Fastpitch Softball Physiological Profile Crystal Fryer.

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Presentation on theme: "Fastpitch Softball Physiological Profile Crystal Fryer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fastpitch Softball Physiological Profile Crystal Fryer

2 ASEP and My Findings ASEPFryer Energy Fitness Muscular Fitness SportActivityAerobicAnaerobicFlexibilityStrengthEnduranceSpeedPower HittingLowLow Medium- High MediumMediumMedium MediumLow-MediumLowHighHighHighHigh FieldingLowLow MediumMediumMedium MediumLow-MediumLowHighHighHighHigh Base Running Low- Medium MediumHighHighMediumMediumMediumMediumLow-MediumMediumHighHigh Medium -High Medium Pitching Low- Medium Low Medium- High HighHighHigh HighLowLow High High

3 Research: Energy Fitness ATP-PC Terbizan (1996) Muscular capacity measured in arms and legs and anaerobic power improved in arms average 20.36 W and the legs 14.17 W Szymanski (2001) Approximately 80% of the energy supplied by the ATP-PC system. Coleman (2004) Most players seldom run 50-60 meters in game situations Glycolytic Szymanski (2001) Glycolic system supplies 15% of energy. Aerobic Terbizan (1996) Although aerobic capacity of 1 m run increased from 36.07+8.26 to 38.30+8.90 ml/(kg x min), increase not significant Szymanski (2001) 5% energy supplied from aerobic system.

4 Application and Conclusion  Developing Anaerobic Fitness- Dynamic stretching, Agilities, Numerous short distance sprints in game-like conditions (Games Approach), and interval training of high-intensity running drills followed by periods of active recovery  No need for frequent aerobic training  Conclusion- Results are consistent with the ASEP findings

5 References  Arzola, Gil. (2006). Throwing a Softball Fast. Coach and Athletic Director, 75, 46-8.  Coleman, Eugene. (2004). Changes in Running Speed in Game Situations During a Season of Major League Baseball. Journal of Exercise of Physiology, 7,89-92.  Ellis, Lindsay. (2000). Protocols for the Physiological Assessment of Softball Players. Physiological Tests for Elite Athletes, Ch.26, 363-71.  Flyger, Nicholas. (2006). The Science of Softball: Implications for Performance and Injury Prevention. Sports Medicine, 36, 797-816.  Martens, Rainer. (2004). Successful Coaching, 3rd ed. 276-7  Szymanski, David. Baseball (Part II): A Periodized Speed Program. National Strength and Conditioning Association, 23, 44- 52.  Terbizan, Donna J. (1996). Physiological Characteristics of Masters Women Fastpitch Softball Players. Journal of Strength and Conditioning, 10, 157-60.

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