The Antichrist – Who is He? The Antichrist – Who Is He? Church AgeThe Great Tribulation The 1,000 Year Reign Rapture Return The Day of the Antichrist.

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2 The Antichrist – Who is He?

3 The Antichrist – Who Is He? Church AgeThe Great Tribulation The 1,000 Year Reign Rapture Return The Day of the Antichrist 1 John 2:18; 2 Thess. 2:3-12 Daniel 7; Revelation 13 7 Years

4 According to premillennial doctrine, the seven-year period of “Tribulation,” which will follow the “Rapture,” will be divided into two parts of three and one-half years.  During the first part, the Jews will make a covenant with a powerful world ruler.  It is generally taught that this ruler will be the head of a revised Roman Empire containing ten nations.  They point to Daniel 7:7,20 for this, but Daniel was not speaking of our time at all.

5  After three and one-half years, this ruler is expected to break the covenant and be revealed as the “Antichrist.”  The seven-year period is based upon an absurd interpretation of Daniel 9:24- 27.

6 Theories vary on who this personal Antichrist will be. Over the years, many names have been suggested.

7 The Antichrist – Who is He? ♦ The Pope of Rome ♦ Charlemagne ♦ Napolean ♦ Aliester Crowley ♦ Franklin D. Roosevelt ♦ John F. Kennedy ♦ Stalin ♦ Mussolini ♦ Adolf Hitler ♦ Henry Kissinger ♦ King Juan Carlos of Spain ♦ Ayatollah Khomeini ♦ Michael Gorbachev ♦ Sun Myung Moon ♦ Yassir Arafat ♦ Saddam Hussein ♦ Louis Farrakhan ♦ Barney the Purple Dinosaur ♦ Ronald Reagan ♦ Sam Donaldson ♦ Bill Gates ♦ Prince Charles of Wales ♦ Bill Clinton ♦ George W. Bush

8 Who Is The Antichrist of Daniel 11:36-39?  Arrogant, blasphemous tyrant  Will succeed till wrath is accomplished (vs. 36)  Considers himself greater than God and all gods (vs. 37)  Honors only the god of fortresses (vs. 38)  Will make rich those who acknowledge him (vs. 39)

9 Who Is The Antichrist of Daniel 11:36-39  Who is he?  To premillennialists, he is a future personage  The context & secular history point to Antiochus Epiphanes

10 Hal Lindsey has gone on record that all scripture must be translated as literally as possible.

11 The Antichrist – Who is He? (Revelation 13)  Will come to power during the “second phase” of the Roman Kingdom  Magnetic personality, attractive, and a powerful speaker  He will be like a Leopard, Bear, and Lion (vs. 2)  Receives a fatal wound, but he lives (vs. 3)  He will be worshipped as God (vs. 4, 8)  He will speak great blasphemies (vs. 5-6)  He will make war with Christians (vs. 7)

12 Peacemaker for 3 ½ years Makes covenant with Israel Dominated by Babylon – the world religion at the time Russia attacks Israel and are destroyed Receives a fatal wound, but lives Becomes World Dictator Destroys Babylon and begins persecuting Christians Kills the 2 Witnesses after 3 ½ years Is attacked by Russia – He wins He is attacked by China – He wins He now turns on the Jews and kills two-thirds of them Jesus returns and destroys him The Antichrist – Who is He?

13  Daniel 2 and 7 Focus on Kingdoms  Gold (2) Lion (7) Babylon  Silver (2) Bear (7)Persian  Bronze (2) Leopard (7) Grecian  Iron, Clay (2) Un-Named (7)Roman  John describes the same thing in Revelation 13 and we know that he is speaking of Rome (chapter 17). Daniel and Book of Revelation

14 Matthew 24:23-24  He describes “False Christs” who would deceive the elect.  Christ was speaking of a time after His death and before the destruction of Jerusalem.  Christ describes “signs” that lead up to the “abomination of desolation” when the Roman armies surround the city (Luke 21:20-22).  “This generation shall not pass until all these things be fulfilled” (Matt. 24:34).

15 There are only four verses in the Bible which contain the word “Antichrist.” All of these are in the writings of John. A reading of these verses should be sufficient to demonstrate that no one person is being considered.





20 These verses show that anyone who denies the truth about Jesus as the Son of God is antichrist!

21 It is clear that the term “anti-Christ” refers not to any one single figure in history. It includes anyone at any time who opposes Christ and His word.

22 1 John 2:18, 22; 4:3; 2 John 7  John wrote to overcome a false doctrine known as Gnosticism, a denial that Jesus came in the flesh.  He calls these false teachers liars, deceivers, false prophets, and antichrists.  The spirit of antichrist was already in the world. It wasn’t looking into the future!

23 The “Man of Sin” in 2 Thess. 2:3-10  Lawlessness was already operating.  He will elevate himself above every god.  He will insist on being worshiped as God. ♦ Caligula tried to have his statue erected in the temple. ♦ Nero further developed “self-deification”. ♦ Domitian – enforced Emperor worship. ♦ Paul’s description matches that of John. ♦ The Beast in Revelation 13 is the Roman Empire.

24 What (Not Who) Is The Antichrist?




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