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The Fads and Fashions of the 1920’s

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1 The Fads and Fashions of the 1920’s

2 Fad’s Begin What is a fad?
Many people in the early 1920’s picked up on the latest fads and crazes, perhaps in an attempt to forget the painful memories of the war years.

3 Mass Media Begins Most fads came to Canada from the United States in 1920. This was mostly due to the beginning of mass media advertising. Radio broadcasts, magazines, billboards and movies poured into Canada from the U.S

4 Examples of Fads The new “fads” in Canada included: Mahjong
Crossword Puzzles Races and Competitions Dancing

5 Fads also impacted fashion during the 1920’s.
Many young women adopted the “flapper” style – hemlines above the knee, rolled down stockings, bobbed hair styles.

6 Jazz was a very popular style of music during the 1920’s.
The dance of the decade was known as the “Charleston” and became the emblem of the age.

7 For most of the decade Canadians enjoyed silent films, however “talkies” were developed in 1927.
Movie going fast became a favourite pastime for many Canadians.

8 Celebrities The stars of the Hollywood silent screens were idolized by Canadians as they offered excitement in everyday life. These stars included Charlie Chaplin, Greta Garbo and Mary Pickford.

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