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Presented by: Virginia Tyobeka Executive Head Human Resources Kumba Iron Ore Women in Mining: Strategies to accelerate the integration of women.

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Presentation on theme: "Presented by: Virginia Tyobeka Executive Head Human Resources Kumba Iron Ore Women in Mining: Strategies to accelerate the integration of women."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented by: Virginia Tyobeka Executive Head Human Resources Kumba Iron Ore Women in Mining: Strategies to accelerate the integration of women

2 PURPOSE OF THIS PRESENTATION To briefly cover industry challenges Share the Kumba Iron Ore journey Stimulate dialogue about sustainable solutions


4 REASONS WHY COMPANIES FAIL TO TRANSFORM Commitment at the top does not always translate into effective execution by middle management Not focussing on the ‘right things’ Mind-sets are slow to change ‘Blanket’ rather than ‘tailored’ solutions The focus is on getting top management’s support, while middle management is overlooked and ill-equipped. Failure to focus on the real challenges, and not involving the right target audiences, results in failure. Values, assumptions and beliefs need to change before behaviours can. One size does not fit all…tailor initiatives for the context.

5 SOUTH AFRICA’S IMPRESSIVE PERFORMANCE South Africa has more female representation at executive levels than in other mining regions SOURCE: Mining for talent report, 2013 Percent, Top 500 listed mining companies

6 WE ALL FACE THE SAME CHALLENGES Mining Co I Mining Co H Mining Co G Mining Co F Mining Co E Mining Co D Mining Co C Mining Co B Mining Co A Kumba Iron Ore 25% SOURCE: Listed companies; Commission for Employment Equity; Annual Report 20% 29% 13% 23% Women in total workforce (%) Women in senior management (%) 13% 12% 23% 20%

7 THE KUMBA JOURNEY From our boardroom to the mine face, we want women to have access to the many rewarding career opportunities provided by our industry.


9 KUMBA HAS EXPONENTIALLY INCREASED THE NUMBER OF WOMEN EMPLOYED 2004 2012 2010 2008 2006 2014 19 Source: Kumba (July 2014) OUR PERFORMANCE Female representation at Kumba (percentage of permanent employees)

10 Noteworthy: 26% of people with disabilities are women Our Targets and actualsSishenKolomelaThabazimbiHead Office All womenTarget16%23%17%44% Actual16%24%16%43% Our Targets and actualsSishenKolomelaThabazimbiHead Office Women in CORE Operations Target12%21%13%30% Actual13%21%13%27% OUR PERFORMANCE Source: Kumba (July 2014)

11 10-15% <10% >15% Source: Kumba (July 2014) CORENON-CORETOTAL Senior Management13%30%20% Middle Management20%44%27% Junior Management10%31%13% Other13%49%19% OUR PERFORMANCE

12 DiagnosisStrategyStructureSet Targets Implement Tailored Solutions Measure and Benchmark Quarterly Visible Felt Leadership Platform (‘Voice of the Female’) Structured and cyclical OUR APPROACH

13 24/7 day-care centre at Sishen Taking Women in Mining to universities FET bursars for technical qualifications Successful Women in Mining Conference held in Sishen in 2013 Sexual harassment assessment (HITT – Harassment Investigation Task Teams) per site Emergency response for handling crises OUR HIGH IMPACT INITIATIVES


15 ▪ Flexible work schedules ▪ Job sharing ▪ Child care centres ▪ Target girls at primary school level ▪ Offer development programmes and external networks ▪ Diversity and inclusion are part of the management philosophy Management commitment Support structures SOURCE: McKinsey & Company Women’s development programmes By 2012, NASA ACHIEVED 35% FEMALE REPRESENTATION LEARNING FROM OTHERS

16 Select bright girls at primary school Drive Mathematics and Science Introduce Mining as a career Support girls financially to go to university Develop Graduate Programmes Recognise excellent performance 1 Prepare women for mining Prepare men to receive women in the workplace Orientate new entrants to understand a mixed gender organisation Safety and Protection mechanisms Implement supportive policies Develop infrastructure: child care, housing, etc. Continuously revisit solutions as the challenges evolve Prepare mining for women Promote a leadership philosophy Prepare women for challenges of senior roles Create culture receptive to female leadership style Provide extensive exposure to different positions in the mine Create meaningful development programs – mentoring, coaching, rob rotation and shadowing Create robust succession planning Retain and grow women CREATE A BALANCED ECOSYSTEM WITH THE ‘RIGHT’ SOLUTIONS AND CONVERSATIONS A WAY FORWARD 2 3

17 “We actively seek ways in which to encourage women to participate in our industry. Mining has long been a male- dominated industry, but it is a trend that we are keen to buck.” Norman Mbazima, CEO Kumba Iron Ore THANK YOU

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