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AEROSPACE ENGINEERING GROUP 2 Will Orr Darren Draper Alex Paige Niccolo Lamanna Viyat Jhaveri.

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Presentation on theme: "AEROSPACE ENGINEERING GROUP 2 Will Orr Darren Draper Alex Paige Niccolo Lamanna Viyat Jhaveri."— Presentation transcript:

1 AEROSPACE ENGINEERING GROUP 2 Will Orr Darren Draper Alex Paige Niccolo Lamanna Viyat Jhaveri

2 Design Stage Each sub group had to come up with their own plan to achieve their goals. For the rocket we sketched out a design for our rocket that was pretty basic but then refined it via the simulator to see what worked best. For the motorized glider we sketched out the conventional design of a monoplane while adding in some truss support to give the body strength.

3 Process Analysis The processes for each of the builds was very different. Building the rocket took some patience because rolling up the paper with glue was surprisingly hard. Overall the rocket had more margin for error than the airplane. For the plane we already had experience with balsa wood and were able to work with it quite easily and effectively (Darren built two planes even) For the builds we were split into a rocket group and an airplane group.

4 Applied Principles For the rocket we applied the basic principles of aeronautics that we had learned. We made sure our Center of Gravity was in front of our Center of pressure as well as making sure our rocket was as aerodynamic as possible. We applied many of these same principles to the plane build, but for the plane the location of the CoG and CoP came into play much more, not only horizontally but also vertically to an extent. Also for the plane we applied some of the principles from bridge building because we used trusses to give the fuselage more support.

5 10 Steps of Rocketry 1.Only use lightweight, non-metal components for my rocket 2.Only use certified motors, won’t mess with them 3.Only launch rocket with electrical launch system that has safety steps built into it 4.Will wait 60 seconds after a misfire before recovering the rocket 5.Will use a countdown and make sure everyone is clear and safe before launching a rocket 6.Will Launch rocket from safe launchpad that has a guide rail to make sure the rocket goes straight up 7.Will make sure that the rocket does not exceed any of the limitations set out by the FAA 8.Make sure that my rocket is safe to launch and is sent in a safe direction 9.Make sure to use a launch site that is big enough for the size of rocket that is going to be launched and make sure that it is not too windy 10.Will use a recovery system like a parachute or streamers to slow down the rocket before impact to insure safety, won’t use flammable wadding

6 Roles We split into two groups Rocket Group: Niccolo, V, and Will Airplane: Darren and Alex Webpage: Alex Powerpoint: Will Our rocket

7 Successes and Challenges We were able to succeed very early on with our airplane because Darren and Alex had a good design. Succeeded in making a rocket body that had the right locations for CoG and CoP. Challenge was to make the plane fly right side up. Rolling the paper covered in glue was difficult. Making the motors mount inside the rocket correctly took a few tries

8 Obstacles We encountered some initial problems with our motors because we had accidentally covered the top of them with hot glue. We had to end up throwing these motors away and starting from scratch, but this time we redesigned our motor mounts. Also the plane flew upside down when it should not have, to fix this we moved our vertical center of gravity and changed where we took our wires from.

9 Improvements To improve our rocket we would make a better and more consistent body because the one we have right now is uneven and unstable. Also we would make the body out of a thicker material. For the plane it would be nice to be able to put weight exactly where we want to in order to move the CoG but we were limited in weights we could use.

10 Lessons Learned For projects dealing with aeronautics and aerodynamics we learned how important it was to have a uniform body and the right CoG and CoP Also in future projects it has become apparent that it is very important to have consistent techniques for making the components (ex. The rocket body)

11 If we could Re-Do… We would have made the rocket motors the correct way the first time, and not waste two or three the wrong way. We would have made the rocket body better the first time around without wasting so much glue. The airplane did not have much error that we could have redone.

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