The Stone Age People By Ronan & Lydia.

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Presentation on theme: "The Stone Age People By Ronan & Lydia."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Stone Age People By Ronan & Lydia.

2 The Stone Age The stone age got its name because the tools and weapons were mainly made of stone.

3 The Stone Age Caves These are paintings at The Cave Of Lascaux.
The cave was closed and they built a replica because carbon dioxide was ruining the pictures.

4 The Stone Age Homes The stone age people made their huts with sticks and animal skins. They have a little hole in the top of the hut for the smoke to come out.

5 How The Caves Were Discovered
On Thursday the 12 September 1940 four teenagers found an amazing archaeological discovery of the caves in Lascaux south-west of France.

6 Stone Age

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