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Who is Jesus? Why did Jesus die? How Can I Be Sure of my Faith? Why and How Should I Read the Bible? Why and How Do I Pray? How Does God Guide Us?

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Presentation on theme: "Who is Jesus? Why did Jesus die? How Can I Be Sure of my Faith? Why and How Should I Read the Bible? Why and How Do I Pray? How Does God Guide Us?"— Presentation transcript:


2 Who is Jesus? Why did Jesus die? How Can I Be Sure of my Faith? Why and How Should I Read the Bible? Why and How Do I Pray? How Does God Guide Us?

3 Who is the Holy Spirit? What does the Holy Spirit Do? How Can I Be Filled With the Spirit? How Can I Make the Most of My Life? The “AwayDay” How Can I Resist Evil? Why and How Should We Tell Others?

4 Does God Heal Today?

5 If it can’t be measured or put in a test tube, it can’t be real!

6 Does God Heal Today? John Wimber

7 Does God Heal Today? Healing in the Bible  In the Old Testament, God promises health and healing for His people if they obey Him Exodus 23 25, 26  He says, “I am the Lord who heals you” Exodus 15 26  There are several examples in the Old Testament of miraculous healing happening 2 Kings 4 8-37 ; Isaiah 38

8 Does God Heal Today? Healing in the Bible  In the New Testament, Jesus announces: “The time has come … the Kingdom of God is near. Repent and believe the Good News” Mark 1 15 The word “Kingdom” means more than geography or politics - it means the Rule and Reign of God

9 Does God Heal Today? Healing in the Bible  Jesus talks a great deal about the Kingdom …  Many of his parables talk about the Kingdom of God (or of heaven)  He says it is close at hand  He says it has already come  He teaches us to give all to gain it  He tells us to pray for it to come  He tells us it will come

10 Does God Heal Today? Healing in the Bible This ageThe age to come Messiah comes Jewish expectation of the Messiah’s new Kingdom

11 Does God Heal Today? Healing in the Bible This age The age to come Messiah comes Jesus’ teaching is more complex: The period in which we now live Messiah returns

12 Does God Heal Today? Healing in the Bible The fictional concept of “parallel universes”

13 Does God Heal Today? Healing in the Bible The scriptural concept of “parallel universes” We live in a place where the old age goes on … … but into which the powers of the new age (which has already begun) regularly “punch through”

14 Does God Heal Today? Healing in the Bible  25% of the gospel accounts describe Jesus bringing healing e.g. 209 of 666 verses in Mark’s gospel  There are 27 specific healings …  … and many more times when many are recorded as healed  The twelve are commissioned to go and heal … Matthew 10 8  … and another 72 Luke 10 9

15 Does God Heal Today? Healing in the Bible  Jesus teaches that “Anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing” John 14 12  The first disciples are told to teach others what they were taught Mt 28 18  An old ending of Mark’s gospel records Jesus saying “… these signs will accompany those who believe … they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well” Mark 16 15-20

16 Does God Heal Today? Healing in Church History “Those who are in truth his disciples … do in his name perform (miracles) … some do certainly and truly drive out devils … others still, heal the sick by laying their hands on them... the dead have been raised up …” Irenaeus (c.130 - c.200) “They expel evil spirits, and perform many cures, and foresee certain events … the name of Jesus … can take away diseases” Origen (c.185 - c.254)

17 Does God Heal Today? Healing in Church History “… even now miracles are wrought in the name of Christ” Augustine of Hippo (354-430) “… an affliction that comes from the devil … must be counteracted by the power of Christ with the prayer of faith” Martin Luther (1483 - 1586): Letters of Spiritual Counsel

18 Does God Heal Today? Healing in Church History “The manifestation of the power was beyond human management. Men and women were mown down by the axe of God like a forest. The glory was resting for over two years in some localities … the weeping for mercy, the holy laughter, ecstasy of joy, the fire descending … Many were heard speaking in tongues and prophesying … Many witnessed to God’s healing power in their bodies …” Daniel Williams, 1931, recalling the Welsh Revival of 1904/5

19 Does God Heal Today? Healing Today  The Greek word “I save” also means “I heal”  Our ministry of healing is like every other part of ministry and Christian living - imperfect  The more we try, the more we will learn and see an impact on people  While some today have extraordinary ministries of healing, all are called to be ready to use this gift

20 Does God Heal Today? Healing Today

21 Does God Heal Today? Healing Today  God heals, it’s not people  Explore needs  Explore circumstances  Pray (ask Holy Spirit?)  Check what’s happening  Follow through - more prayer - no guilt trips - persist! A framework for healing

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