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Chapter 9 Motion Pictures. Early Days Thomas Edison 1888 kinetoscope Edison’s assistant William Kennedy Dickson Edison also borrowed ideas from Marey.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 9 Motion Pictures. Early Days Thomas Edison 1888 kinetoscope Edison’s assistant William Kennedy Dickson Edison also borrowed ideas from Marey."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 9 Motion Pictures

2 Early Days Thomas Edison 1888 kinetoscope Edison’s assistant William Kennedy Dickson Edison also borrowed ideas from Marey and Muybridge and their photographs Idea was actually Ptolemy Greek astronomer who discovered persistence of vision

3 Early Days Persistence of vision—human eye retains an image on the retina for a moment after the image disappears Flip books 1895 French brothers August and Louis Lumiere took Edison’s projector to a larger scale and called it cinematorgraphe Finally, vitascope, developed by Armat and Jenkins—Vaudeville houses with live musical accompaniment

4 Early Days Popularity grows and so does price to a nickel thus nickelodeons

5 The Films A Trip to the Moon 1902 The Great Rain Robbery 1903 Birth of A Nation D.W.Griffith 1915 Civil War epic three hours Pantomine EPS Cycle movies remain in Elite stage shortest period of time of any medium; more elite movies today than in early years

6 Comedy Recurring theme throughout all media; comedy is usually most popular genre Keystone Kops Mack Sennett 1912 Hal Roach Our Gang Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy Who’s On First? Charlie Chaplin The Tramp Buster Keaton and Harold Lloyd

7 World War I Propaganda films War Effort 3 years over 175 films The Kaiser’s Finish This also sees Hollywood become the leading producer of films worldwide

8 Sound Many thought it would end the industry Many actors with weak voices did not make the transition Dr. Lee De Forest one of the first sound on film processes around 1923 Warner Bros. 1927 The Jazz Singer starring Al Jolson; changes everything Silent films disappear quickly

9 Censorship We should add this as the third step in the EPS cycle Every time a medium goes popular, a wave of social change comes about and morality is threatened Roaring 20s/Jazz Age PCA Production Code Administration 1934 Motion Picture Producers and Distributors Association 1922 Will H. Hays Republican/Presbyterian—need I say more?

10 Censorship Hays gave fines for not getting the approval up to $25,000 a huge sum for that time First real challenge was Otto Preminger Released his films without Hays’ permission Classic line from Clark Cable was also cited by Hays

11 Studio System As we stated earlier, Payne Fund Studies show large numbers of teens going to movies weekly To keep up with demand, Hollywood develops a system of major studio producing hundreds of films each year Marketing departments create stars and contracts

12 Studio System Warner Brothers MGM Metro Goldwin Mayer (sp?) Paramount 20 th Century Fox Universal RKO The Great Depression movies aid morale

13 Musicals and Other Genres Westerns Comedies Musicals Busby Berkley Gangsters Romantic comedies Frank Capra films It’s A Wonderful Life Blockbusters Gone With The Wind

14 HUAC 1947 House Un-American Activities Committee Communist propaganda Became a witch hunt People were blacklisted and never worked again Many would work under assumed names Later credits were restored but many were ruined and were guilty of nothing

15 Anti-trust 1948 Supreme Court Illegal monopoly of studios to operate all aspects from creation to distribution Created laws prohibiting ownership of studios and theatres by same company

16 Television 1948 TV networks emerge Baby Boom after World War II kept many home with small children Sports such as baseball transferred well to TV Studios forced to create alternative experiences gives rise to 3-D and color in films (TV was still B &W)

17 Ratings System One more time, a new medium forces culture to review its morals Because of TV, movies cater to youth culture and counter culture and contain sexually explicit and violent materials Blackboard Jungle Causes concerns Enter the ratings system of 1960s

18 Ratings System G PG R X (now NC-17) PG 13 added after Spielberg’s Gremlins and Indiana Jones and The Temple of Doom XXX

19 1970s Disaster and violence become genres The Poseidon Adventure Towering Inferno Halloween Texas Chainsaw Massacre

20 1990s Special effects Again, a response to programming on TV; cable allowed for more explicit programming Hollywood responds with big budget special effects films Video Rentals people believe will kill the industry DVD digital video disk Conglomerates Future?


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