Chapter 3: Enlightenment, Industrialization and Imperialism

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1 Chapter 3: Enlightenment, Industrialization and Imperialism
OGT Review Chapter 3: Enlightenment, Industrialization and Imperialism

2 Be prepared to explain your answers
With your TEAM, answer questions 1, 2, 4, 5, 7 and 8 Be prepared to explain your answers (you have 10 minutes)

* Faith in the power of human reason * The application of science and reason to the world * Discovery of truth through observations rather than established belief systems

* Mechanized farming lead to a population boom * Over-populated work force lead to a division of labor – process of creating a good was divided into simple tasks * Productivity rises, income rises, investment rises – new technology is developed!

* Desire among European countries for raw materials * Desire among European countries for over-seas marketplaces * Desire among European countries to spread Christianity and a more civilized culture

6 The Enlightenment 1.) The American Revolution and French Revolution were similar in that both: A. Were encouraged by the Enlightenment idea of Natural rights B. Sought to limit the participation of people in government C. Supported the theory of divine right D. Increased the influence of religious institutions in government

7 The Enlightenment: Bonus Question
* KEY ENLIGHTENMENT CONCEPT: During the Enlightenment, a number of writers explored the relationship between governments and the people they governed. For example, Rousseau wrote The Social Contract in which he examined ideas about popular consent and the common good * How did these ideas influence the American and French Revolutions? A. They encouraged loyalty to established governments C. They supported movements for social and political change D. They encouraged the formation of American and French constitutional monarchies B. They supported the efforts of governments to maintain control over their subjects

8 The Enlightenment: Bonus Question
* KEY ENLIGHTENMENT CONCEPT: Many Latin American nations gained their independence early in the 19th century. The relationship between the people and their government changed. Slavery existed under colonial governments, but some of the new nations, such as Haiti, did not permit slavery * The abolition of slavery was based on the Enlightenment ideas of… A. Liberty as a natural right of man C. Separation of governmental powers D. Individual liberty as less important than civil order B. The absolute authority of monarchs

9 The Enlightenment “If man in the state of nature is free, and lord of his own possessions, why will he give up his freedom? The answer is that rights in the state of nature are constantly exposed to attack by others. Hence each man joins in society to preserve his life, liberty, and property. Whenever the (ruler) endeavors to take away the property of the people, or reduce them to slavery… they are (removed) from any further obedience and left to… rise up with force and violence.” 2.) The English philosopher John Locke wrote this passage in his book, the Treatise of Government (1690). The ideas expressed by Locke in this passage helped inspire the… A. Theory of Divine Right B. American Revolution C. Separation of Church and State D. Industrial Revolution

10 The Enlightenment: Bonus Question
* KEY ENLIGHTENMENT CONCEPT: Enlightenment philosophers such as John Locke and Jean-Jacques Rousseau challenged the divine right of kings. They wrote about a government’s obligations to uphold individual’s rights and how the government should be based on the consent of the governed * These new ideas encouraged people to… A. Remain firm in their support of absolute monarchs C. Look for leaders who would exercise dictatorial powers D. Engage in revolutions to establish democratic governments B. Call for church leaders to create theocracies and replace the monarchies

11 The Enlightenment: Bonus Question
* KEY ENLIGHTENMENT CONCEPT: Natural law * Which concept is an application of natural law to the government’s role in the economic lives of citizens? A. Free markets based on supply and demand C. Agriculture based on tenant farming and serfdom D. Lower taxes on the most privileged groups in society B. Government control to achieve a favorable balance of trade

12 The Enlightenment: Bonus Question
* KEY ENLIGHTENMENT CONCEPT: The economist Adam Smith was an Enlightenment thinker. In his writings, he described how market systems worked and expressed his belief in laissez-faire economics. His ideas influenced how people viewed their relationship with their government * Supporters of Smith wanted government to… A. End universal suffrage C. Uphold the Divine Right of Kings D. Protect their freedoms and property B. Provide strict economic regulations on business

13 Industrialization 4.) Which of the following was an important effect of nineteenth-century industrialization on American society? A. An increase in the number of small farms B. A decline in international trade C. A lowering of the prices of many manufactured goods D. A decline in the economic power of the middle class

14 Industrialization: Bonus Question
* KEY INDUSTRIALIZATION CONCEPT: During the Industrial Revolution of the late 19th century, farmers in the United States worked to increase their land holdings and modernize their equipment * A lasting effect of these changes was… A. Higher prices for crops C. Increased rural population density D. A shortage of land for farming B. Greater productivity of farming

15 Industrialization: Bonus Question
* KEY INDUSTRIALIZATION CONCEPT: Progressive reformers after sought federal legislation to regulate working conditions for all laborers and to set a minimum age for child labor * Why was the formation of labor unions an effect of U.S. industrialization during the late 1800s? A. Unions were needed to guarantee a steady supply of workers C. Union membership was required for employment in new industries D. Factory owners set up labor unions in order to control their large workforce B. Unions organized industrial workers to protest unsafe working conditions and long workdays

16 Population of Select British Cities, 1801-1891
Industrialization Population of Select British Cities, TOWN 1801 1861 1891 Birmingham 74,000 296,000 523,000 Leeds 53,000 207,000 429,000 Liverpool 80,000 444,000 704,000 Manchester 90,000 339,000 645,000 5.) Which development best explains the pattern shown in the chart above? A. the Enlightenment B. the Industrial Revolution C. the Irish Potato Famine D. the American Revolution

17 Industrialization: Bonus Question
* KEY INDUSTRIALIZATION CONCEPT: The Industrial Revolution began in Great Britain in the 18th century as a result of technological innovations in the production of cotton cloth * Which major change in the economies of Europe and the United States was set in motion by this development? A. An increasing portion of the work force was engaged in manufacturing C. Labor shortages resulting from a decreasing population D. A shift from free market systems to command economies B. A decreasing need for international trade agreements

18 Imperialism 7.) During the nineteenth century, European powers pursued a policy of imperialism in many global regions. One of these regions was Africa. What was an important effect of European imperialism in Africa? A. The exploration of African natural resources by colonial powers B. Improved working conditions for the peoples of Africa C. African dependence on the export of manufactured goods D. A belief in the superiority of African culture

19 Imperialism: Bonus Question
One objective of 19th century European imperialism was to… A. Preserve native cultures and traditions C. Expand peace and freedom D. Protect the environment and conserve wildlife B. Convert inhabitants of foreign territories to Christianity

20 Imperialism: Bonus Question
* KEY IMPERIALISM CONCEPT: In the 19th century, European countries claimed that the conquest of Africa would bring the benefits of Western civilization to that continent * From the perspective of African peoples, the effect was… A. A loss of political independence C. Fewer agricultural products for foreign trade D. New national boundaries based on ethnic and cultural similarities B. Global appreciation for African cultures and encouragement of their development

21 Imperialism: Bonus Question
How did the political systems in Africa change as a result of European colonialism in the 19th century? A. Opportunities for self-rule increased C. Administrative units were set up along ethnic lines D. Traditional forms of tribal authority were weakened B. Administrative units became smaller for better control

22 Imperialism: Bonus Question
* KEY IMPERIALISM CONCEPT: In 1898, U.S. support for Cuban independence led to war with Spain and contributed to the Untied States becoming an imperial power * What was a decisive factor in the decision to go to war? A. The opportunity to annex the Hawaiian Islands C. The desire to acquire a naval base in the Atlantic D. The protection of U.S. commerce and trade on the island B. The need for a shorter route from the Atlantic to the Pacific

23 Imperialism 8.) Which of the following statements summarizes the effect of imperialism? A. Colonial markets were closed to manufactured goods from the colonizing power B. Land was distributed among the main social classes C. Colonial economies became devoted to manufacturing finished goods for the colonizing power D. The wealth of the colonizing powers often increased at the expense of their colonies

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