The GEF Small Grants Programme GEF Constituency Meeting – WEST AFRICA July 6-8,2011 Dakar, Senegal.

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Presentation on theme: "The GEF Small Grants Programme GEF Constituency Meeting – WEST AFRICA July 6-8,2011 Dakar, Senegal."— Presentation transcript:

1 The GEF Small Grants Programme GEF Constituency Meeting – WEST AFRICA July 6-8,2011 Dakar, Senegal

2 SGP REGIONAL OVERVIEW CountryStart Up Date Total Number of Projects Grant Amount: In Cash Co- financing: In Kind Co- financing: BURKINA FASO 1993 1263,979,6431 093 5711 549 423 CAPE VERDE200919311,1757,919.00182,947.00 CHAD GUINEA BISSAU 5 /10/ 2010 (9 pre selected proposals) $ 150,000 available 70% to 0% 10% MALI19932627,200,0002367743 Mauritania Juin 2001154 3 396 527 USD1 967 819 USD2 138 114 USD NIGER200383 2,520,0491,139,1711 483 004 SENEGAL19932176,719,6783,722,0512 229 388 THE GAMBIAAug. 200812350,00045, 907%92, 000

3 SGP Burkina Faso Conservation and sustainable use of the forest village of Moussakongo Goal: Promote the sustainable management of biological resources Main Activities: Demarcation of 900 hectares of village forest: inventory of flora and fauna, enrichment of forest tree species, exploitation and marketing of firewood ; modern beekeeping, capacity building for members. Key Results: 900 ha of forest defined, managed, protected; 60 woody plant species from 24 different families identified and protected; wild animals returned to the forest and protected ;194 dozos (traditional hunters) set up in groups and trained on environmental issues; they contribute actively to the protection of their forests; honey produced with 50 modern beehives is self consumed and marketed. the forest is used as research site for the Polytechnic University. The framework and living conditions of the members have improved; the population of the village and those of the neighboring villages now have firewood; the forest and wildlife resources of Moussakongo’s forest are fully protected; environmental education is assured. National Impact 60 woody species from 24 different families identified and protected; former poachers are converted into defenders of the forest; the forest village has become a research center for the University students, increasing the visibility of SGP; the experience of dozos has been replicated by other groups of hunters in the “Boucle du Mouhoun” and other regions

4 SGP Cape Verde Innovative construction of water cisterns (Multi-focal Area) Goal: To capture rain water and improve agricultural and livestock community activities during dry season Main Activities: Construction of 3 water cisterns and stabilizing of 0.6 ha of land. Key Results:3 cisterns of 449 m3, 22 families beneficiaries, savings of 449 USD per family / year, and 0.6 ha of land protected from erosion National Impact SGP impact in figures: + 45 ha of land sustainably managed – including in 1 PA, +13,000 plants used in reforestation (10 endemic in 1 PA), + 10,000 m3 of water conserved, 11endemic species protected and + 70 Km of turtle nesting habitat monitored SGP Policy Influence at the Local, Regional or National Level SGP projects contributed to the National Action Plan for the Environment, Biodiversity Strategy, Marine Turtle National Conservation Plan, National Climate Change Adaptation Program (NAPA), and the National Action Plan for Agricultural Development (PADA) Successful projects:2 GEF SGP Cape Verde turtle conservation grantees were invited to attend a Turtle Conservation Symposium and one was awarded a 13,000.00 USD grant (Ruffort Foundation) for turtle conservation in 2011

5 SGP Guinea Bisau Very new country National Coordinator Recruited National Steering committee Conformed Outreach to networks of possible grantees, 9 preselected projects: –6 in biodiversity –2 climate change –1 POPs

6 SGP MALI Wind solar hybrid system Goal: Promoting the Adoption of Renewable Energy, first pilot project in Mali Main Activities: disposal to pump water using a hybrid combination of wind and solar systems, sale of water for animals and the development of the livestock market; production and sale of natural tree species, development of the gardening market, production of organic fertilizers, Results: Reduction of GHG emissions by 4 tons of CO2 per year, preservation of biodiversity; improvement of livelihoods by the availability of water and the diversification of sources of incomes; and the reduction of the farming exodus. Award : Presented at the Wind Energy International Conference 2006 Pilot Project for the Installation of Domestic Biogas in Peri-Urban Zones of Bamako Goal: Promoting the use of biogas through the development of a locally-adapted prototype Main Activities: Establishment of 2 demonstration sites; training for local people to construct 2 biodigestors; dissemination of benefits of the model Key Results: Wider use of biogas units reduced the use of firewood in peri-urban areas and supplied high-quality fertilizer for local farming efforts. Replication : The Mali-Folkecenter is planning to conduct a socio-economic feasibility study for 100 additional biogas sites.

7 SGP Mauritania Support households facing degradation of natural resources in the Moughataa Kaédi, Djéol Goal: create an enabling environment for livestock development Main Activities: recruit an experienced facilitator to monitor the project, organized exchange meetings and working groups; building the first habitat of all species on the target sites; acquisition of animal species (guinea fowl, rabbits, ducks); lower cost fertilizers through the use of a compost through the horticulture; project outcomes are monitored and disseminated through tools and appropriate media. Key Results: More than 900 households received information about the project through the work of Field focal Monitors in the various sites and the creation of Radio Gorgol with a big audience; successful knowledge sharing and exchange on the conservation of natural resources; maintenance of poultry farms are better implemented; new vaccines against Casttle the Gomboro, bronchitis and waterers were purchased, technical advice for the use of vaccines as well as vitamins and a disinfectant for poultry habitats; Improvement of vegetable crops; setting up a compost in two sites, use of poultry excreta as fertilizer, seeds distribution.

8 Electrification by photovoltaic system of a hospital building and a poultry farm accompanied by a site based on vegetable life Torodi. / Region Tillaberi Goal: provide the solar electrification to the health center of the Base Life Torodi Main Activities: Supply and installation of solar equipment, transport of the equipment, monitoring and evaluation; technical control; construction and equipment of a warehouse of spare parts; setting up an horticulture site. Key Results: A hospital building with electricity produced by solar photovoltaic system, a poultry farm with electricity based on solar photovoltaic system, establishment of an horticulture site; project managed by the local community. Recovery of degraded land on the plateau of the rural community of ''Allah''Yétoré (Canton Lamordé). Goal: Biodiversity preservation and conservation on the site of Allah Yétoré Main Activities: Installation of plots, counting an measurement, evaluation to determine biomass levels on the site; purchase and monitoring (maintenance?) of equipment, broadcasting of radio programs to training and retraine the community; technical support for excavating equipment for drying and preservation Key Results: Monitoring of the plant diversity (herbaceous and woody) and wildlife ; monitoring of the site is secured, an environmental communication strategy is put in place: set up of a knowledge management system, anti-erosion works are carried out. SGP NIGER

9 SGP The Gambia Community Livelihood Advancement through Integrated Environmental management Project (CLAIM) Goal: The goal of the project was to improve the livelihoods of the population of Foni Bondali District through the adoption of better environmental and natural resources management approaches. Poor farming practices and inappropriate resource exploitation have degraded the environment with negative consequences on the population. The CLAIM project funded by SGP was aimed at improving the living conditions of the local through the adoption of sound environmental practices which would protect their environment and improve their livelihoods on a sustainable basis. Main Activities: Community Forest management, agro-forestry practices, capacity building, networking, sensitization were the main project activities. Key Results: More than 30, 000 seedlings planted in a combined area of about 110 ha of forests. 200 farmers were trained on soil conservation techniques, 200 energy saving cooking made and distributed among households expected to reduce fuel wood consumption by 15% and networking trips conducted for 75 farmers to a model farm in the country.& 7 village gardens were fenced using live fencing. Policy influence: 2 other neighbouring districts have expressed interest for a similar project.

10 SGP SENEGAL Project name : Sustainable management of the biodiversity in the Niodior Island Biosphere Reserve of the Senegal Saloum Delta,) Goal: Biodiversity conservation and naturals resources management Main Activities: : mangrove reforestation and shellfish bed regeneration,participatory code of conduct for sustainable biodiversity use, monitoring of exploitation levels of marine and forest resources, increasing local awareness of forestry, fishing, and other environmental codes that have been developed to stem over-exploitation, Key Result : The sustainable management of the Biosphere Reserve is improved National Impact : -Socio-economic level : In the shellfish bed alone, over 400 women earn over $5,500 annually, from sustainable income generating activities. Revenues of the sale of sustainably harvested forest products is used to remunerate members of the monitoring committee, to subsidize workshops and schools -Successfully replicated project : The PGIES ( large GEF project ) in partnership with the SGP and the ROPEM (SGP project network) replicated this model of mangrove ecosystem restoration SGP impact : 5 degraded mangrove sites (50 ha) regenerated, sustainable use of marine and forest resources, certain species of fish and shellfish have reappeared (Carpinella aurita, Epinephelus aenus …), Sea turtles are returning in the tree nursery sites, Fish stocks have increased. Restoration of the biotope conditions and the spawning areas, resumption of the production functions of the mangrove ecosystems. Restoration of the food chain. SGP Policy Influence at the Local, Regional or National Level : A wide range of stakeholders are involved in sustainable resource management activities, including: administrative and local government authorities, customary and religious leaders, project resource staff, youth and women Award : This SGP Niodior project won one of five special awards of the 2010 Equator Initiative

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