RT:  5% absolute reduction in recurrence risk  37% reduction in relative risk of recurrence 8/25/2015 23

24 Update of B17 and B 24  Lumpectomy/RT/Tam:  RT reduce invasive recurrence by 59%  Tam add 27% reduction  RT/Tam reduce invasive recurrence by 70% 8/25/2015 24

25 DCIS post-surgical treatment  Contalateral breast:  Counseling regarding consideration of Tamoxifen for risk reduction 8/25/2015 25

26 NSABP Breast cancer preventive trial  Tamoxifen reduce invasive cancer by 75%  Tamoxefin reduces benign breast disease 8/25/2015 26

27 8/25/2015 27 Thanks

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