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Anatomy & Physiology Mrs. Halkuff Muscle Naming, Contractions & Diseases.

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Presentation on theme: "Anatomy & Physiology Mrs. Halkuff Muscle Naming, Contractions & Diseases."— Presentation transcript:

1 Anatomy & Physiology Mrs. Halkuff Muscle Naming, Contractions & Diseases

2 Naming a Muscle 1. Location: External/Internal 2. Shape: Deltoid (Triangle)/Trapezius (Trapezoid) 3. Size: Minimus/Maximus/Brevis/Longus 4. Direction of Muscle Fibers: Rectus/Transverse/Oblique 5. Number of Origins: Biceps/Triceps/Quadriceps 6. Location of Origins/Insertion: Sternocleidomastoid

3 Muscle Contractions Skeletal muscle is made up of long fibrous cylinders called myofibrils that run the length of the muscle cell. Muscle cells contract because myofibrils contract. Each myofibril contains a lot of thick and thin filaments, which run parallel to the myofibril axis.

4 Actin: Protein made of thin filaments. Myosin: Protein made of thick filaments. Create an alternating light and dark banding pattern in the myofibrils that can be seen in the light microscope. Myosin: Thick, dark bands called “A Bands” Actin: Thin, light bands called “I Bands” “Z Line” runs through the I band perpendicularly and connect neighboring myofibrils.

5 Sarcomere: Segment of the microfibril that runs between two adjacent Z lines. When contracting, Actin moves past the Myosin causing the sarcomere to shorten. When fully contracted, the Actin overlaps. Actin & Myosin is always the same length. When relaxed, the distance between the two Z lines is great. When contracted, the distance between the two Z lines is very small.



8 Muscle Contraction Animation Muscle Contraction Animation

9 Thick filament (MYOSIN) Thin Filament (Actin) Thick filament (MYOSIN) Thin Filament (Actin)

10 Diseases Myopathies Neuromuscular disorder Muscle weakness due to dysfunction of muscle fiber. Other symptoms: Muscle cramps, stiffness, & spasm 1. Fibromyalgia Chronic muscle, ligament, tendon pain, fatigue, tender points Rarely life-threatening, mostly pain management 2. Muscular Dystrophy Progressive weakness & degeneration of skeletal muscles. Wide spectrum: Some children die in infancy while others have mild symptoms into adulthood.

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