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Unit 13: Jesus Builds the Kingdom of God through Words.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 13: Jesus Builds the Kingdom of God through Words."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 13: Jesus Builds the Kingdom of God through Words

2 Section 5: Jesus: A Historical Portrait, Chapter Four: Jesus the Teacher

3 Jesus the Teacher Why would it be appropriate to describe Jesus as a “wise teacher”? –Jesus used the methods of wise teachers Met his listeners in their own lives Used their ordinary experiences as tools to help them better understand the Kingdom of God What was the overall goal of Jesus’ teaching? –To give the people glimpses of the Kingdom of God –To show the people how to discern the Kingdom’s present dimensions as well as prepare for eternal life with God in its fullness

4 Jesus the Teacher What is a parable? –A form of analogy that seeks to illuminate one reality by appealing to something better known –A story, taken from nature or everyday life, about an interesting or unusual case, which points to another level or topic and teases the mind of the listener into active thinking Why are stories effective means of teaching or passing along the truth? –A story takes us out of ourselves, at least for a moment, and transports us into a new and different setting; it engages our imagination and makes us eager to find out how the story will end

5 Jesus the Teacher What is the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7)? –A summary of Jesus’ teachings –Rather than the transcript of a speech delivered in one place at one time, it is more likely a collection of Jesus’ sayings taken from several different sources and assembled by the evangelist Matthew or a predecessor Why did Jesus act as a wisdom teacher and provide his followers with many ethical teachings? –To help people by providing them with the values and virtues most appropriate to enter the Kingdom of God and enjoy its fullness which was the goal and horizon of his teachings

6 Jesus the Teacher What is a controversy or conflict story? –A short narrative in which someone, often with hostile intent, approaches Jesus with a hard question; the tense situation provides Jesus with an opportunity to deliver his own wise teaching, to display his superior wisdom, and to escape the trap set for him by his opponents What is a symbolic action or enacted parable? –A story that conveys a teaching of Jesus through an activity rather than by words alone –These stories confirmed Jesus’ identity as the prophet of God’s Kingdom, the one who stood in the same line as Israel’s great prophets of the past and at the same time fulfilled their prophecies

7 Jesus the Teacher What ordinary 21st Century images and experiences would Jesus use if he was teaching in parables today? –How might they vary when used in different cultures, generations, and socioeconomic classes? What lessons can you take from Jesus concerning the ways your stories, sayings, conflicts, and actions teach others about your identity and beliefs? Will this make you more conscious of your choice of words and actions? “The Kingdom of God was the goal and horizon of Jesus’ teaching.” What are you doing as a servant of the Kingdom to share Jesus’ teaching and strive for that goal?

8 Jesus the Teacher

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