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Culture Of Honor Chapter 7 : Chapter 7 : Kingdom Conflict - Part 1 “There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do.

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Presentation on theme: "Culture Of Honor Chapter 7 : Chapter 7 : Kingdom Conflict - Part 1 “There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do."— Presentation transcript:

1 Culture Of Honor Chapter 7 : Chapter 7 : Kingdom Conflict - Part 1 “There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love,” 1 John 4:18

2 Wk8 - Culture of Honor 1) There will be no culture of ______________ without the active use of effective ______________. Kingdom Conflict - Part 1

3 Wk8 - Culture of Honor 1) There will be no culture of honor without the active use of effective confrontation. Kingdom Conflict - Part 1

4 Wk8 - Culture of Honor 2) The skill of combining these two relational elements - honor and confrontation - is the key to sustaining an environment of ______________. “Therefore you are no longer a slave but a son, and if a son, then an heir of God through Christ,” Galatians 4:7 Kingdom Conflict - Part 1

5 Wk8 - Culture of Honor 2) The skill of combining these two relational elements - honor and confrontation - is the key to sustaining an environment of grace. “Therefore you are no longer a slave but a son, and if a son, then an heir of God through Christ,” Galatians 4:7 Kingdom Conflict - Part 1

6 Wk8 - Culture of Honor 3) Our context for life has moved from needing a _________________ (external control) to that of being powerful, _______________ sons of the living God. Kingdom Conflict - Part 1

7 Wk8 - Culture of Honor 3) Our context for life has moved from needing a guardian (external control) to that of being powerful, free sons of the living God. Kingdom Conflict - Part 1

8 Wk8 - Culture of Honor 4) In the Kingdom, sons and daughters are not only expected to be free, but also to _________________ why they are free and ________________ that freedom towards its purpose - LOVE. “Brethren, if a man is overtaken in any trespass, you who are spiritual restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness, considering yourself lest you also be tempted,” Galatians 6:1 Kingdom Conflict - Part 1

9 Wk8 - Culture of Honor 4) In the Kingdom, sons and daughters are not only expected to be free, but also to understand why they are free and exercise that freedom towards its purpose - LOVE. “Brethren, if a man is overtaken in any trespass, you who are spiritual restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness, considering yourself lest you also be tempted,” Galatians 6:1 Kingdom Conflict - Part 1

10 Wk8 - Culture of Honor 5 ) ___________________ doesn’t mean nice or polite. The heart of gentleness is the belief that “I do not need to _________________ you.” Kingdom Conflict - Part 1

11 Wk8 - Culture of Honor 5 ) Gentleness doesn’t mean nice or polite. The heart of gentleness is the belief that “I do not need to control you.” Kingdom Conflict - Part 1

12 Wk8 - Culture of Honor What happens when other people do not let you control them? Do you become angry? Do you interpret it as dishonor? Do you find a way to justify punishing them? We ask ourselves these questions:

13 Wk8 - Culture of Honor What happens when other people do not let you control them? Do you become angry? Do you interpret it as dishonor? Do you find a way to justify punishing them? A “yes” to any of these questions exposes that you still believe the lie that you can and should control people. We ask ourselves these questions:

14 Wk8 - Culture of Honor 6 ) Just because we are in revival, Heaven is still a _______________ place, and free people can still make ______________ decisions. Kingdom Conflict - Part 1

15 Wk8 - Culture of Honor 6 ) Just because we are in revival, Heaven is still a free place, and free people can still make bad decisions. Kingdom Conflict - Part 1

16 Wk8 - Culture of Honor 7 ) Jesus was not _____________ of the messes people made. His love and the way He led people ________________ them to rise above their mistakes. Kingdom Conflict - Part 1

17 Wk8 - Culture of Honor 7 ) Jesus was not afraid of the messes people made. His love and the way He led people empowered them to rise above their mistakes. Kingdom Conflict - Part 1

18 Wk8 - Culture of Honor 8 ) We need to have empowering ways of managing _____________ in the presence of other people’s problems. We need to ___________ ourselves. Kingdom Conflict - Part 1

19 Wk8 - Culture of Honor 8 ) We need to have empowering ways of managing ourselves in the presence of other people’s problems. We need to control ourselves. Kingdom Conflict - Part 1

20 Wk8 - Culture of Honor 9 ) Without a priority of self-control, we live in constant ______________ to one another, which creates a culture of __________ and irresponsibility. Kingdom Conflict - Part 1

21 Wk8 - Culture of Honor 9 ) Without a priority of self-control, we live in constant reaction to one another, which creates a culture of blame and irresponsibility. Kingdom Conflict - Part 1

22 Wk8 - Culture of Honor Missed a Class? No Problem! Visit us online at to download the latest class handouts or catch up on last weeks video.


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