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Why should dangerous sports be allowed?

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Presentation on theme: "Why should dangerous sports be allowed?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Why should dangerous sports be allowed?
personal choice safety money How important is it to have a sense of humour? health time and place relationships What makes a place particularly memorable? personal experiences people atmosphere How much do people respect authority nowadays? different societies changing times influences What helps people to deal with difficult situations? personality support age In what ways has life become more or less dangerous? technology health social values

2 Are there more benefits or drawbacks
to living in a city nowadays? jobs transport accommodation What are the implications of scientific research today? career opportunities commercial interests moral issues How important is the printed book in the twenty-first century? technological alternatives practical advantages educational issues How has life changed in the past hundred years? work education family life What changes do you foresee in the future? accommodation fashion transport Is it better to conform or be different from your peers? fashion relationships leisure pursuits

3 What makes people laugh in your country?
popular comedians comedy films other people’s misfortunes How do we decide what people should be paid for their jobs? competition expertise and ability as motivation How do we learn the difference between right and wrong? people education experience In what ways are people influenced during their teenage years? fashions career plans peer groups Why do people say the world is getting smaller? accessing information travel opportunities international business In what ways have our ideas of right and wrong changed? science and technology media sport

4 How far is it true that travel broadens
the mind? for tourists for workers for the host country In what ways can we best understand the history of our country? books people places How should schools help to prepare young people for the world of work? areas of knowledge realistic expectations personal qualities What are the effects of technological development on our lives? work health leisure What’s better – to be self employed or to be an employee? the purpose of work freedom and responsibility technology What makes someone a good learner? different ages interest role of teacher

5 What does successful communication
between people depend on? circumstances relationships use of language Why do many older people say that the past was better? education social values pace of life What are the attractions and drawbacks of being a teacher? working with people working conditions sharing knowledge What makes a language develop and change? different uses different generations different fashions How has technology helped, or not helped, communication? convenience dependence cost What are the strengths and weaknesses of the different forms of mass media? news education entertainment

6 What role does music play in our lives?
social role of music entertainment and relaxation fashion and culture What role do museums have in modern society? education preservation research Is it fair to keep wild animals in zoos? animal welfare educational role of zoos preservation of endangered species Is it right to try and prevent the economic development of remote parts of the world? ecological considerations rights of local people opportunities for doing research What is the role of competitive sport in modern society? motivation and rewards commerical considerations international competitions Should public services such as health and education be run according to business principles? need to use scarce resources wisely quality of services vs. cost of services private enterprise vs. government spending

7 What changes do you expect to see in
eating habits in the future? fast food vegetarianism food safety How will technology affect work in the future? working from home unemployment shorter working week How far do you agree that friends are more important than family? having problems facing problems finding models What makes people laugh? cultural background visual or verbal changing attitudes How easy is it to remember new information? topic circumstances quantity What is it that makes people powerful? personal circumstances knowledge personality

8 What are the qualities of a good employee?
reliability resourcefulness personality How has the nature of work changed for many people in recent years? working hours job security technological change What are your views on doctors and the medical profession? keeping your teeth healthy and dentists the quality of health care in your community alternative medicine (acupuncture, homeopathy) How easy is it for parents and children to understand each other? generation gap financial problems education and careers What are the advantages and disadvantages of 24-hour shopping? customers sales staff profits How far do you agree that rehabilitation is more effective than punishment? feelings of victims effect on criminals effect on society

9 What do you think people can do most
easily to improve the environment? financial constraints time constraints family constraints What changes should be made to people’s lifestyles to safeguard our planet’s future? individual/governmental responsibility trade/workplace transport/energy How far do the benefits of being involved in sport outweigh the disadvantages? types of involvement types of sport social issues Do you agree that the strongest influence on our health is our mind? lifestyle money people What do you think is the ideal environment to encourage a child’s development? physical mental financial How would you define success in the modern world? relationships opportunities finances

10 When a new product is launched, what
things make it a success? advertising price and packaging product quality What should a shop or supermarket do to ensure customer satisfaction? staff attitudes prices range of products In what ways are we exposed to fewer dangers than previous generations? new technology medical breakthroughs rules and regulations What risks do people face in the modern world? travelling environmental problems crime How are patterns of family life changing? work extended family divorce How is the role of family in society changing? childcare mobility of the workforce single people

11 What effects has TV had on our lives?
access to information family relationships outside activities Should there be controls over what we watch on TV? parental control censorship freedom of choice How is the role of work in our lives changing? demography technology health To what extent does a successful career depend on a good education? aptitude qualifications economic conditions Would the world be a better place if eveyone was forced to speak the same language? ease of communication educational implications which language? Is English the best language for international communications? present role of English linguistic drawbacks of English cultural objections to English

12 Why do some music and film stars become enduring celebrities whilst others fade into obscurity?
natural talent good career management abilty to get media attention To what extent does advertising influence the purchasing decisions of young people? images in the media branding and lifestyles information about products Why do celebrities in the film and music industries often seem to have unhappy private lives? pressures of the job lifestyle the role of the media Why are some forms of marketing more effective than others? target age group nature of the product new and established products It’s a small world and it’s getting smaller every day. Do you agree with this comment? language barriers role of international companies development of technology To what extent do you think modern life is more stressful than life was hundreds of years ago? work and leisure speed of communications social pressures

13 To what extent are people responsible for their own health?
hereditary influences environmental influences lifestyle and habits Which jobs do you think are the most difficult to do? most difficult aspects how people doing them are generally regarded importance of the jobs to society To what extent are people healthier nowadays than a hundred years ago? diet infectious diseases physical activity Can it ever be justifiable to tell a lie? circumstances in which it most often happens kinds of things people say in those circumstances good/bad results What kinds of people are the most dishonest? jobs that involve lying effects on society/message given how much people believe them Do some people get paid much more/less than they deserve? overpaid/underpaid jobs reasons why overpaid/underpaid what the jobs really involve

14 What makes a product a best seller?
advertising peer pressure design Why is music important to people around the world? traditions entertainment emotions When is it preferable to be in a quiet place or a noisy place? age activity time of day How much are people’s ideas affected by what they see on the TV? popular comedians documentaries politicians and other famous people ? ?

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