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The determinants of health and individual human development of Australian’s children Chapter 7.

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1 The determinants of health and individual human development of Australian’s children
Chapter 7

2 Access to recreational facilities 7.11
Access to recreational facilities has a significant impact on the health and human development of children. Undertaking regular physical activity has huge benefits for the child. The promotion of active play provides children with the opportunity to engage in physical activity that is vital for establishing healthy behaviours Structured play on the other hand involves rules, time limits and special equipment. Unstructured play is often spontaneous and less restricted, such a child being allowed to play freely in the play ground.

3 Activity Please read the case study on page 229, questions 1-3
Test your Knowledge questions 1-4 Apply your knowledge question 6

4 Parental socioeconomic status 7.12
Socioeconomic refers to factors that children are exposed to that affects their health and individual human development. These factors include but are not limited to: Culture, level of education, occupation, economic status martial status and relationships with immediate and extended families. A person level of education is a key determinate their employment, which in turn is linked to their income. These factors alone can have a significant impact on a persons socioeconomic status

5 Parental education, employment status, occupation and income 7.12
Parental education is both the formal education achieved and the level of knowledge that may have been obtained as life experience. Education enables parents to gain the knowledge and skills needed to promote the health and individual human development. Parental employment status has a significant affects on the health and individual human development of children. If the parent is unemployed for a long period of time, the parent may develop depression which may affect the parents ability to meet the needs of their child. Parental income is dependent on the employment status and occupation of the parent. The income level can determine the economic security of families, which can have a significant affect on the health and human development of the individual child.

6 Activity Test your Knowledge questions 1-3
Apply your knowledge question 4

7 Family stress and trauma 7.13
Family stress or trauma can occur as a result of the distressing or frightening event such as; loss of employment, a death in the family, car accidents, bush fires, crime and violence. Each person in the family may react to the event differently depending on how much they feel the event has had a personal affect on them. Both physical health and social health and mental health and development can be affected directly from family stress and trauma.

8 Parental health and disability 7.13
Some parents may live with a chronic illness or disability that does not impact on their capacity to meet the needs of their children In theses cases in particular children’s health and individual human development may be enhanced. Refer to the example on pg of your text book. Caring for a disabled or ill parent may also have an impact on the physical health of a child as it may result in muscle strain, fatigue and exhaustion. Children in this situation are also at a greater risk of developing mental illness.

9 Activity Please answer the Test you knowledge 1-4
Apply your knowledge question 6

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