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 You need to fulfil these standards in order to pass this year.  GTCE Professional Code for Teachers;  Provide evidence;  Expectations of teachers;

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Presentation on theme: " You need to fulfil these standards in order to pass this year.  GTCE Professional Code for Teachers;  Provide evidence;  Expectations of teachers;"— Presentation transcript:


2  You need to fulfil these standards in order to pass this year.  GTCE Professional Code for Teachers;  Provide evidence;  Expectations of teachers;  33 standards which may overlap.  Not enough to just add evidence – you must justify why you are adding the evidence. If you have your QTS standards – please take them out!

3  Each group should have an envelope and a brain storm sheet.  Write one piece of evidence you think you can upload for this standard.  It should be different from others on the table!



6  Lesson observation feedback and evaluations.  Lesson plans – Showing acknowledgement of SEN pupils and other individuals.  A report/testimonial on general contribution to ICT clubs.  Use of information in pupil reports and progress checks to set pupil targets.  Records of conversations with parents/carers/pupils and reflective comments. e.g Called home for behaviour

7  Lesson plans and observation feedback which highlights learning, behaviour and relationship issues.  Evaluations of lessons showing how conflicts are resolved.  Use of school and personal rewards systems.  Photographs of classroom displays.  Evidence of punctuality, time management, personal organisation and reliability.  Letters or cards from parents or pupils.

8  Annotation of school policies (e.g. Health and safety, Equal Opportunities, SEN)  Personalised notes on Child Protection Safeguarding Children, Anti-Bullying and issues of “Disclosure”.  Out of school trip organisation procedure.  Notes on fire evacuation procedure.  Awareness of role of Governing body.

9  Lesson plans showing awareness of health & safety.  Contributions to extra-curricular activities.  Annotation and implementation of school policies (e.g. Health and safety, Equal Opportunities, SEN, Child protection/Safeguarding, Anti-Bullying) and reflective notes.  Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) work on stereotyping, bullying and harassment.

10  Communication whilst observing lessons (Feedback).  Notes home to parents.  Notes from observing/contributing to Parents Evening or review meeting.  Evidence of working with TAs, HLTAs, technicians, librarian, teaching staff, contact with social workers, Educational Welfare officers, School Nurse Educational Psychologist and other Children’s Services professionals.

11  Testimonial from mentor, head of department, TA, etc to show good working relationships with colleagues.  Preparation of resources / units of work with colleagues.  Contributions to work experience visits.  Team teaching.  Contributions to extra-curricular activities.  Minutes of meeting (e.g. Department/year group) describing your specific contributions and how you have collaborated with colleagues.

12  Lesson evaluations, observation feedback sheets, tutor meeting logs.  Extracts from your reflective log.  Examples of research or resources to help improve teaching and learning.  Subject knowledge audit.

13  Completion of career entry and development profile (CEDP)

14  Personal teaching reflection  Lesson evaluations, observation feedback sheets, tutor meeting logs.  Notes and reflections from discussions with colleagues.  Examples of research from e.g. subject associations, QCA, TES, etc to help improve teaching and learning.  Research for assignments.

15  Reflective log entries.  Lesson evaluations, observation feedback sheets, tutor meeting logs.  Notes and reflections from discussions with colleagues.  Trainee Practice Reports.  Testimonial from mentors.


17  Lesson plans, evaluation and observation feedback  Effective questioning technique as demonstrated in lesson observations.  Selection and delivery of appropriate curriculum content and differentiated tasks.  Assignments.  Use of Behaviour Policy and Behaviour Plans for individual pupils.  Personalised annotations and notations to presentation/workshop training on Behaviour Management handouts.  Pupil seating plans with evaluation and justification.  Exploration of pupils’ learning styles/intelligences and implementation of this information in lesson planning.

18  Annotated National Curriculum subject handbook.  Contributions to moderation of coursework.  Evidence of use of levels at KS3.  Lesson plans – use of assessment.  Assignments related to assessment.

19  Lesson plans, evaluation and observation feedback.  Evidence of use of Assessment for Learning (AFL) techniques.  Formative marking of pupils’ work.  Evidence of oral assessment and feedback.  Coursework marking and moderation.  Peer assessment opportunities in lesson plan / observation.  Target Setting.

20  Lesson plans, evaluation and observation feedback.  Use of prior attainment data in lesson planning. (SATs results, reading and maths scores, pupils’ learning styles)  Use of targets for pupils/groups.  Records of assessment in mark book.

21  Subject knowledge audit.  Lesson plans, observation feedback, evaluations.  Evidence from question and answer sessions.  Marking of pupils’ work and feedback.  Long and medium term planning.  Annotated handouts from training courses.  Subject specific qualification certificates.  Evidence of awareness and use of the National Strategy approaches in teaching.

22  Observation feedback, evaluations.  Evidence in planning of National Curriculum general teaching requirements (inclusion, use of language, use of ICT, health and safety).  Evidence in planning to show how National Strategy approaches, materials and resources are used in subject teaching.

23  Copies of certificates obtained from test centre when tests are passed.  Numeracy, Literacy & ICT.  ICT till April.  Online practice tests;  teacher/qts-skills-tests.aspx teacher/qts-skills-tests.aspx

24  Lesson plans, evaluations, observation feedback.  Records of pupils’ progress.  Use of the internet, digital cameras, PowerPoint presentations, interactive whiteboard.  Contribution to school intranet (units of work, homework, for pupils to access).  Preparation of appropriate resources using literacy and/or numeracy skills.  Database work – use of spreadsheets.

25  Lesson plans, observation feedback, evaluations, logs of tutor meetings.  Selection of relevant topics for lesson content.  Notes from discussion with SENCO about e.g. autism, ADHD, Dyslexia, Asperger’s Syndrome  Awareness of issues facing children from a variety of backgrounds and/cultures – English as an Additional Language (EAL) policy, working with EAL co-ordinators, differentiated objectives, worksheets, etc.  Annotated handouts from EAL training session.

26  Lesson plans, observation feedback, evaluations, logs of tutor meetings.  Working alongside EAL&SEN assistants.  Notes from meetings with EAL coordinator and reflection/implications.  Completed tasks or notes from EAL training sessions.  Assignments.

27  Lesson plans involving colleagues.  Annotated SEN Code of Practice and SEN policy.  Evidence of working with TAs, HLTAs, EAL coordinator.  Assignments.

28  Certificate from Safeguarding/Child protection training.  Annotated School Child Protection documentation  Accident reports, issues of ‘disclosure’ and reflections.  Out of school trip organisations procedure.  Personalised annotations of the ‘Every Child Matters’ agenda  Personalised annotations of the ‘Children’s Act’.

29  Evidence of contact with form tutors, HODs, HOYs, SENCO.  Evidence of working with TAs and support teachers in lessons.  Use of SEN data for individual pupils.  Personalised annotations of the ‘Every Child Matters’ agenda.  Personalised annotations of the ‘Children’s Act’.


31  Lesson plans, observation feedback, evaluations, logs of tutor meetings.  Target setting for pupils.  Schemes / units of work – medium term plans.  Annotated National Curriculum for KS2, KS3, KS4 showing progression within a topic / area and reflection.

32  Lesson plans, observation feedback, evaluations, logs of tutor meetings.  Schemes / units of work – medium term plans  Resources and reflection.

33  Lesson plans that take homework into consideration.  Observation feedback, evaluations, logs of tutor meetings.  Evidence of extension work for pupils, e.g. research tasks and evaluation.  Examples of marked homework tasks and evaluation of effectiveness of activity.

34  Lesson plans involving teaching a mixed ability group.  Observation feedback, evaluations, logs of tutor meetings.  Evidence of differentiation by task, resource and/or outcome.  Use of prior attainment and SEN data.  Evidence of variety of teaching strategies in lessons.  Evidence of pace and purpose in lessons.  Effective and safe use of resources.

35  Lesson plans, observation feedback, evaluations, logs of tutor meetings.  Evidence of appropriate activities to allow pupils to apply what they have learnt.  Starter activities.

36  Lesson plans taking into account the mixed ability classes.  Logs of tutor meetings.  Observation feedback  Evaluations of your lesson.

37  Lesson plans, observation feedback, evaluations, logs of tutor meetings.  Use of individual and group research tasks.  Effective use of behavioural management strategies.  Evidence of time management within lessons.

38  Lesson plans, observation feedback, evaluations, logs of tutor meetings.  Marked tests and feedback.  Peer assessment tasks and evaluation.  Target setting.  Evidence of effective use of questioning.  Examples of pupil self-assessment sheets.  Use of plenary session.

39  Lesson plans, observation feedback, evaluations, logs of tutor meetings.  Evaluations which specifically link the assessment of pupils’ learning with learning objectives for future lessons.  Target Setting.  Use of knowledge of pupils’ learning styles to set differentiated and challenging work.

40  Lesson observation feedback, evaluations, logs of tutor meetings  Marking of pupils’ work.  Contributions to progress checks.

41  Lesson observation feedback, evaluations, logs of tutor meetings  Effective use of questioning.  Use of plenary sessions.  Evidence of pupils using their own learning logs.

42  Lesson evaluations, observation feedback, logs of tutor meetings.  Reflective journal.  Pupil questionnaires  Assignments.

43  Lesson plans, observation feedback, evaluations, logs of tutor meetings.  Evidence of good working relationships with pupils.  Evidence of implementation of school Behavioural Policy.  Individual behaviour plans.  Pupil seating plans with evaluation and justification.  Academic trips – evidence of assisting with these and associated reflections.  Evidence of having classroom displays.

44  Feedback for lessons with TA, HLTA, Language Assistant or Technician support.  Evidence of corporate planning, team teaching and contribution to departmental meetings.

45  Open your envelopes to see the suggestions – see if your suggestions were similar. To the ones required.

46 By whenEvidenceRelated to which Standards/cluster of Standards September 27 th 2011 Degree certificate & outline of degree content Subject knowledge audit (1) Courses attended & relevant certificates gained Target setting for phase 1 Beginning of IDP Trainee profile for placement 1 Q14 Q14, SKA Q14 Q7a, TAR Q7a, IDP Q7a, PRO October 28 th 2011 Phase 1 tasks Assignment 0 Practice poster (14 – 19 pathways) Phase 1 report form Target setting phase 2a Subject knowledge audit (2) As appropriate Q14 Q15 Q7a, PRF Q7a, TAR Q14, SKA January 3 rd 2012 Phase 2a tasks Skills tests Subject Pedagogy module (blue) component 1(poster) Phase 2a report form Target setting for Phase 2b Subject knowledge audit (3) IDP (1) PGM007 (LTA) component 1 As appropriate Q16 Q14 Q7, PRF Q7a, TAR Q7a, SKA Q14, IDP Q7a, Planning As appropriate

47 By whenEvidenceRelated to which Standards/cluster of Standards February 10 th 2012Phase 2b tasks Series of Observational Analysis sheets from placement 1 Weekly meetings sheets Phase 2b report form IDP (2) Target Setting for phase 3 (interim) Summative reflective form (Placement 2) As appropriate Q9 Q7a, PRF Q7a, IDP Q7a, TAR Personal Professional Development April 9 th 2012Phase 3 Interim tasks Essential Experience Log (appendices PGM100 module) IDP (3) Conference Power Points & associated notes Phase 3 Interim report form Subject Knowledge Audit (4) Target Setting for final part of phase 3 As appropriate The Professional Context Q7a, IDP Relevant clusters Q7a, IDP Q14, SKA Q7a, TAR June 4 th 2012All evidence to be presented for assessment as a summative document: Ensure that the following are also included: Phase 3 Final tasks Subject Pedagogy module component 2 Phase 3 final report form Subject knowledge audit (5) ICT audit Summative reflective form (Placement 2) CEDP Phase 3 tasks As appropriate Q14 Q7a, PRF Q14, SKA Q7a Personal Professional Development Q7b

48 Phase 1Phase 2aPhase 2bPhase 3 Q1Q4Q5Q7B Q2Q10Q6Q8 Q3A + Q3BQ22Q11Q12 Q7AQ29Q17Q13 Q9Q20Q16 Q14Q21BQ19 Q15Q25CQ23 Q18Q25DQ24 Q21AQ26AQ28 Q25A +Q25BQ26BQ32 Q30Q27Q33 Q31

49 DailyWeeklyPhaseOther Lesson PlansWeekly reflection – Selected few Summary reflection phase form Unit of work ResourcesWeekly tutor meeting (Q7a) End of phase reports (Q7) Certificates Lesson Self Evaluation Phase targets (Q7a + TAR) ICT Audit Mentor/Teacher evaluation (3 Days – 1 per week, 5 Days – 2 per week) Subject knowledge audit (Q7a) School training Phase tasksExperience Log IDP – update of QTS (Q14)


51 Any Questions?

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