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COBOL, LISP, and Python Joseph Hoeppner. COBOL Background  Released in 1959  Grace Hopper  Industry, universities, and government collaboration  Cold.

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Presentation on theme: "COBOL, LISP, and Python Joseph Hoeppner. COBOL Background  Released in 1959  Grace Hopper  Industry, universities, and government collaboration  Cold."— Presentation transcript:

1 COBOL, LISP, and Python Joseph Hoeppner

2 COBOL Background  Released in 1959  Grace Hopper  Industry, universities, and government collaboration  Cold War pressures  80% of business transactions  65% of all code is in COBOL

3 COBOL – Why?  Software Lifecycle  Cheaper to maintain  Y2K  Self-documenting code  Verbose  “IF a c …”  Divisions

4 COBOL – Why?  Divisions  Identification Division  Environment Division  Data Division  Procedure Division

5 COBOL – Data Division  Data Division  Pictures  9 = digit  X = any character  A = alphabetic character  V = decimal point position  S = sign  Repeats  PIC 9 (4) = 9999


7 COBOL – Groups and Elementary data


9 COBOL  Reliability  Stood test of time  Has “ ALTER X TO PROCEED TO Y ” (a negative)  Uses GOTO statements (a negative)  Today  Cross platform: OpenCOBOL C translation  IDEs (Net Express)

10 COBOL - Summary  Readability  Writability  Reliability  Portability

11 LISP  LISt Processing  List-based language  2 nd High-level language  1958 – John McCarthy for MIT


13 LISP - Syntax  Function call: “(fun arg1 arg2)”  (+ 1 2 3)  Lists  (list ‘3 ‘7 ‘apples)  (3 7 apples)  (list ‘13 list(‘3 ‘5))  (13 (3 5))

14 LISP – Innovations  Garbage Collection  If else statements  Recursion

15 LISP – Linked Lists  Car (first)  Cdr (rest)


17 LISP - Examples  If then else  (if nil (list ‘2 ‘3) (list ‘5 ‘6))  One line variant:  (if nil (list ‘2 ‘3) (list ‘5 ‘6))

18 LISP - Examples  Factorial  (defun factorial (n) (if (<= n 1) 1 (* n (factorial (- n 1)))))  One line variant:  (defun factorial (n) (if (<= n 1) 1 (* n (factorial (- n 1)))))

19 LISP - Examples  Recursive List Size  (defun recursiveSize (L) (if (null L) 0 (1+ (recursiveSize(rest L)))))

20 LISP - Examples  Recursive List Sum with “LET”  (defun sum (L) (if (null L) 0 (let ((S1 (first L)) (S2 (sum (rest L)))) + S1 S2)))

21 LISP- Summary and Comparison  Readability  Writability  Reliability

22 Python  Developed early 1990’s  Guido van Rossum  ABC language  Python 2.0  2000  Community-supported -> reliability  Modular; community expandable  Python 3.0  2008

23 Python – Readability is Key  Design goal  One way to do things  Clarity over clever code  Whitespace over braces  “pass” for No-Op

24 Python  Writability  Similar to other OO languages  Verification support  Interpreted, assert, no statements in conditions  Clean style  Few keywords  Simple grammar -> few ways to do something

25 Python  Comparisons  == tests values, not references  A < b <= C works properly  Ternary operator readable  “ a if b else c ”

26 Python  System Requirements  Cross platform  Python Interpreter  Simplicity  Small core language  Large libaraies

27 Python - Examples  a = 15 if(a < 10): print(“input less than 10”) elif(10 < a < 20): print(“input between 10 and 20”) else: print(“input greater than 20”)

28 Python - Examples  Function definition def greatest(a, b, c): largest = a if a > b else b largest = largest if largest > c else c print(largest)  Function call greatest(7, 3, 14) 14

29 Python - Examples  Determine if prime def isPrime(num): prime = True for i in range(2, (num / 2) + 1): if num % i == 0: prime = False return prime

30 def tenPrimes(): list = [] count = 0 current = 2 #store the first 10 primes in a list while count < 10: if isPrime(current): count += 1 list.append(current) current = current + 1 #print the list for element in list: print(element)

31 Python - Summary and Comparison  Readability  Writability  Reliability

32 Python - Examples Demo

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