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Unit 2, Chapter 5: Colonial Society on the Eve of Revolution, 1700-1775 AP US -Hamer September 18-19, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 2, Chapter 5: Colonial Society on the Eve of Revolution, 1700-1775 AP US -Hamer September 18-19, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 2, Chapter 5: Colonial Society on the Eve of Revolution, 1700-1775 AP US -Hamer September 18-19, 2012

2 1a. Growing Population  More by birth rate then immigration  1700: 300,000 people (20,000 black slaves)  1775: 2.5 million people (400,000 white immigrants, 500,000 black slaves)  Average age in 1775 was 16

3 1b. Urban vs. Rural  Few major cities  Philadelphia (34,000), NYC, Boston, and Charleston  90% of population lived in rural areas  Didn’t reach much past the Appalachians Philadelphia in 1800

4 1c. Diversity  Mainly English but more diverse than anywhere else  German 6%  Scots Irish 7%  Others 5%  Africans 20%  Americans became a new ethnicity

5 2. American Social Ladder  More stratified in the 1700’s than the 1600’s  Top few were very wealthy  Mostly middle  Some destitute women and children  Land became scarcer  Convicts from England  Slaves  Less stratified than Europe + ability to progress up the social ladder

6 3. Jobs of the 1700’s  Clergy  Physicians  Lawyers  Agriculture - 90% of the people  Shipbuilding and fishing  Manufacturing

7 Mercantilism  What is it?  Economic system where the mother country is supposed to profit from her colonies.  Colonies supply raw materials and markets for the industrial goods produced by the mother country  Wealth for the mother country is measured in bullion

8 4. Growing Problems with Trade  Trade Imbalance  Growing American population demanded more British goods  Slow growing British population quickly got saturated with American goods  Didn’t work with mercantilism  Shipped to other countries  Led to Molasses Act of 1733  Colonists got around this with smuggling…this led the tone for future conflicts

9 5. Transportation in the Colonies  Terrible roads  Waterways  Caused the slow dissemination of news  Taverns found along travel routes  Mail existed, but not confidential or quick

10 6. Religion in the 1700’s  Congregationalists (Puritans) and Presbyterians made up half of all church members in 1775  Anglicans were 1/4  Congregationalism, Presbyterianism, and Rebellion became a Holy Trinity

11 7a. Problems for Churches  Churches were already suffering from problems:  Low attendance  Less conversion: led to the half-way covenant  Boring ministers  Less fear of hell  Threatened by religions that believed that free will not predestination determined a person’s eternal fate

12 7b. Great Awakening - Solution to the Churches’ Problems  Great orator ministers who spoke with great emotion about God, sin, and hell  Religious revival in America  Old light vs. New Light  New Light schools founded: Princeton, Brown, Rutgers, Dartmouth  First spontaneous mass movement in America

13 8. Education  Public education was not a priority in England  New England soon wanted public education so that they could have educated, Bible reading citizens  Not much schooling in the south because of distance between homes – relied more on tutors  Colleges at the time were to train ministers and learn old, dogmatic education  What does it mean to have an educated citizenship – how will this affect the Revolution?

14 9. Culture  Very little in America since people were working so hard to build a country  Ben Franklin was the first “civilized” American  The few scientists, like Franklin, were not approved of by clergy

15 10. Press  Not many libraries or individual ownership of books  Franklin started the first public lending library in Philadelphia  By 1775, 40 colonial newspapers  News was slow  Zenger case, argued by Hamilton, allowed for more freedom of the press and therefore more discussion about life and politics

16 11. Three Different Political Systems by 1775  8 colonies had royal governors  3 (Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Delaware) had proprietors  2 (Connecticut and Rhode Island) were self governing  All had 2 houses – upper and lower  Some royal governors were good, some bad

17 12. Colonial Folkways  Hard life  Dirty  Some time for play  Dancing and plays allowed in South (away from Puritans!)  Many similarities  Some democracy, ethnic and religious toleration, spoke English, mainly Protestant, used to independence

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